Issues with the Travel Health Visa

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Our family operate several travel agencies in southern England and have sent clients to The Bahamas for many years. My late parents purchased a property there and we have enjoyed wonderful holidays over the years. It was always pleasing to send people for Bahamas holidays.

However, very regrettably, the interest of clients in visiting there has declined to very low levels. We have had COVID-19 restrictions on international travel and The Bahamas trips are not encouraged. However, looking ahead for winter and spring trips has been almost non-existent not only because of your high rate of infection but because your Minister of Tourism is persisting in keeping his Travel Health Visa. People simply do not want all the red tape involved. We can send them to many other Caribbean destinations without problems. They simply show proof of double vaccinations and they are on their way.

From reading The Tribune and contacts in Nassau it appears that the Visa has become a money making operation for the Government and those of its associates who operate the payment procedure operation. It appears not really for health reasons. The recent comments of the Minister that he does not trust airline check-in agents to know the vaccination results is ludicrous. Both in the U.K. and Canada all the proof of vaccination certificates are government documents. Many of the American states are in a similar pattern. It is a very feeble excuse. He insists that he wants to “protect Bahamians” but he has rescinded the need for Health Visas for “vaccinated”cruise ship passengers arriving from Florida. Your newspaper reports on the Minister’s many meetings with cruise line executives. Apparently their ships are exempt from the rules he has imposed. Why are they being treated differently?

The news this past week here that Bahamian politicians are bickering as to who should take credit for getting rid of The Queen’s portrait on your Bahamian banknotes is very poor publicity for your country. It angers many people. It reduces The Bahamas from a country of high international standards and valued Commonwealth member to a low grade third world nation. Where was the thought process in that move?

As of yesterday we have no bookings for The Bahamas through to the end of April in any of our agencies. We are living in a very competitive travel business world. Unlike years ago your country now has a lot of serious competitors who are only too willing to take the visitors whom you are turning away by the many poorly conceived policies of your Ministry of Tourism. You need to immediately heed the warnings of the other travel agents and concerned people whose feelings have been expressed in The Tribune for over a year. Without tourism how will the Bahamian economy ever revive? The Bahamian public should be greatly alarmed at the current situation.


Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire,


August 14, 2021.


Alan1 says...

I thoroughly agree with everything this writer has expressed. The Health Visa is deterring visitors from coming here because they can go to so many other nations without all the hassles. If people are fully vaccinated and have their certificates they are legitimate. Check in agents at their local airport are well aware of the validity of the certificates from their area. The Government and its friends with the payment system are all making money with this Visa so likely they do not want to end it. However it is turning people off coming here. We desperately need a revival of tourism not putting up roadblocks in coming here.
Our Queen who has given The Commonwealth of Nations tremendous service for 70 years does not deserve to be eliminated from our currency. As our Head of State she deserves our respect and support. I understand this controversy has made the news in Canada and the U.K. and likely other Commonwealth countries. It is bad publicity and makes us look like a deteriorating third world country. The Queen is more popular than any of our politicians. A new currency note with her image should be introduced right away to correct this situation. Why could the Government not place Arthur Hanna on $3 note and restore that denomination and leave The Queen on the $100 bill?

Posted 16 August 2021, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

" Why could the Government not place Arthur Hanna on $3 note and restore that denomination and leave The Queen on the $100 bill?"

Because, in my opinion, she is a white person. CRT graduating from a theory to a reality.

Posted 17 August 2021, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Ohhhhh geez! If you are fully vaccinated, the online process to get the Bahamas Health Visa is actually very simple and only takes 5 minutes. I've personally completed this process on two occasions in the past 4 months for myself, my wife, and two teenage daughters. Again, that is IF you are fully vaccinated. If you are vaccinated, the process is more cumbersome.
As for cost, if you are fully vaccinated, the cost if $45 per person. If you aren't fully vaccinated, the cost is $65 per person. To me, the only "issue" with the online Health Visa is the cost -- not necessarily the process of getting it approved.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

...if you AREN'T fully vaccinated, the process is more cumbersome.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

FYI all the flights coming from the UK are full. Yes it's a hassle, but visitors are still coming.

Posted 17 August 2021, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The point of the travel visa is well taken.

Then he goes very low when he wrights of the queen's portrait as appose to Mr: Arthur Hanna's and for this the. The Bahamas has become a low-grade third world Country.

The mighty has spoken. It is his view. But there are many Bahamians who are proud of. their
country. and do not consider the Bahamas any less than any other country.


Posted 17 August 2021, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

my travel visa application was Friday at 10am, it was not approved until Monday mid-day. absolutely unacceptable! Are they sleeping all the weekend ?!

Posted 17 August 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Prime Dominoes playing time

Posted 17 August 2021, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

I've done it twice online over the past few months. Both times, it was approved in literally 10 minutes or less. It was super easy and quick.

Posted 17 August 2021, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

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