Signs, signs everywhere . . .


Tribune Staff Reporter

WITH some Bahamians shaking their heads over the proliferation of election paraphernalia on the streets, one environmentalist has branded the excessive signage as “ridiculous” and “over the top”.

“The country is in debt. The hospitals are full. There are people who are still getting food through a food service because they’ve lost their job. That money would’ve been way better spent feeding those people than throwing their garbage all about the place causing eyesores wherever you go,” said Sam Duncombe of reEarth.

New Providence residents have complained about the sheer number of lawn signs and posters placed throughout the streets, predominantly by the Free National Movement and the Progressive Liberal Party.

There were also reports yesterday that some of the political paraphernalia was blown about the streets due to the windy weather.

Ms Duncombe pointed out the environmental impact and a waste of money these tactics are.

“They think that we don’t know who the parties are involved in elections. The fact that most of them are plastic after we just banned [single] use plastic it’s just so hypocritical,” she said.

“The problem is that it is primarily plastic stuff which hopefully at the end of it all will be collected and thrown into the dump but it’s a waste. Plastic takes hundreds of years to degrade and the fact that, like I said, the environmental issues are one thing. We’ve got major issues in this country and that’s all the political parties can think to do with their money is to throw signs about the place. It’s absolutely ridiculous.”

She suggested that technology could be used instead. “If you’re going to spend money, spend it on social media... use technology to pass out your word ... instead of wasting money, wasting resources.”

When asked to respond to the public’s backlash about the proliferation of the campaign signage, FNM chairman Carl Culmer said he had “no comment at this time”. However, he noted the party will clean up their items.

“Whatever signs have fallen down, we have a team that goes out and does what is necessary whatever needs to be done with that,” he said.

Asked if his party will clean up any signs that may have blown away due to the weather, PLP chairman Fred Mitchell said “our people will seek to keep things in order”.

He also said political parties have 30 days after an election to remove paraphernalia from the streets and the PLP will comply with this.


TalRussell says...

**Comrade Ms. Sister Sammy's** voice, — yanks masks right off the windy political hypocrisy, **those responsible,** ordering — double-sided half-inch thick — **criminally banned plastic paraphernalia's, paraphernalia's** — is being blown everywhere's, everywhere's — caught by Sister Sammy — whilst criminally engaged in act rubbishin' up we colony's streets and jibs. — Yes?

Posted 26 August 2021, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Someone alert Marvin Dames, arrest the wind for stealing those signs! I hope someone has live video of the wind in the act, this blatant disregard for private property has to come to an end.

Posted 26 August 2021, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@Comrade ThisIs, what are you so guilty of — makes you so afraid — Winds, Yes?

Posted 26 August 2021, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yes. The Wind cant behave

Posted 26 August 2021, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

“THIS IS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE”…translated as: …. we don’t care about environmental issues….read the doublethink and don’t expect a future!
“A NEW DAY”…translated as: we trash as we please…we’ll give you a new normal…we don’t care about laws that make sense, like…no littering!
“CHANGE THAT MAKES SENSE” …one, tastefully green (environmentally friendly), sign for each roundabout entrance. That’s different. One sign, no garbage, makes sense (hmmm)
AND THEN there’s the…We care about our nation and didn’t trash it with the mustard and ketchup;… (Are they serving up junk food or food for the Bahamian soul?)
Choose Bahamas!

Posted 26 August 2021, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

They should have used all that money spent on signs to give poor families $50 each to go shop for some grocery then they wouldn't have to be begging me in the food store.

Posted 26 August 2021, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**Right, Free Speech** — should not be used to label a fellow human as — **a Beggar,** — just for asking for a helping hand go to over to Grocerman's Rupert's store buy fresh vegetables and tin Corned Beef with **his** money and have sufficient money to make a basic meal for other members' household. **It is not your decision** — what he/she does with it. — Yes?

Posted 26 August 2021, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

That both parties had the same dumb idea and went overboard on a tit for tat sign placement battle really indicates we need a political upgrade.
I the case of the guy charged with destroying or removing signs, a value was given of $10/each sign. This just further indicts both parties.
What a waste.

Posted 26 August 2021, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The most damning part of it is when confronted with the sheer stupidity of this, neither has lifted a finger to correct it. They both prefer to barrel doen the road rather than admit it was a gross mistake. Thats why we have 10, 20 people dying every week. Dumb border control decisions that nobody wants to admit were mistakes. Lets wait a bit, maybe noone else will die. Have an election in the mean time why not.

Posted 26 August 2021, 8:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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