Incentives planned to use up vaccines


Tribune Chief Reporter

HEALTH Minister Dr Michael Darville says officials are concerned that the country’s four percent COVID-19 positivity rate has given people a false sense of security that vaccines are not needed and health protocols do not need to be followed.

Speaking to reporters yesterday, the minister announced that a “social mobilisation” campaign to give incentives to those who take the soon-to-be-expired Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be launched “very shortly”.

 He was also non-committal when asked whether restrictions would be tightened over the holiday season, despite expressing concern that people have become relaxed concerning social distancing and other protocols.

 “We are working very closely with the private sector groups to activate something called social mobilisation where there would be incentives for individuals who come forth to be vaccinated,” the minister said when asked about a potential lottery for people taking the J&J jab.

 He has previously said this brand of vaccine has an expiration date of the end of the year.

 “Those incentives could be gift certificates. It could be a lotto. It could be many things,” Dr Darville continued. “Those things are being discussed as we speak because we realise that there is a group of individuals in our country who are on the fence and still uncertain of whether they want to be vaccinated or not.

 “So, we are activating our social mobilisation campaign and it will be released very shortly and in that particular campaign we will be targeting this group very aggressively.”

 His comments come as the Omicron variant is being detected in more and more US states and in Canada.

 Asked if this along with expected holiday gatherings would spark more restrictions, the minister said: “We are concerned about our tourists and our local citizens following the health protocols.

 “It’s important for our citizens to realise that we have this variant that’s out there and the possibility of it coming into our country is a real threat. I’m advising everyone during the Christmas holidays to make sure you wear your mask, practise social distancing and sanitise. These are proven mechanisms to prevent the spread.

 “For us we have a country and an economy to grow. Tourism is our number one industry. We have to be very mindful of the fact that we are in challenges economically throughout the country. We have to pay bills and we need to ensure that we have a robust tourism sector, but we need to do it in a safe and protective way.

 “So, again I am pleading to the entire nation to practice the proper protocols. As you come together be mindful that we do have this virus that is out there. We’re not out of the woods.

 “We believe that this virus would be around for many years to come and how well we manage it on the ground will determine how we fend and reduce the possibility of the community spread.”

 Asked if there was a discussion underway about tightening restrictions, he said: “We are watching everything. We have not made any recommendations as to whether or not it’s necessary to tighten anything. As it stands right now the numbers are low.

 —“The viral load is low. When the viral load is low it gives us an opportunity to look at new protocols. When the viral load goes up we will make a determination if there has to be some additional changes to our protocols, but as it stands right now the statistics are proving that the viral load is low.”

 Speaking further of the positivity rate, he said this was also a concern.

“We spoke about social mobilisation. We know that when the load is low people who may want to be vaccinated don’t see it as a degree of urgency and so with social mobilisation we’re going to go out there and let the Bahamian people know that this is the time to get vaccinated.

 “The vaccines are here. There is no shortage of vaccines.

 “The sites will be opened up. Come on and get your vaccines because we know that vaccinations prevent hospitalisations and save lives. That is one of the greatest assets that we have in our tool kit and we must be able to utilise.”

 He also noted the government’s vaccine committee has been searching for countries to which to donate the J&J vaccines.

 However, this has been a challenge.

 “The vaccination committee has been in discussions with many countries around the world as it relates to who wants the vaccines. We have made many attempts.

 “As a matter of fact, I saw someone who wanted to donate 250,000 doses that are in expiration so many countries are challenged with trading vaccines.

 “It is not as simple as saying I want the vaccine and you send it.

 “There (are) a lot of steps that need to take place, but for us with our Johnson & Johnson vaccines we have a plan and we are going to be very aggressive in the next couple of days to activate our plan and hopefully with the support of the Bahamian people we will get those vaccines in arms.”


FreeportFreddy says...

Queue the crazies!!!

Posted 8 December 2021, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

They should also be warning persons that vaccines are not 100%. Once vaccinated you should be tested for covid. Once vaccinated you will spread covid. Caution should be go out to those vaccinated persons who have elderly and immunovompromisrd persons within their close contact that they could get sick then die. The whole circle repeating all over again. By January a rush on hospital beds. This is power of madness.

Posted 8 December 2021, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Um...Nope YOU are wrong!

The vax reduces chance of infection, reduces chance of hospitalization AND death.

If you choose not to get vaxxed then please have insurance in place and make sure your family knows what you want in terms of 'discontinuing care' and burial versus cremation.

Real people protect their families and do NOT rely on GoFundMe to pay for their choices.

Posted 8 December 2021, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...


Posted 8 December 2021, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... that the so called "vaccinated" can get and spread and even be hospitalized from covid is old news. What is not being discussed is the superior protection against new strains that comes from people who may already have had covid. A spike protein "vaccine" from 1 year ago cannot offer the same protection against new mutated strains of the virus. Israel showed the effectiveness of Moderna and Pfizer dropped to about 40% against delta variant and now we know the old shots may be even less effective against Omicron.
Before pushing people to take a shot that is waning in efficacy it may be better to encourge them to have antibody testing to see if they have already been infected! If they have, they have better protection than any of the shots can give and it lasts longer too!!

Posted 8 December 2021, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

the public service radio ad says Johnson and Johnsonson is ONE AND DONE. SEVERAL TIMES.

This insults the intelligence of the listener who now knows from cable tv and you tube that J&J requires boosters.

The ones who are not vaxxed by now are those who CAN hesitate, when mAny employers now require vaccine and that people pay for their tests AND THOSE WHO TRAVEL MUST BE VAXXED.

The incentive would have to be long term. not a fleeting tv or grocery voucher.

Posted 8 December 2021, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Everyone should stop getting haircuts!!

You have to go get one a while later ... so clearly they do not work.

Same with oil changes, cancer treatments, dental care, ...

Posted 8 December 2021, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Logic is not your forté. Your examples smell like canal water.

Do people expect their hair to stop growing?

Posted 8 December 2021, 8:43 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Gates admits he made 137billion from pandemic and that less people died in 2020 before vaccine making 2021 the record year of Covid deaths. Also pandemic ends in 2022. What a whopping prophet/profit. And the world hoes on.…

Posted 8 December 2021, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

J&J. New data is out. Our Bahamas Nurses Union requested in their wisdom driven about new untested vaccines to wait at least a year. They are still not respected by either government. Just for times like this when they can brag "See what we were telling youl." Politics power over good medicine is bad medicine.…

Posted 8 December 2021, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Two years later more than 60% remain unvaccinated and the scare tactics of a dangerous virus have not resembled the outcome of a pandemic by no means nor measure. Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated the thing is almost 100% of us are still here (no more terrible than prior years), better still we are all feeling well, regardless to vaccination status. There is no reason to Go get vaccinated”, it is totally unnecessary.

Posted 9 December 2021, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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