Follow protocols and Carnival could just open


Tribune Staff Reporter

WITH the Christmas Carnival operators awaiting an answer on their resubmitted application from health officials to open, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said he has asked an opinion from his legal section on whether it actually requires an approval.

Mr Munroe was asked what law enforcement would do if the carnival operators decide to conduct business without approval from health officials.

“Well, the first thing you will see from law enforcement is we will consider whether they do need permission because we enforce the law. To enforce a law that is not extant will be the first issue. I’ve been looking at it and we’ve been discussing it with regard (to an) enforcement perspective. I know clearly that outdoor events like the carnival require certain protocols — vaccination or testing. I’ve asked for an opinion from my legal section on whether it actually requires an approval. I’ll wait to see that.

“I’ve asked for the legal section of my ministry to come out with a preliminary position as to what is required. Once they do that, I will forward that to the Office of the Attorney General.”

 He said he expected to have an answer from his legal team yesterday.

 Asked what would be the protocol if it is found that there is no permission needed, Mr Munroe answered: “And then the job of the COVID enforcement and the police will be to ensure that any protocols that are mandated by law are observed. So currently, for instance, if you were to have an indoor sporting event the law says what is required. I do believe the law says you have unlimited attendance of outside functions subject to stated protocols. I need to know exactly what the law is before the police go around preventing people from doing things.”

 A company representative told reporters Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis gave them permission to host its event, but this was denied by Press Secretary Clint Watson last week.

 It has since been revealed the PLP was given permission from the Ministry of Finance for Carnival to import their equipment into the country.

 Manager and coordinator of Midways by McCafferty Enterprises, Joseph Alberts said previously the company will “talk to other people in the political platform” in hopes of changing the government’s mind.

 Health Minister Dr Michael Darville said yesterday a meeting was held sometime last week and carnival operators were instructed to submit another application with their intended health protocols. That application was received by the ministry on Monday and was forwarded to the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC).

 “We understand that there will be an EOC meeting on Wednesday….the EOC will be sitting on Wednesday and a determination will be made,” he added.

 He described the EOC as the “guardians for events of this nature”.

 “The EOC has certain protocols that they take into consideration; it’s a team of experts, medical experts as well as people in the community,” he replied when asked why other events have been allowed. “Multiple events have gone through the EOC and I stand by the EOC. They are a well-structured body and for us because we have removed so many factors as it relates COVID-19. The only control or mechanism of control we have is to really address gatherings with large numbers and protocols must be put in place to prevent the possibility of a super spreader event. “

 Despite Mr Munroe questioning the legality surrounding an approval, Dr Darville has a job to ensure that health is protected.

 “The legal ramification is something that anyone can do. I’ve been tasked with a job and I’ve put a committee in place to be able to do our best to determine which events could potentially be super spreaders. We have a protocol on the way – it’s done. The legal aspect the minister can comment on that, but we’re left with a job and the job is to look objectively at events that are in the country and to determine whether the events have the potential of becoming a super spreader event and if we think it is a potential of becoming a super spreader event it is for us to ensure that the person who is responsible for the event put the necessary protocols in place and if we’re unsatisfied that they’ll do it the EOC usually rules against it.”

 Free National Movement Senator Maxine Seymour tabled a letter in the Senate on Monday that showed the Ministry of Finance gave the Progressive Liberal Party temporary approval to import “equipment, apparatus, trailers and supplies” for the Christmas Carnival event.

 Dr Darville said he had no response to the document and restated his responsibility to look at events objectively.

Asked if he was aware of the PLP’s arrangement, he told reporters: “I’m unaware”.

Political insiders have said it is not unusual for the two major political parties to partner with the Carnival operator to bring the event into the country as a party fundraising event.


TalRussell says...

For God's sake, I dunno know how many suits of armour, should de crown's security minister wear and everything else like this and that ― Yes?

Posted 15 December 2021, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Good example of the "ease" of doing business in the Bahamas...

Posted 15 December 2021, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The PLP Carnival come to town..........Silly Filly acting like a clown.........The much loved and compassionate leader, .......Say the FNM was much more greedier.........Two hundred shingles is all they'll get................So that other party mussa not fret..........In the good old days of the christie rule............It was so much easier people to fool..........But now them fools have elected we,.............So what you gonna get is jus what you see...........Baby, Baby, it's all for me.......

Posted 15 December 2021, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

The minister is "saying". . .in so many words. . .THE LAW EEN STOPPING THEM FROM OPERATING IN THE BAHAMAS!!!

DOH don't have VETO power over wether or not a company can operate if it meets all standard governmental requirements for operation!! This one ger be on Clint **"PM2"** Watson's desk. . .but **"ween gee them no approval to operate"!**

He **"all-upin"** the people business like anybody elected his **"trifflin backside"** for anything!!

The carnival will operate. . .the minister knows that as well as any lawyer in this nation!!

Posted 15 December 2021, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

xtreme2x says...

He "all-upin" the people business like anybody elected his "trifflin backside" for anything!!


Posted 15 December 2021, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Wayne Munroe is opening a can of worms because if the Carnival doesn't need MOH permission to operate ...... Why would any other entity need MOH permission?

Why keep any other facility closed down, especially the public schools??? Or is it that the schools don't matter??

Posted 15 December 2021, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

choodot43 says...

Sounds like...just pay the right person/people off and all will be well, eh?

Posted 15 December 2021, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

At the last moment the owners and organisers of the Carnival were told in no uncertain terms that the PLP party needs a much bigger cut of the Carnival action to pay its election bills. All of this friction came about because the owners and organisers said "No", enough is enough. The PLP party then immediately went into a retaliatory extortionist role. Freddy Boy's finger prints are all over this 'business' fallout. LOL

Posted 16 December 2021, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

This will cost millions. . .we cannot wait until the people dem done "set-up" then tell them "shut-down"!! This will go to a judicial review for sure. The court will award damages to the company. . .since they followed the protocols required to operate a business in the Bahamas.

Posted 21 December 2021, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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