Doctors ‘overwhelmed’ - and distressed at election call


Tribune Chief Reporter

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ announcement of a general election next month has distressed senior doctors who along with other medical workers have shouldered the burden of a COVID-19 induced near collapse of the nation’s healthcare systems.

Dr Sabriquet Pinder-Butler, president of the Consultant Physicians Staff Association, said not only was the news ill timed, but it was “troubling” because both private and public facilities were already overwhelmed.

She said it was extremely “frightening” to come to grips with what now looks like an inevitable skyrocketing of COVID-19 cases in the lead up to Election Day on September 16.

Before Dr Pinder-Butler’s fears were laid bare, Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan told reporters that officials were hoping that people followed measures put in place to safeguard against contracting the virus.

“…We would have to take into consideration those measures in order for us to keep the people safe and to keep safe as we do what is required for the country,” Dr McMillan said before the arrival of more than 38,000 Johnson & Johnson vaccines. “So, I anticipate that public health measures will continue to be followed.”

Still, knowing all that election seasons usually entails, the CPSA president said healthcare providers were gravely concerned.

This comes against the backdrop of industrial action for an eighth day impacting public health institutions. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force has also had to assign some of its chefs to work alongside Princess Margaret Hospital’s kitchen staff to meet patients’ meal demands, confirmed RBDF Commodore Raymond King yesterday.

“We’ve seen in other countries that they’ve had elections and it caused insurmountable increases in COVID cases and we already cannot handle what we’re having happen right now,” Dr Pinder-Butler said in an interview with The Tribune.

“So, this is extremely concerning and frightening for us as a healthcare team knowing that we’re already more than beyond deep in the battle of what we’re having and trying to save lives and now we know that elections have been called and we know what tends to come along with that so it's very concerning.

“At this point in time we are praying. We ask everyone to please do their best to try to stay safe. Avoid the crowds. Please wear your masks and please follow the protocols because you know we’re really in a sad state.”

She continued: “I am very distressed. I think most of our healthcare workers are probably beyond distressed. I know for me this is a reality that you never wanted to happen where your healthcare system is bursting at the seams. You cannot help as (many) patients as you would like to care for.

“You know that the private healthcare institution is also saying the same thing and they are having to choose who is going to be on a ventilator and all of these types of things and beyond that we have a country where we are separated by islands. So, people who need care, some of them can’t reach here because of what’s happening and we know outbreaks are happening.”

She added: “We’re having outbreaks in other places as well and when campaigning is going on and these things happen, we have more people moving to these islands and we can’t provide the care needed.

“As a healthcare provider you never want to be in a situation as a doctor and I am sure nurses and everyone else don’t want to be in a situation where we can’t help people.

“Every day we know people are dying. We know people can’t access the care because we don’t have what is needed. So, to put ourselves in a potential situation for those numbers to go up that is troubling, deeply troubling.

“…We live here and are in the community. We’re also dealing with all of these things simultaneously and trying our best to stay safe, but the numbers are overwhelming and now you’re talking about having elections and campaigning that we know tends to cause numbers to increase.

“That is not something that we would welcome at all.”

She made an impassioned plea for people to follow health protocols.

“I don’t know that this was the best time. I don’t think that it is.

“All those things considered when we’re seeing what we’re seeing now it is absolutely something that we are watching and definitely praying about.

“Again, I think because things have already gone forward, we ask again for the public to please use wisdom. Please do not get caught up in the campaigning. Be mindful of who is coming by your home, and we wouldn’t encourage people to be allowing strangers to come in their homes.

“It’s not safe. We know that perhaps we have (the) Delta (variant) here and that means it’s very easy for people to pass on the virus. So, it is really not the most ideal time, all things considered,” Dr Pinder-Butler said yesterday.


Entrepreneur says...

From a public health perspective given what I know about Delta, and elections, this was very foolish to call this now.

Posted 20 August 2021, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... and to think the election was called by a doctor who is 'concerned about lives'!

Posted 20 August 2021, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Amidst the noise and confusion and with sick and dead bodies all around, who will steal the country’s most valuable treasure and run away with it?

Posted 20 August 2021, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Maybe he's hoping noone will show up. Its extremely curoous adding these curfews to every island but then creating an event where 200,000 people have to show up and share ink wells, pens and voters booths.

Posted 20 August 2021, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Thisisyours; I am not going to share my own voting booth with no one, and no one uses ink wells now. You are showing your age.

Posted 20 August 2021, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

really? A. I claim it! B. when I voted in 2017 you had to dip your thumb in some ink dye thing, Maybe its not called an ink well..the point is youre sharing it. And C. I earned my age, its a blessing, many sadly didnt make it, this year more than was necessary

Posted 20 August 2021, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Jamaica is suffering a similar uptick in Covid cases and are going back to 7 day full lockdown.

Meanwhile, Bahamas PM Minnis calls a general election amidst the largest surge to date and tells the people "Its about their future"!!

Posted 20 August 2021, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

I would think that mass vaccinations combined with election campaigning and voting would be super spreading events...To me this just proves that government is not following health 'science or data' and every emergency power has been a sham since the beginning. If COVID was the deadly disease (rather than the latest fart that sends our crumbing health system falling) then this is just a idiotic move and speaks to a more dire need - money. The speaker intimated as much 3/4 weeks ago - elections would be called soon because without the stability of another 5 years lenders won't be writing checks...

Posted 21 August 2021, 4:51 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*speaks to a more dire need - money.*"

agree. Anyone in the FNM who thinks this is a great time for an election needs their head examined. It has to be a move of desperation. I suppose they believe by Sep 16 the cases will go down, and that's possible, the wave started in July and would have had 3 months at least to infect everybody and fizzle naturally, they could then take credit for saving the Bahamas from the crisis they created. Leaving any longer theyd have to facce the outrage over the covid no bid contracts, Renward Wells and typical dwindling summer tourism numbers and layoffs, so yes, now looks like a great time

Posted 21 August 2021, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

So now these doctors are concerned? But they never been upset about limits on HCQ? Since when doctors dont care if their patients have restrictions on accessing medication? These doctors must be fake.

Posted 21 August 2021, 7:12 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

I will vote for the FNM representative in my constituency but I fervently hope thay Minnis loses his seat and goes down in a ball of flames.

Posted 21 August 2021, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

All nations fully vaccinated according CDC European heath authorities saw a 100% bloom in cases shortly afterward. The Bahamas is a number in this game WHO knows the horrible outcomes yet they murderous ly stick to this agenda. The Russian vaccine Sputnik V saw its first birthday last week. It is the safest vaccine to maintains efficacy of 93. Osays he is working nly three weeks WHO head said he is working on the legal framework. Wrested experiamtal vaccines so far will force the vaccinated to endure four booster shots according to FDA vaccinated persons spread Covid and could get sick. At the end of the day big powers Canada and France are pushing the Vax pass even though after five months you are no longer vaccinated. This thing deep.

Posted 22 August 2021, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Which nations have fully vaccinated populations?

Posted 22 August 2021, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

This year should have been biometric online voting.

Posted 23 August 2021, 3:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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