Confidence from Carmichael candidates


CANDIDATES for the Carmichael constituency presented themselves at Gerald Cash Primary School for nomination on Friday, each expressing full confidence that they will win the seat for their respective political parties.

Works Minister Desmond Bannister, who won the constituency in 2017, former Progressive Liberal Party Cabinet minister Keith Bell (pictured left) and Democratic National Alliance leader Arinthia Komolafe are all vying for the seat.

Nine-year-old Tyronique Taylor, a student of Gerald Cash Primary School, presented Mr Bannister as the FNM’s candidate to presiding officer Gregory Butler. Mr Bannister told the press he is confident that the FNM will retain governance.

“The Bahamian people are going to support the Free National Movement,” he said. “At the same time we are going to be socially distancing in this election. We are going to follow the law, follow all the protocols and stay safe. We want everyone to exercise their democratic rights safely.

“There is a democracy in our country, which has been unchallenged throughout our history. We’ve always been able to have free and fair elections and I am just grateful that the people of Carmichael nominated me to carry their banner in this election. We continued to build the Carmichael community. We are not in this for glamour or show.

“We are in this to do the job we are doing for our communities. The people of Carmichael have confidence in me. I feel that confidence will continue throughout this election based on everything that’s said. We have a lot more work to do. As a nation, there has never been a four year period in the history of our country where so much has been accomplished,” he said.

Mrs Komalafe showed up to nominate with a full Junkanoo contingent playing melodies that had even press core and school staff dancing. She nominated herself and said in the next few weeks she and her party will be more visible.

“This is a great day,” said Mrs Komolafe, who wore an elaborate Junkanoo headpiece. “It is good for me to be back home. In 2017, I was in Killarney. That was my new home, but this is my old homestead so it’s good to be here to put myself forward for the people that helped to raise me and make me who I am.”

She said the DNA will be speaking about its policies and promoting its candidates in the coming days and weeks.

“. . .We believe that this is the best opportunity that we have now to enter the House of Parliament and we are very confident in our chances in this election. We are very confident. This is our third time going into a general election. We believe that the third time's the charm. “We’ve put a lot of work in over the last four years.”

For his part, Mr Bell said he is confident the PLP will win on September 16. He said the PLP is promoting vaccinations and a safe general election campaign.

“. . .My family is vaccinated, our supporters are fully vaccinated or awaiting their second shots. Apart from that we have been following the protocols to the tee,” Mr Bell said.

He said the upcoming election is a critical one.

“I think this is going to be the most critical election since the 1967 election because it will determine our economic stability. I think the prime minister did this country a grave disservice, especially young people, because he called a snap election and he did that to disenfranchise young people and those people who did not have the chance to go and register.

“He is using tactics and at the same time violating the fundamental rights enshrined in our written constitution. He is hoping for low voter turnout. He is hoping that all those persons who didn’t get a chance to register, enables him to get across the finish line. We remain steadfast and immovable.”

Three other people are vying for the Carmichael seat. They are Charlotte Green from the Coalition for Independents, Thomas O’Brien Knowles, an independent candidate, and Samuel Allen Johnson, of Kingdom Government Movement.


ohdrap4 says...

In thus state of covid, would you lend your child to serve as a prop to a politician?

She is too young to be vaccinated and this man could give her and her family Covid.

Posted 28 August 2021, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Keep talking ya Covid nonsense while people starving from no job, committing suicide, and dying of all kinda disease and hesrt attacks cause they afraid to go to hospital.
Of course, yall think everyone who dies now dies from Covid, like the guy who got swallowed by the alligator last week in the Everglades.

Posted 30 August 2021, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

All they gonna do is split the opposition vote and the FNM will get that seat.

Posted 30 August 2021, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

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