INSIGHT: We’ve got the vaccines but need to do a much better job persuading the public to take them

By Malcolm Strachan

THE arrival of more vaccines and more assurances will bolster our supply before the year’s end is certainly good news. However, with a void the size of the Grand Canyon in the government’s communication and vaccine education machinery, vaccination hesitancy may still prevail. If it does, you can bet the people of The Bahamas will lose handily.

“Due to the volume of obituaries this week, a continuation of the obituaries are found on pages 13, 14, 15 and 16 in the main section of the paper.”

That’s what the Obituaries section of The Tribune read last week.

As that penetrates your psyche – for the individuals who prefer to not take the vaccine – one has to wonder if any of those departed souls were your family members. Certainly, while we respect the right to choose whether or not to take the vaccine, the part of the conversation rarely ever mentioned is the people who suffered as they exited this world. Some at the end of a full life, others snatched away in their prime, the story remains the same – they were taken too soon. We are battling an equal opportunity killer in COVID-19.

Anyone can be next. Thus, the importance of following public health measures and, even more so, getting vaccinated, remain our best weapons as we continue to duel this invisible force.

As vaccination acceptance and hesitancy continue to fracture our society, much like our constructs that we allow to divide us, we rarely get curious about what is causing such deep division.

Is it religious belief? Could it be political affiliation? Is it the mass hysteria and conflicting narratives surrounding COVID-19 that we’re fed up with?

Whatever it is, it must begin with a question.

We seriously need to investigate what the barriers are from us making our country a safer place for citizens and residents, as well as a destination visitors can come to and return home in one piece.

A study published in the Nature Medicine journal last month sought to ask similar questions looking at global vaccination hesitancy in hopes to discover why in the face of illness, death and economic calamity, people continue to refuse the strongest weapon we have in our arsenal.

The researchers noted vaccine hesitancy, defined by the paper’s authors as “the reluctance of people to receive safe and recommended available vaccines”, was already a growing phenomenon around the world prior to the current global health crisis. Such vaccination hesitancy has led to resurgence in diseases such as measles which reached its highest number of cases in 23 years in 2019.

Five elements were determined to be the drivers of vaccine hesitancy.

These were noted as: “confidence, complacency, convenience (or constraints), risk calculation and collective responsibility.

Dissecting these drivers a bit further, we can ascertain that confidence would have spoken to the vaccine’s ability to protect from the spread of COVID-19; complacency highlights the ‘wait-and-see’ attitude that many people have adopted; convenience and constraints consider the accessibility or lack thereof with respect to vaccines; risk calculation looks at the side effects and possibly the chance that one may still contract COVID-19; and finally, collective responsibility, which factors in how all stakeholders are affected.”

This study revealed lower-middle-income countries had higher acceptance rates than higher income countries such as Russia and the US.

The data showed vaccine acceptance was hinged to an interest in personal protection against the virus. Conversely, hesitancy was caused by concerns of the side effects.

Beyond the common side effects of fatigue, fever, chills and soreness at the site of the injection, which AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson all share, a tiny fraction of the total vaccinated population have experienced more serious side effects.

That is not meant to minimise the affects on an individual, but Bahamians have been taking other immunisations that also have mild to severe side affects and do so without a question.

It begs the question of who we view as the authority that should give us guidance on these matters. Can we hear from those people in a targeted, organised fashion?


The COVID team’s health updates, soundbites from the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, the COVID Consultative Committee and the occasional commercial on the radio are simply not doing the job. Far too many Bahamians are grossly uninformed on this topic. Furthermore, between the offerings from the above mentioned parties and the absurdities bandied about by armchair scientists, the Bahamian people are only getting what amounts to noise, which does not help the hysteria.

The government needs to commission its own research on the vaccines being brought into the country and have town halls on each island and talk to the people in the community directly about their concerns.

Allow the people that have been performing the research since the beginning of vaccine production to provide Bahamians with evidence-based facts. Bring along individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 and allow them to share their stories about what they went through.

Government of The Bahamas, you have to ratchet up your communication with the populace. The average Bahamian is unmoved by seeing government officials and other prominent figures within the community take the jab publicly.

Maybe early on, it was effective to show the populace your confidence.

However, for the thousands that remain unvaccinated, it is safe to say that it’s time to move on to Plan B.

Every family – every Bahamian – needs to become more informed and have their concerns relative to the COVID-19 vaccines alleviated. Otherwise, we are just waiting for more people to die and fear to become the ultimate motivation.

That is hardly a price I want to pay.


carltonr61 says...

90% Bahamians I know took the jab to travel few believe it was for health 50% took it being uninformed and dont give a crap anyway.

Posted 16 August 2021, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

People .....put the fight for your life before your fight against the government. You can't fight the government or vote them out of you're dead.

