EDITORIAL: Don’t let vaccine go to waste

THERE are 20,000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that could end up being thrown away by the end of the year – what an absolute waste that would be.

Around the world, there are whole countries crying out for access to vaccines – and here we are with doses on the shelf that could wind up being thrown away because people won’t go and get their shots.

Earlier this year, researchers predicted that some of the poorest countries won’t get access to vaccines until 2023. How can we turn up our noses at doses of a vaccine that other nations are still waiting for?

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is even effective after only one dose, so for those who don’t want to get the double shot, it can be one and done.

There’s another possibility too – the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention updated their advice just this week, and say that when it comes to getting a booster shot, you can use any of the COVID vaccines that are authorised, so you could get a Johnson & Johnson booster even if your original jabs were from Moderna or Pfizer. The AstraZeneca vaccine has not yet been approved for use in the United States, so the CDC advice may not apply there.

But that does give the possibility of opening up the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as a booster shot.

Already, Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Michael Darville had suggested that might be something that could be done for people who were immunocompromised or older in age – well, if it’s a case of use it or lose it, open up that booster availability to all with the Johnson & Johnson shots.

Make it easy for people too – make the vaccines available where people live. Set up pop-up clinics to offer jabs in the areas most underserved.

We are in a fortunate position to have vaccines available when so many other countries do not – so let’s make the most of that.

If you still have to get your vaccination at all, then a single shot of Johnson & Johnson can get you fully vaccinated.

If you’re fully vaccinated and enough time has passed that you would be eligible for a booster, let’s make them available and boost our nation’s immunity.

There doesn’t have to be any fault with anyone for this deadline looming – no blame to be pointed on either side, let’s have both political sides speak with one voice on this and say let’s get this done.

Christmas criminals

Today is the first day of December, and across the country, thoughts are turning to Christmas. It’s supposed to be a time of love, and a time of giving – which makes it all the worse that a charity seeking to help those in need has been hit by thieves.

Criminals broke down the door of the Feeding Bain and Grants Town Project, taking a freezer full of meat, two microwaves, a ceiling fan, eggs and more.

The Rev CB Moss now faces a bill of $10,000 to cover the damage.

Who is so heartless as to steal from those who are most in need? Who takes the food out of the mouths of those who are hungry?

There should be no shelter for these criminals, no hiding place. If someone is in your community trying to sell meat or other items taken in the raid, report them to the police. They are no friends of yours. They are no friends of the poor. They are predators, taking what they can with no conscience and no heart. Shame on them. Shame on their actions. Shame them for who they are, because that is what they deserve.

Don’t let these criminals get away with their actions. If you know them, turn them in. Call the police, and make sure those in need get a little comfort for Christmas.


ohdrap4 says...

Offer a reward for people to capture friends, relatives and grocery shoppers and bring them to vaccination sites.

They will do it for ham and turkey.

Posted 1 December 2021, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

buddah17 says...

Hahaha.. good one

Posted 2 December 2021, 7:58 a.m. Suggest removal

buddah17 says...

How can you not want to get a vaccine or wear a mask, yet be against abortion?
Both say it's their rights to their bodies...

Posted 2 December 2021, 8 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

I only have one comment to all of you antivax tards:


Posted 2 December 2021, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You're ignoring Mr. 999's advanced age and serious other medical conditions he had at the time which made him especially vulnerable to the Communist China Virus. A serious bout of seasonal flu could just as easily have taken him down. Rest his soul.

Unnecessarily subjecting everyone to jabbings was a ridiculous proposition from the get-go based on the early data that identified the most vulnerable segments of society. Power grabbing politicians and deep state bureaucrats, population control freaks funded by evil and sinister globalist billionaire oligarchs and their greedy big pharma friends and bio-tech partners, all wrongfully ignored the science and decided to treat the rest of us as 'deplorable' and expendable guinea pigs.

Posted 2 December 2021, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

vax is now said to be 50% which is the same as a non vax 50% they can get it or not. Vax is useless against variants, and only lasts 6months. Boosters needed, so then again I ask what is the sense or getting the jab.

Posted 2 December 2021, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Most people by now have been infected and recovered, many without even knowing it. The natural immunity they have is much stronger and longer lasting than any immunity they would get from being unnecessarily vaccinated with these experimental mRNA vaccines which offer only waning or limited duration protection. Getting unnecessarily vaccinated means you become a member of the Vaccine Dependent Global Society, needing jab after jab of whatever for the rest of your life.

Posted 2 December 2021, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The DOCTOR in SOUTH AFRICA who discovered the Omnicon virus says she doesn’t know what the hype is all about, especially with the US and other countries closing their borders to Africa. DON’T PANIC’ she says. The Omnicon virus is very weak and no one is getting seriously ill from it and no one in South Africa is in the hospital with it. She says it may be too soon to predict but she believes the Omnicon is a ‘clean up’ virus. Because it’s fast moving and only has symptoms of a mild flu, a lot of people will get it. ‘And they will build up natural immunity to Covid-19.’ Of course the script with Joe Biden and the US is different. ‘Get vaccinated, they say ‘get your booster shots’ get ya children vaccinated and ya pets,

Posted 2 December 2021, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Spreading mis-information is killing people .... LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE!

FACT: Vaccine reduces symptoms and lessens chance of hospitalization thereby reducing chance of DEATH.

FICTION: Read any of tribanon's posts...or any other deniers

Posted 2 December 2021, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

1pnewman says...

Well said Freddy.

Posted 2 December 2021, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

My friend, the anxiety that the evil powers that be have whipped up in most people is going to kill them long before the Communist China Virus or any of its variants. Persons should consider getting vaccinated if they're of advanced age, obese, have high blood pressure and/or an existing ailment that has supressed their natural immune system. Suggest you stop trying to worry yourself and others to death.

Posted 3 December 2021, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

LOL these vax mussy gat yawl head jam.

Posted 2 December 2021, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

vaccine cant be reducing if fully all over the world still testing positive. case in point Lebron James. Fact.

Posted 2 December 2021, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

If the lifespan of the usefulness of a vaccine is 6 months ........... how can any of these vaccines be any good anymore??? They have been sitting here in country for more than 6 months.

Or is it that the shelf life of the vaccine is not counted, like other commodities (like milk & eggs)

Can the newly crowned Fellow advise us on these matters?????????

Posted 2 December 2021, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

There are lot #'s on all pharmaceuticals.
They are for each different production run of a pill/med/lotion.
Included in each lot # is the lot # of each ingredient in the combined product.

Companies must track each lot # through the production and distribution to pharmacies, stores, hospitals, etc in order to do a recall (if needed) should any of the ingredients be subject to a recall.

Above is called Validation and is needed prior to getting any drug approved in the USA.

Posted 2 December 2021, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Oh I know...

In football, a quarterback still gets sacked even though there is an offensive line. So should we get rid of the line?

In hockey, teams still score goals...therefore we should get rid of the goaltender!!

IF you die of covid...YOU made a (bad) choice!! Do NOT start a GoFundMe!!!!!

Posted 2 December 2021, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> **IF you die of covid...YOU made a (bad) choice!! Do NOT start a
> GoFundMe!!!!!**

Dead people are hardly in a position to start a GO FUND ME.

Posted 2 December 2021, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Point taken...but you know what I meant.

Posted 2 December 2021, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

We're much more concerned that you don't know what you mean. LOL

Posted 3 December 2021, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

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