Gibson hits back at Petty over Water and Sewerage


LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson has hit back at recent remarks made by Sylvanus Petty, the newly appointed chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation, claiming that his successor’s “new role is above his aptitude”.

At a press conference held last week to announce the corporation’s new board, Mr Petty referred to Mr Gibson, noting that WSC’s recent promotions were decided on by the board and executive staff as, “I am not the former chairman who does everything himself.”

Responding to the remarks, Mr Gibson said he was “astounded” by them.

“I watched with interest as the new chairman of WSC fumbled over himself to mount a cheap, predictable political attack — no doubt because we exposed acts of victimisation, threats and rank attacks being exacted on suspected FNMs or persons who worked along with the last administration,” the former WSC executive chairman said.

“There have been times when our board met anywhere from three to five times per month. At no time did I or the board unilaterally, singularly and/or without the advice and involvement of executive managers make any decisions. The record would reflect that.”

Mr Gibson suggested that Mr Petty become familiar with the rules and regulations of operating WSC. He said he will not stand for Mr Petty impugning his reputation.

“Had he bothered to read the law/rules/policies, he would note that all pivotal decisions of a financial nature and all major decisions must come to the board of directors,” Mr Gibson said. “No person can operate in a silo in that regard.”

He added: “Who didn’t I consult? He falsely asserted that I did everything myself? He knows not of what he speaks.

“I will not have this Sylvanus Petty question my integrity and cast aspersions, nor will I sit idly by as he casts innuendos, spews falsehoods and seeks to get political mileage on myself or the former board. Nothing shady — to use his ill-informed word — was done.

“A few weeks ago, I addressed a number of matters in the inaugural speech of my second term, when I contributed to the debate from the Speech from the Throne.”

Mr Gibson did not shy away from the usual investigations from an incoming government. He advised the new chairman to consult the general manager and check files that were left behind.

“I am happy to hear that he is desirous of getting to the bottom of matters,” he said. “He should read the paperwork on file, speak to the general manager and others who can provide clarity and provide him with insight before making ignorant, unfounded statements.

“One cannot escape responsibility by obfuscating, misleading the public and claiming to be transparent whilst clearly not being transparent. As the immediate past chairman, I can speak to the facts, with the necessary information to prove the same. “It appears Mr Petty has been placed in a role above his aptitude.”

More than 60 people received promotions under Mr Gibson prior to the September general election and upon the incoming government taking office, all those promotions were put on hold.

A source at WSC said the promotions appeared to be campaign orchestrated, but reminded The Tribune that no one knew when former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis planned to call an early election.

Mr Gibson stressed the promotions under his tenure were decided on in consultation.

“Firstly, the then assistant board secretary attended that meeting and took meeting notes — which I have. Secondly, the general manager and the AGM of Family Islands were in that meeting and proffered recommendations for promotions.

“I continue to have the emails, lists and WhatsApp messages from executive members that speak to their recommendations for promotion. Had the chairman bothered to inquire — as opposed to seeking to score cheap political brownie points — he would know that.”

While he said he is determined to defend his actions at WSC, Mr Gibson told The Tribune his real focus is the people of Long Island. He said the new government should stop wasting the people’s time by chasing red herrings.


TalRussell says...

What say youse if Pintard were to request of de UK government that de member for Long Island be sent **into exile** to de UK?
I don't see it being the same as if Adrian was forced away from his home colony, thus rendering him unable to retain his status as **a loyal Subject of Her Majesty,** and since everything else for him will remain as colonial like this and that goin' makes no reason justify his return to be such a toxic lil' prick of annoyance into de side of Her Majesty's opposition leader, ― Yes?

Posted 6 December 2021, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

TalRussell in case you didn't know the Bahamas is no longer a colony ok Great Britian besides I'm pretty sure you're aware that we've been independent for almost 50 years.

Posted 7 December 2021, 8:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@ComradeEmilio26, If I take you to where your heart really is...and so does I believe that youse know tis as true today, nearing de other side of almost 50 years of so-called Independence and everything else like this and that we are **still so near to being a UK Colony of the Queen's Realm,** and what's so bothering use so deeply about such a UK retention,― Yes?

Posted 7 December 2021, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Red herrings Mr: Gibson you are doing a great job responding to red herrings.> All of the
the time you had to do promotions you waited until your time was up.
Why are you so upset.? over a simple statement.

Now doc did stop your position and pay by calling an early election. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO??

Posted 6 December 2021, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*NG Island MP Adrian Gibson has hit back at recent remarks made by Sylvanus Petty, the newly appointed chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation, claiming that his successor’s “new role is above his aptitude”*

Gibson was unqualified for his role. BEC, BTC URCA Aliv and WSC are unlike other agencies. They are highly technical and specialized fields. Boards make strategic decisions for those agencies. If you don't have decades leading multimillion dollar corporations or highly technical knowledge in the field of operation, the only thing you could do is sit quietly and collect a paycheque or do the opposite and cause confusion. "Youth" is NOT a criteria for a board appointment and more often than not, intuitively, an anti-criteria. A Board appointment like the Senate is no place to send someone to "learn" or to put someone just to collect a salary

Our board appointments are no game. **Growth requires strategy. If you're trying to figure out why we're not growing take a look at the tinkerers we're appointing to boards to make strategic decisions**

Posted 7 December 2021, 6:07 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

ThisisOurs ........ 1. The PM uses Board appts to give out special favours to MPs......... 2. The PM uses these Board appts to keep MPs in line or quiet on controversial matters or else they are fired ............ 3. The PM will grant special PEPs a Board appt if there are "extras"

So, these appointments have more to do with favours to MPs or PEPs, rather than how qualified they are to run a corporation, board or authority .......... It's all about the ka-ching & power

P.S. .......... Name 5 public corporations that were efficiently run by Govt in the past

Posted 7 December 2021, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Truth.and why we dont grow. Everyone acts as if its a mystery.... how can we if our "strategy mechanism" is manned by the garbage man? He does an excellent job keeping the place clean, but...

Posted 7 December 2021, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Unless the Govt stop subsidizing these SOEs, and let them pay their way, nothing will change

Posted 8 December 2021, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

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