Welcome back, you did the nation proud


tsmith-cartwright@ tribunemedia.net

TOURISM Minister Chester Cooper revealed yesterday that Miss Bahamas Universe Chantel O’Brian will be offered a job at his ministry starting Monday.

The announcement came at a press conference at Fusion Superflex, shortly after the beauty queen returned home from Eilat, Israel where she placed in the top ten as a contestant in the Miss Universe pageant.

Mr Cooper said the job offered to the beauty queen by his ministry will be full time with full pay while still affording her the opportunity to carry out her pageantry duties.

“It is my distinct pleasure, as Minister of Tourism and a representative of the government of The Bahamas, to announce that on Monday, Chantel will be offered a full role with the Ministry of Tourism,” Mr Cooper said. “Full time and full pay.

“You will be able to continue to do your work in pageantry and you will help us to continue to grow and prosper our country.

“This is a proud moment for all of us. We continue to do it in grand style. It is my distinct pleasure to welcome Chantel O’Brian home, from her historic achievement at the Miss Universe pageant in Israel. Chantel is a young woman who exemplifies determination and stepping out on faith.”

He said it was not only Ms O’Brian’s beauty that brought her success on the international stage, but also her hard work.

“In her we see not only beauty, but hard work, charm, grace, charisma and all that personifies the Bahamian woman,” Mr Cooper said. “You are an inspiration for the Bahamian people, especially women and girls. I encourage you therefore, to use your platform boldly and fearlessly.

“You have not only demonstrated that to us, but you have demonstrated your courage to the world. You have worked to build yourself and your brand to an international level and standard.

“You have also showed us that perseverance pays off, especially in the face of great adversity. Chantel’s story is a touching one. One which I can relate to coming from humble beginnings in Englerston.”

Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg said Ms O’Brian’s success at Miss Universe has nudged his ministry to form a National Consul of Pageantry.

“We all sat this weekend, from the preliminary on Friday evening and on the stage on Sunday night and watched as you wowed the world and even the universe,” Mr Bowleg said. “We cheered loudly and we do so now again today in your presence.

“Beyond today, beyond the crown, the light and the big stage, our commitment is to ensure that pageantry in The Bahamas stays at a level and continues to soar.

“This will happen through regulation and good policies beginning with the formation of a National Consul of Pageantry.”

He also said to Ms O’Brian: “Your accomplishments, as I am sure you will know, are amazing and transformative.

“We applaud and commend you on all that you have achieved. I am certain that all Bahamians join me in saying that we do not wish to see the success end here today.”


mandela says...


Posted 16 December 2021, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Interesting how one Minister makes noise that they have to send people home because there is nothing for them to do, and another Minister giving out job.

How can that be? Not taking anything from the accomplishment of Miss Bahamas, but maybe all these people need to go over to MOT since that ministry seems to have work there for people to do.

Posted 16 December 2021, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

So no new person accomplishing anything should be rewarded because some persons apart of the government bloat don't have work? Smh.

Posted 17 December 2021, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> the formation of a National Consul of Pageantry.”

Oh man. One more place to get job doing nothing. Like NAECOB.

Posted 16 December 2021, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

lol. You so right. lol

Posted 16 December 2021, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

With all its warts (and good for nuttins) The Bahamas is a wonderful place. Its always a joy to see us get excited about achievement, not a win, just someone doing better than circumstances should have permitted them to do

Posted 16 December 2021, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

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