Full approval for Pfizer vaccine


Tribune Chief Reporter


TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar yesterday said he was hopeful more Bahamians will now get vaccinated against COVID-19, following the US Food and Drug Administration’s full approval of the Pfizer vaccine.

Speaking to The Tribune, the minister said he believed the new approval yesterday would shore up uncertainty among many about the safety of the two-dose vaccine.

“I am encouraged and hopefully anyone who was deciding not to take the vaccine because it was ‘emergency use authorisation only’ now that it is cleared as a safe to use vaccine will tip even more people to take the vaccine as a way to fight this virus,” Mr D’Aguilar said.

“I am delighted to hear that because there were people wavering based on the approval so that is good.”

 He also explained the government’s reasoning for implementing new measures for cruise ship passengers.

 The new rule, which takes effect September 3 to November 1, states that cruise ships will not be allowed to enter a port in The Bahamas unless passengers aged 12 and older are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Captain and crew members must also present a manifest to the port medical officer that discloses the vaccination status of all persons prior to arriving at the port with few exceptions.

 The policy, outlined in an emergency order issued last week, said exceptions to the vaccination requirement will be made in cases of emergencies, “in other exigent circumstances approved by the government” or if a passenger has a medical excuse for not being vaccinated.

 The new guideline also does not apply to “crew, contractors and any non-revenue passenger” under existing protocols previously agreed upon between the government and cruise lines.

 The minister said it was important to adjust protocols considering an uptick in cases in The Bahamas and all around the world.

 Mr D’Aguilar said: “This is part of the package that we rolled out first with the airlines. People who are vaccinated, we now require them to get a COVID test to enter the country given the huge increase in the number of COVID cases worldwide as a result of the Delta variant. So, we decided to reimpose that requirement.

 “You will remember that at the beginning of 2021 when the United States was experiencing about 260,000 cases a day. Then by May it had gone down to 11,000 and then the Delta variant came and now it’s up to 150,000 to 160,000 a day.

 “As this virus twists and turns, it is necessary that we adjust our health protocols accordingly,” he continued. “So, as we did to the airlines, we also decided on the cruise lines to ensure that every person over the age of 12 be vaccinated with very few exceptions.

 “In our minds that’s good for the cruise industry because that contributes to a lower number of cases or outbreaks. It’s good for business and it’s also good for Bahamians in the sense that now we know that everyone coming into the country on a cruise ship is vaccinated and the evidence and the science points to the more people are vaccinated it lessens the ability to spread and then obviously your ability to have to go to the hospital.

 “Anybody that is on a cruise ship and happens to get sick in The Bahamas is at the expense of the cruise line flown out of the country at their expense, so it never becomes a burden to the Bahamian people but by making this requirement that everyone’s vaccinated we think it’s good for everybody in that it limits and contributes to less outbreaks on the cruise ship.

 “As you are well aware, the more outbreaks on a cruise ship it is really bad for business. People hear about it and then they don’t want to go on the ships,” Mr D’Aguilar said.

 Pfizer-BioNTech is the first COVID-19 vaccine to get FDA approval.

It means the vaccine will now be marketed as “Comirnaty for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older,” the FDA said.

The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorisation (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immuno-compromised individuals.


TalRussell says...

**It calls hairy set manscaped ministerial balls** for Tourism Aviation's Comrade Dionisio James to latch onto the USA's Food and Drug Administration’s full approval of the Pfizer vaccine. — But remember, it's the same Red Party that has chosen as its 2021 general election campaign slogan — **“It’s About — The Popoulaces Future.”** — Em's goin' need hair shaving razor-sharp bladed Lawn Mower — trimming them balls — goin' take at least three passes mulch down those prickly hairs. — Yes?

Posted 24 August 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

if its that much hair, how will they ever find the ministerial balls?

Posted 25 August 2021, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

This is a perfect example of when politics clashes with science anf good medical care. The Pfizer vaccine has been fully approved in the US and Joe Biden wants to keep jabbing Americans anf shipping vaccines abroad to smaller ( and poorer) nations because that was his campaign platform. He now also wants to start giving Americans a third jab, come September 20 and also injecting children under 22 around the same time, BUT the manufacturers of several vaccines brands, INCLUDING PFIZER are saying wait, slow down, not too fast. The vaccines are losing effectiveness against some strains of the virus, including the Delta virus and some vaccinated people are walking around with as much viral loads as unvaccinated persons. And since they show no symptoms until they become ill, they are indeed super spreaders. THE VACCINE COMPANIES, several of them do not support the plan to start giving third dose mass vaccinations, but suggests only ‘at risk’ persons should be vaccinated a third time. The results can be catastrophic; vaccinated people can become Eve more super carriers as their viral lads may increase and they may start to infect persons who only had s second dose. And the virus can rapidly mutate, creating a vaccine resistant strain and the results of that will not go well. But right now Biden intends to do what is politically most favorable for him. If these leaders were trying to enforce the other safety protocols as they are trying to force the vaccines, the pandemic would be less than half what it is. How it is you cannot force someone to wear masks, even on commercial airlines, where fines to physically resistant passengers exceed $1 million, but you want people fired and excommunicated for not taking a vaccine at your command?

Posted 24 August 2021, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It's just SO FUNNY how the FDA reviews data provided by the companies themselves - LOL. They don't conduct any studies and don't commission any universities to conduct studies. They just ask the company, "Can you send us over some number that show that your product is totally safe and effective?" and company replied "Sure thing, we will fire up our random number generator and filter it through a few formulas in a spreadsheet and shoot that right over to ya. By the way, don't forget to send us the name of those over there who are getting ready to retire, we many have well paid directorships and other positions over here that only require showing up for 4 hours per month and pay a salary with more zeros than I can write on this page. Glad to be of service."

But will the people believe us? Sure they will. They believe whatever CNN tells them to.

Posted 24 August 2021, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

You are truly an imbecile if you believe it works like that. Hopefully you are just being facetious.

And FYI, the FDA does conduct some studies themselves to verify certain data. Clinical Trials are NOT performed by the Pharma companies themselves, they are performed by independent CRO's, who generate the data.

Most drugs (9 out of 10) being developed do not get approved, that is why approved drugs can be very costly as the pharma companies have to recoup the Billions of dollars they spend developing drugs that never make it to market.

Posted 24 August 2021, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Oh so you say the FDA does conduct "some" studies - just not om the most important one facing the world at the moment. I guess they figure too many of their scientists would have to "commit suicide" and be replaced and with all the capitol police from Jan 6th "committing suicide" lately there is the miniscule chance that the sheep might put 2 and 2 together.


Posted 24 August 2021, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

All data is audited, including raw data, period !!
And, I don't just say so, I actually know so - first hand !

FDA audits all drug companies, manufacturers, suppliers, CRO's etc, on a regular basis and they have to be 'approved' by FDA otherwise they are not able to market the drug in the US, or progress to the next phase of studies. FDA approval is required all along the pre-clinical & clinical program, before any drug can be progressed to the next phase of development.

And really, you have to provide a link to The Daily Expose which only came into existence in Nov 2020, and is run by a Fabrication & Machining Co.


I guess you are an imbecile !

Posted 24 August 2021, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Is that similar kind of stuff happening over at the local stock exchange — they believe whatever the stocks promoters #1 stock to buy/dump recommendation during today's trading. — The Insurance Companies — hike their Policyholders' — Home and Health Premiums — then rush report — increased Dividends cheques is in da Royal Mail —Yes?

Posted 24 August 2021, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

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