Follow Barbados’ shining light

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The following is an open letter to Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis.

Dear Prime Minister Davis.

I hereby formally request your due consideration to rename the “Colonial Beach” on the western end of Paradise Island to “Lighthouse Beach”. While others wish to perpetuate self-perceived entitlement of “Royalty” it would be a step backwards allowing this pristine Bahamian owned land to be called “Royal Beach”.

I believe that many Bahamians support the movement of wishing to move away from Colonial rule, and towards what the Bahamas truly aspires to be; free.

As you witnessed, first-hand, with Barbados moving away from the Royal Families’ oversight of their now self-governed, republic, The Bahamas stands to gain so much more in shaping our own destiny for the benefit of Bahamians.

Thank you.

Best wishes,


Future Lighthouse Keeper,

Paradise “Hog” Island Lighthouse.


December 5, 2021.


Alan1 says...

We have not been under The United Kingdom since our independence in July 1973. The U.K. never had any legal power here afterwards or in Barbados after their 1966 independence. We are an independent constitutional monarchy like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We maintain the Westminster system which involves The Crown as protector of our freedom and represented by a Bahamian Governor-General, a free Parliament and an impartial Court system all of which we inherited from the U.K. This emotional nonsense that somehow we are not free until we get rid of our foundations is wrong. Barbados changed this system with little consultation and no referendum so it was hardly a democratic exercise. Look at history. . The track record of republics is very poor.

Posted 6 December 2021, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Brudda Toby is in danger of becoming a Bodie in his attempt to toadie up to the PM although the real Bodie’s efforts at buttering Braves buns have shown how totally ineffectual that exercise is as all that results is a brown nose- Yes?

Posted 7 December 2021, 6:21 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

No way Toby Smith - we have too much to lose and nothing to gain. I can not now and never will support a move to be a republic.

Posted 7 December 2021, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

justabeachbum says...

Renaming the beach "Royal Beach" has nothing to do with royalty, colonialism or the Royal Family and everything to do with the fact that "Royal" Caribbean will now own and run this beach.

Posted 7 December 2021, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There are more important things to spend time on, like unemployment and crime.

Posted 7 December 2021, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... can anybody think of one former UK colony that became a republic that has its currency on par with the US?

Posted 7 December 2021, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

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