‘Shock Treatment programme does more harm than good’


Tribune Senior Reporter


JUVENILE advocates want the government to reconsider bringing back its Shock Treatment programme, saying it could prove counterproductive.

The Ministry of National Security announced the relaunch of the programme last week.

That decision prompted debate on social media between those who believe the programme is likely to be harmful to youngsters and those who believe it could be effective.

 Project Youth Justice, a non-governmental organisation headed by attorney Tavarrie Smith that has represented over 100 children and teens in legal and post-legal proceedings, said it is important to protect and guard the wellbeing of children, something Shock Treatment does not accomplish.

 The organisation said in a statement: “Shock Treatment films the lives of young men who are put in a variety of disciplinary situations intended to ‘shock’ them into avoiding a life of crime. Participants are frequently shouted at, put through a variety of physical tasks, exposed to prisoners and the morgue. Although the techniques, in and of themselves, are shown to work in certain professions, Shock Treatment has yet to show data of the actual effectiveness of the programme in reducing crime.”

 Local research, according to PYJ, has shown: “Children who are frequently exposed to violence in their homes (being sworn at, insulted, threatened, and hit) display signs of failing grades and aggressive/disruptive behaviour as a result.”

 PYJ said the study “also demonstrated that young persons who have had violence demonstrated in their homes prior to incarceration were higher than the general population, ie those exposed to violence were more likely to be engaged in adverse behaviours that would lead to incarceration, including general crimes, low educational achievement, and furthering abusive cycles.

 “In a study performed by Minnis, Symonette, Stevenson, Pintard-Newry, and Gibson (2010) 54 percent of inmates at Her Majesty’s Prison dropped out of school after being expelled for mostly fighting and bad behaviour. Thirty-one percent of inmates reported being abused (mainly physical) prior to incarceration, with 49 percent of inmates reporting witnessing violence in their homes. Given the research, furthering abusive cycles and violence towards children and teens is not an effective way towards rehabilitation.”

 PYJ said Shock Treatment likely contradicts the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which require that children be protected from violence.

 “Instead of furthering the cycle of abuse and mistreatment of youth through entertainment,” the advocates said, “there are long-term and more effective ways to help deal with the cycle of crime and violence. We call on the government of The Bahamas to consider alternative solutions to addressing challenges with young offenders, including: (1) early diversion and disposition of juvenile cases (2) juvenile court reform (3) the need for a Juvenile Justice Bill; (5) restorative justice practices; (6) full and immediate compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child, and other international commitments on youth justice reforms.”


Sickened says...

I think literal shock treatment will be good for many of our criminal kids. The soft touch only works for a few personality types.

Posted 8 December 2021, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Shock treatment reality shows ONLY BENEFIT THOSE WHO ARE PAID FOR PUTTING ON THE SHOWS!! In this case. . .the same person who has always "exploited" that junk everytime the PLP comes into government!! All we need is our first "sue" against the governmet for this nonsense. . .then just like the USA (where this all started and stopped decades ago) who did their reviews and found that shock treatment programs do not work, then we will stop letting persons like that "slick" man exploit children to build his business and success!!!

Too bad that the group who wrote against this "thing" in the tribune seem "a lil bit off" in how they tried to applied the research information to show the down side of shock therapy!!

This new-second-hand idea "re-fried" by the same individual for this new PLP government "een nothin-new". . .they don't care about what the research informations say. . .they are "in it" for the money!! It has always been about the money char!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO ABOUT YINNA CHILDREN THEM MENTEL HEALTH. . .THEY EEN CARE WHAT HAPPEN TO THEM LIL BRATS!! IN FACT THEM PEOPLE DEM EEN KNOW WHAT COULD OR MAY HAPPEN BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO THOSE CHILDREN!! NONE OF THEM HAVE THE SPECIALIZED TRAINING NEEDED TO DEAL WITH TROUBLED/AT-RISK MALES!!!



For somebody with a brilient research mind. . .Minister of National Security is one DUMB DUDE NAH!!

Minister you now have a "whole new-brand" university-trained research Doctor in your office. . .or is the doc not being used because an FNM government made the crusial appointment of their very own university trained research doc who can easily find the information needed for the minister to make a sensible decision on the matter??!!

Posted 8 December 2021, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... irresponsible parenting, most ofter single parent homes is a social scourge and that is where we need to begin. GOvernment, the church and NGO need to work togeether to create progrmas that encourage discipline, personal responsibility and a work ethic, in order to turn things around, but that will never happen because politics drives everything in this banana republic, not forward thinking!

Posted 8 December 2021, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The SHOCK TREATMENT programs as was seen on American television was designed to portray the young Black male as a troublesome, violent dangerous and highly unsocialized individual. A person where all the stops have to be pulled to get him back in line. And those who designed the programs knew the ‘shock treatment’ was more harmful than good and they knew the televised programs along with ‘Bait Car’, the programs that tested for and/or contested paternity were all designed to showcase Black people in an negative light. Of course there were some sprinkling of whites and Hispanics in the programs to make the intended target less obvious. And it also has Black people who watched the programs that it was the norm, rather than the exception.
IF this GOVERNMENT has a program that is intended to rescue troubled youth, male and females, and set them back on the right track, and if these programs involve more than shocking persons with visits to graveyards, morgues, funeral homes and military personnel barking down the young peoples neck and physically abusing them in other ways. Then the positive parts of the program should be made public. There should be a definite name change from shock treatment and persons who were engaged in the program and were bettered by it should also be highlighted. But if ‘SHOCK TREATMENT’ is the core and main aspect of the program then it should be disbanded. Even mature adults doesn’t to visit morgues and graveyards or be unnecessarily roughed up by marines. But if there are youth that need that type of treatment, it speaks volumes to the social failures of this country.

Posted 9 December 2021, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

John I agree besides it seems like Pastor Carlos Reid gets a kick out of portraying young black boys being manhandled and hazed by police and military officers.

Posted 10 December 2021, 8:09 a.m. Suggest removal

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