Posted 17 August 2021, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

But you still want most people to vote for the very corrupt, incompetent, arrogant, nasty and vindictive Minnis, right? LOL

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"vaccination hesitancy may still prevail. If it does, you can bet the people of The Bahamas will lose handily."

...and the threats continue non-stop. You ask why wont we take the vaccine? Constant threats for one. Secondly, we ask why wont you allow us to take all medicines but instead outlaw known cures?

If you seriously dont want people to die then why are you steering them away from prescription medications? In fact, those 2 meds should not even need a prescription.

Anyway, keep up the foolishness and see if it produces sense.

Posted 17 August 2021, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...


Facts UK. 95% hospital covid patients un vaccinated and under 40.

Facts. Age/colour/religious beliefs/nationality/sex. Covid attacks all. Recently two children aged 1 and 5 died from covid.
Facts. Having the jab does not prevent you catching or spreading covid--It reduces dramatically your possible admission to hospital and ICU.
Facts. How can this be a political or world conspiracy when this virus has affected every country in the world.
Fact. Every country has had economic damage from lockdowns.
Fact. The vaccine is based upon research done way back for the Ebola/Sars virus and has undergone rigorous testing..
Fact.Side effects vary from nothing to aches ,sore arms and flue like symptoms. Very very few people have died from the vaccine.
To see intelligent trained nurses in PMH decline the vaccine beggars belief---WHY would you not want protection from this deadly voirus ????

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

And I suppose you also believe the following latest information about consumer prices as published in the Central Bank's March 2021 Quarterly Economic Review:

*"Consumer price inflation—as measured by changes in the average Retail Price Index for The Bahamas—slowed to a muted 0.04% during the twelve months to February, from 2.2% in the comparative period of 2020. Contributing to this outturn, after posting respective increases in the prior year, average costs for communication declined by 8.3%; for transport, by 5.4%; recreation & culture, by 1.5%, and housing, water, gas, electricity & other fuels, by 0.2%. In addition, average prices slowed for health (3.1%), restaurants & hotels (2.6%), alcohol beverages, tobacco & narcotics (2.4%) and furnishing, household equipment & maintenance (1.9%). In a modest offset, inflation rates quickened for miscellaneous goods and services (3.3%), food & non-alcoholic beverages (1.9%) and clothing & footwear (1.2%). Further, the average price decrease moderated for education (2.4%)."*

Sadly, government data here in The Bahamas, like so many other countries today, is all too often manipulated for political and other purposes.

Posted 17 August 2021, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Fact: 95% of the population is fine. This is not an anti-vaccine statement. Its an aniti *holier than thou forcing you to put something in your body* statement.

Posted 17 August 2021, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

In spite of the perceived threats, you remain unvaccinated.....which means your rights have not been taken away.....choice remains yours to retain and vigorously protect your unvaccinated status.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Only because there are more of us than you. That why they want 75 to 80 percent jabbed. Then they can drop the hammer on the 20%. How can you be so blind on this? You read my post above where medications are outlawed? Why would medications suddenly be outlawed if you believe there is a pandemic?

Posted 17 August 2021, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

sooner they understand its a matter of choice and place regulations in place to keep all safe then we can get on with life as regular. Vax is not the answer and it takes more than the vax to get over this hurdle.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

The regulations are wash hands, wear masks, social distance.....remember????

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Wearing anything but an expensive medical grade mask does nothing to protect you or anyone else. And staying indoors in a poorly ventilated environment and social distancing at 6 feet is farcical when you consider that transmission of the Wuhan virus and its variants is mainly done in aerosol form (literally by the lightest of air vapors) which can linger in the air for up to 15 minutes or more after an infected vaccinated or unvaccinated person has exhaled.

Those who are more vulnerable (age 65+ with one or more serious co-morbidities) should consult with their own physician about the need to get vaccinated, especially if they have aleady been infected, recovered and developed natural immunity.

Posted 17 August 2021, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Oop! Major typo. Last part of last sentence should read: "........, especially if they have **not already** been infected, recovered and developed natural immunity."

Posted 17 August 2021, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

emergency orders.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...…

doubt if it will get anywhere to could sue for injury from a 100% safe 7 month old vaccine.

Posted 17 August 2021, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

You know you are reading from the uninformed when a person can say this…….“Bahamians have been taking other immunisations that also have mild to severe side affects and do so without a question.”
Inoculation was one thing. Immunization is another. Vaccination is another thing. Read folks, just research before you write please. Research when you read too! This is semantics, using words disingenuously. COVID is new and therefore, even if they could create a vaccine of the type we have been used to, any medically induced immunization is also new. How could it be otherwise? This person HAS NOT read the science, does not even understand what this new so-called “vaccine” is or …..they set out to deceive you. Either way….credible? Confidence builder?

Posted 19 August 2021, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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