ROLLING THE DICE WITH OUR LIVES: COVID cases leap 200% as Sands warns: we’re ‘gambling at our peril’


Tribune Chief Reporter

FORMER Health Minister Dr Duane Sands has said the country continues to “gamble” with COVID-19 “at our peril” as the Ministry of Health reported 79 new infections on Tuesday.

This represents an increase of more than 200 percent from the 26 cases recorded on Monday’s dashboard and is the largest case count in a single day since October.

According to the confirmed COVID-19 numbers for Tuesday released yesterday, there were 73 new cases in New Providence and six cases in Grand Bahama.

Eleven of the new cases had a history of travel, which could point to imported cases. There are 21 people in hospital with COVID-19. Nineteen of them are considered moderately ill and two are in the Intensive Care Unit receiving treatment.

For much of the month, COVID-19 infections were either in the single digits or low double digits, the highest being 41 on December 18.

 On September 30 the country recorded 84 new cases and 130 were recorded on September 29. That month saw several days with triple digit COVID-19 cases.

 The situation began to improve in October when there were no triple digit days recorded and the highest number was 84 cases in one single day. In November, the highest number recorded was 39 cases.

 This comes after several large events were held on the weekend.

 In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Dr Sands said while the government may be behind the “eight ball” in tightening measures, it’s never too late to act in the best interest of the economy and public health.

 “Let’s look at the last 14 days when on the eighth of December we would have had less than five cases and then there has been a deliberate progressive inextricable climb in cases,” he said.

 “I think this ought to have come as no surprise because the same phenomenon is being seen around the world and in particular from the areas that we attract visitors.

 “If you look at the number of travel related cases, in December we’ve had 438 cases, 158 of them had a history of travel and so there is no doubt that we have a combination of either multiple clusters, community spread and imported cases.”

 Asked if officials should act now to tighten measures, Dr Sands said: “We are a bit behind the eight ball, but perhaps the saying is ‘it’s never too late’ it’s unfortunate that we did not stop some of the large gatherings from happening.

 “The event over the weekend could only be described as a super spreader event and anecdotally there have been others. We all need to be disciplined.

“We all need to be playing our role and that includes the government, the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the COVID patrols, but most importantly the citizenry of The Bahamas.

 “We all need to understand the role that each of us plays in keeping this country Covid safe. The implications for the health and welfare of Bahamians is paramount but the implications for an emerging economy are also huge and we gamble with COVID at our peril,” Dr Sands said.

 Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis is expected to address the country today on the readiness of public health care for a potential impending fourth wave of the virus.


carltonr61 says...

He was careful this time and avoided contradicting WHO/PAHO global scientists like he did last time he spoke. That we only have political will and not scientists the world is riding on hopeful, that Omicron gas no teeth.

Posted 23 December 2021, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Posted 23 December 2021, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

I am befuddled that this man prefers the reputation of a covid merchant to that of a cardiologist.

The media has gone crazy, calling omicron a SUPER MUTANT.

Today's headline could be featured by the natinal enquirer, righ above the story of the womans who gave birth to 25 lbs twins.

Posted 23 December 2021, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Our numbers are meaningless. We lost the opportunity to gather proper data and perform any form of meaningful analysis. Imagine, the only people recorded as dying from COVID are those who died in a hospital system that is overwhelmed at 100 COVID patients.

That said theres nowhere in the workd where Omicron has proven to cause excessive deaths. The big news from the UK and the US is that 1 person died in December

Keep vigilant just in case our experience is different but again, out of 458 people 2 are in ICU

Posted 23 December 2021, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Dr. Sands is absolutely correct. Seeing that over 70% of the people in the Bahamas have died from Covid in the past 6 months (65% of those since the Omicron came out), he must be taken seriously. Just one example, the entire island of Eleuthera is now totally empty - not a single person to be found alive.

This is madness. With only 30% of the population remaining alive, WHEN will the government institute new measures? Are they going to wait for us all to die and then turn the country over to foreigners? Dr. Fauci has said over and over again to wear TWO masks and yet we continue to only wear one. I myself wear 4 masks at all times, even while sleeping. I even crafted a mask from a butter bowl lid with the center cut out, and covered with Saran wrap - to use in the shower (waterproof).

Masks Masks Masks. They are the only thing that's going to save the remaining 30% of us. Wear 4 like I do, or even wear 8 if you want to be twice as careful as I am.

I've even heard that a few persons who have died from Omicron have come back to life and died again multiple times - but that just sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.

Posted 23 December 2021, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...


Posted 23 December 2021, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

SMT he had his time he could of made a difference and again I personally cannot take his word because he switched more than once on what his party stood for and what he was supporting only when he was in the ministers seat.

Posted 23 December 2021, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

"Eleven of the new cases had a history of travel, which could point to imported cases." No one can board a carrier without negative test & mask or vaccination & mask. This means none of this works, not the mask, not the test, nor the vaccines. Or, that they are making all this up. Which also means the only effectiveness and reality is the fear and extorsion, getting these two groups of people to load up the body with toxic materials hands off!

Posted 23 December 2021, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

It typically takes between a few days and a week from infection, for the virus to build up sufficiently in the body to get a meaningful test result. The Rapid Antigen test, which is the test required for travel, is a lot less sensitive than the PCR test so it wouldn't be unusual for someone to have been already infected but test negative as the requirements are for testing 2-3 days before travel.

Additionally, the person may have returned a negative test 2-3 days before travelling, but become infected in the interim 2-3 days after testing and before travelling.

Posted 23 December 2021, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Who cares. Why is this guy still being interviewed ? He does not speak for the fnm, he lost his seat in the last election and we have a ministet of health. To interview him is a disrespect to the sitting mikister of health. He lost his vhance when he botched is opportunity the last time. He needs to save some lives in carsiology. Politics does not become him.

Posted 23 December 2021, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Shouldn't de very purpose behind **“If You See Somethin', Say Somethin'** campaign, not also spill over to raise awareness of suspicious concerns that may constitute a national security threat UK Colony's Popoulaces health and welfare and everythin' else like this and that, so as not to detour de doctor away from **'Talkin' Sometin', He Be Observin'** ― Yes?

Posted 23 December 2021, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Be careful there Tal - a whole ONE PERSON died in the UK from Omicron. Isn't that a national emergency? A world-wide emergency? What about that dog that got run over on the road last week? He don't count?

Posted 23 December 2021, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

How short are the memories of the foolish!
Five short mos ago the hospitals were so slammed with Covidiots who'd refused vaccinations that those in pain, needing care, needing life saving procedures were shut out.
Folks died, I'm sure everyone knows of some poor soul who couldn't get a bed.

Omicron, Delta whatever the variant if this country doesn't adequately count cases and deaths, ramp up testing and vaxxs, this winter will prove the grimmest yet.
Misinformation and ineptitude kills, have a care what y'all spew.

Posted 23 December 2021, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Actually it's 14 deaths in UK from Omicron.

Posted 23 December 2021, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> “If You See Somethin', Say Somethin'

@ Tal
You all see that? She is ready to denounce all her neighbours who break quarentine or buy non essential items.

We need to exile her to Austria.

Posted 23 December 2021, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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