Wells asks his aides to forego payment


Tribune Senior Reporter


HEALTH Minister Renward Wells said he has asked his driver and personal assistant to return the $1,158.40 the government gave them in honorarium payments as a sickout persisted among some 300 healthcare workers in New Providence and Grand Bahama for a fifth day yesterday.

Mr Wells said he made no recommendations about who should receive the honorarium. In a statement last night, he said to date 308 doctors, 644 nurses, 111 emergency medical services staff and 669 non-clinical staff have received honorariums ranging from about $1,000 to $5,000.

 “This group consisted of laboratory technicians, administrative, clerical, transport, security, custodial and other support staff in the Ministry of Health,” he said.

 He said he is taking the list of those who were nominated to get an honorarium but have yet to receive it to Cabinet for review.

 During the budget debate in June, Mr Wells revealed that the government allocated $640,600 to 143 frontline healthcare workers who volunteered during the first wave of COVID-19. The administration also approved $3m in gifts for about 1,700 healthcare workers who contributed to the COVID-19 fight.

 The lists of people who received the gifts appeared to be released last week, prompting questions from healthcare workers about why some received the gift and others did not.

 The revelation that Mr Wells’ driver and personal assistant received the gifts helped fuel the ire of some workers. The PHA said in a statement last week that department heads submitted names of people who should get the honorariums. Yesterday, Mr Wells said the people who received an honorarium were recommended by a select committee within the Ministry of Health.

 “This committee was to make the decision based on the criteria approved by Cabinet for those who willingly stepped forward during the period 19th March to 18th June, 2020, and for those who later joined the fight in the Ministry of Health,” he said. “I shall be taking the list of those who were nominated to receive and yet to receive an honorarium to Cabinet for review to ensure that Cabinet’s intent has been upheld and met as directed.”

 Some PHA workers protested outside Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday morning and made it clear they will not back down until they are given money.

 “The late Michael Jackson said they don’t really care about us,” one woman, Brendalee Seymour, shouted in an interview with Eyewitness News. “Enough is enough and I done got it up here. We ain’ giving up the fight until we get our money. We want it now. If they fire me today I say to God be the glory ‘cause guess what, I gon’ stand up for my right and I gon’ stand up for my people.”

 A union source told this newspaper yesterday: “Based on persons who were given honorariums, there have been no clear criteria for the honorarium. It’s a no-brainer that everyone in PHA should receive it. If the minister’s driver could get and his personal assistant can get, what part of the frontline they been on?”

 The Tribune understands that representatives of the Bahamas Public Services Union and healthcare unions were scheduled to meet top PHA officials at 3.30pm yesterday evening. Up to press time yesterday, however, the outcome of that meeting was unclear.

PHA acknowledged in a statement that because of the sick-out, which affected Princess Margaret Hospital, Grand Bahama Health Services and Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre, people should continue to expect delays in accessing services.

  “Affected institutions have implemented measures to mitigate the effects of staff shortages where possible,” PHA said. “The authority is recommending, where possible, the public access services at community clinics for non-urgent care.

 “PMH is experiencing limited staffing in the grounds, housekeeping, laundry, food services, radiology and laboratory services departments. Morgue resumed services today with the release of remains. Identification of remains will resume today (Tuesday). Blood bank resumed services today. Laboratory services at Agape Clinic, 4th Terrance, Centreville, are suspended until further notice.”

 Doctors and nurses have largely continued to work but the sick-out is likely impacting the health outcomes of some Bahamians, two top doctors told this newspaper yesterday. Stories of delays abound, with one doctor reportedly receiving results of an X-ray days after requesting the service.

 BPSU, which represents many of the healthcare workers, has not filed a trade dispute in the matter because industrial agreements do not cover such gifts from the government.

 Robert Farquharson, former director of labour and current executive manager of the Ministry of Labour, said yesterday that honorariums are not considered in collective bargaining agreements.

 “Bonuses and different payments are considered but honorariums are a gift from the government of the Bahamas,” he said.

 He added it is unusual for sick-outs to last this long.

 “Usually they last for two days,” he said. “But five days, this is more serious than we thought. People may need to look at if they are legitimately ill. You’re talking about impacting the lives of Bahamians. Somebody has to intervene.”

 Some in PHA and the unions have questioned the response of PHA’s leadership team to the controversy.

 “It’s a clear problem in leadership style,” one source said. “This would be unheard of in previous managerial staff. (Former PHA Managing Director) Herbert (Brown) would speak with staff and department heads and see how he could bring it to a resolution.”

 Another source said: “Mr Brown would’ve already fixed the situation a long time ago and he would’ve taken the bull by the horns. He wouldn’t have needed to call no minister. He knows the healthcare system and who should be awarded and when the entire staff needs to be given consideration.”


ohdrap4 says...

How ignonimious to be called to task by BAH PRESS.

Posted 17 August 2021, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 17 August 2021, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

he strikes again

Posted 17 August 2021, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal


Such a joke

Posted 17 August 2021, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

There is a propensity for this behaviour with this minister. He also has the right amount of shameless arrogance that reflects poorly on the country. There is nothing worse than an image of a shameless thug with little or no regard for the rules of honesty and fair governance.

Returning the funds, in itself, is a submission that a wrong was clearly committed and, as such, someone should be held responsible as a matter of principle. The view that The Bahamas is a corrupt country is widely believed, and this situation furthers that belief.

* The Minister remains at the centre of the Letter of Intent (LOI) and the Stella $727.364 million damages claim.
* The RTD Vanity Plate Printer $900,000.00 Budget Request
* Now his driver and personal assistant honorarium

The Bahamas don't need this level of questionable representation, and a cold face submission doesn't correct this bold and egregious act of dishonesty.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

If he wanted his driver and aide to have lil something, he should have used his own funds.

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

And would you also say the same thing about ***your*** most worshipful Minnis who has doled out by far more 'candy' to his favoured ones than any other PM in the history of The Bahamas? lol

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

You're the only one who seems to be overly obsessive about the PM and unable to disengage from talking about the PM ad nauseum.

Posted 17 August 2021, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I thought not. lol

Posted 17 August 2021, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

So... his driver and assistant weren't entitled to the honorarium payment?? I mean, if they were then surely they should/would keep it?
This dude is constantly backing up after doing something. SMH.

Posted 17 August 2021, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...


Posted 17 August 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Touché !

Posted 17 August 2021, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

If this is how they manage funds at one ministry now I know why there are so many demonstrations at other ministry. The administration cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Even in a deadly pandemic with people risking their lives to save others they are passing off money to select people that is meant for those actually making a sacrifice.

Posted 17 August 2021, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

I recall a lump sum exercise at an organization I worked for. We were promised 5000-- which, with the passage of time, turned into "up to 5000".

We were called one by one to find out the size of the largesse. The parallels with this story is uncanny.

Those in position just victimize people. I was shocked to find out what was offered yo me. On payday, many got as much as 5 times more than me. I got zero, they got 5 times zero.

It is actually disgusting that govt entities would act in such patronizing manner.

Posted 17 August 2021, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Finally, a former — **previously scandal-free multiple-political party** — individual, surfaces as the Red party's leader-in-waiting — **so handpicked by** — **Thee** Mr. Minnis?
And, **goodness me**,— one with a sense of how to best share in allocating the PopoulacesPurse's $500,000 —To handsomely gift his own — **chauffeur and bodyguard.**— Comrades, you just can't make this shi# up — And, the gifting monies —had to have been signatory approved by **THEE** substantive minister of finance, aka PM —Yes?

Posted 17 August 2021, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

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