$25k prize to break vaccine hesitancy


Tribune Senior Reporter


PEOPLE who receive their first vaccination shot between December 13 and December 31 will be eligible to win a $25,000 cash prize.

Ed Fields, co-chair of the National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee, announced yesterday that this is an effort to increase vaccination numbers.

The government is teaming up with the Fox Foundation to provide the prizes. People who get their first dose during the period may also be among 50 people chosen in each of the three weeks to receive $500 cash prizes.

“We are really trying to focus on getting 200,000 people vaccinated before the end of the year,” Mr Fields said at a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister.

 “We’re at about 150k now which means that we have a big push but we think we can do it. If we do it that means that we’ve arrived at about 60 percent of the eligible population for vaccination, somewhere between 50 and 60 percent, which is a huge undertaking given the fact that the United States is right now stuck on about 59/60 percent so if we can get to that level we’re gonna be right up there with the big boys.

 “We’ve gotten to the point where, how do I say this diplomatically, we are deep into the hesitancy pool of individuals for various reasons and so we have to determine how we can incentivise best those who are sitting on the fence.”

 Cash prizes will not depend on which vaccine people take.

 Adrianna Fox, co-founder of the Fox Foundation, said: “Every week we will do a digital drawing of those persons who took their first shot and those results will be posted on ILTV channel on Saturday. So every Saturday we will do a digital drawing. Every week, 50 persons will win $500. . .”

 She said at the end of the third week, everyone who took a shot during the three weeks will be entered into a draw and eligible to win the $25,000 prize.


Dawes says...

So all those who got vaccinated from the start aren't eligible. Sums up most things over here, if you do the thing you are meant to (or Government wants you to) on time you stand to lose out. Oh well.

Posted 10 December 2021, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Private prize so they give to whom they want.

In tHe US, they jabbed primary school boys in exchange for pizza and not telling their parents.

Posted 10 December 2021, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

the government is teaming up with the fox foundation. This will always be a bitter pill to swallow irregardless of Fox , sebas and Flowers trying to " make it right", after engaging in an activity that the law apparently deem illegal. Now , they are constantly trying to make it right by buying the citizens. heck, imagine if i go to a foreign country , steal 400 million dollars, return to the Bahamas, and donate to every charitable organization yearly. after the democratic process, which we paid almost 2 million for was completed, the PLP ignored our request. If this were another country all in government at the time would have to pay for that act whether lawfully or politically. Obviously, bahamians are of a different breed because no one pays for anything in this country, just look at the carnival debacle presently .

Posted 10 December 2021, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Well have to wait to see what a 30k donation buys these days...They say in the old days 100 dollars for a vote was the exchange for a seat in parliament and construction of a million dollar home. How many people in a constituency 1000?...So max 50k

Posted 10 December 2021, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Siphon millions out of the economy and hand out thousands to buy support and a positive image. Run an illegal operation but make enough money and you won't go to prison. In fact, you can buy legalization even when the people votes no. We call this a democracy?

Posted 10 December 2021, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Criminal money continues to circulate. It's like the 80's all over again, just with different criminals buying up all the good stuff and buying favor amongst politicians and ghetto people. SMT.

Posted 10 December 2021, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Blood money for vaccinations. Money makes strange bedfellows. Institute Of Public Policy and Sandilands should have a better say on this. As according to global universal psychietry and WHO/PAHO GAMBLING is rated DSM5- equal to the dreaded Cocaine addiction desease. According to Sandilands most Bahamian gamblers need counseling as they score high on criteria listed for legal addiction. Gambling addicts should sue gaming houses for warning them of the deadly perils of gambling as is done globally for all gaming venues.


Posted 11 December 2021, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Wow! PAHO and WHO allowing organizations that has zero zilch international criterion for legal gambling and has inflicted 100%Harms on the Bahamian population using gambling addicts to sell vaccines. The least public care social event gaming houses could do is warn of gaming harms and fund counciling for those who need help as is the internationally accepted rules. Instead hundreds of thousands of Bahamians have needles of gambling addiction stuck in their heads and their fingers have become like zombies wasting all their money out of control into dream nightmare win.

Posted 11 December 2021, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

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