Central Bank wants to see ‘prepare for worst plans’


Tribune Business Reporter


The Central Bank of The Bahamas has called for recovery plans for all supervised financial institutions (SFIs) to help enable them to fully restore operations after a crisis situation.

The bank, in its recently released its “Draft Recovery Planning Guidelines, 2021”, said these guidelines will apply to all banks and trust companies incorporated in The Bahamas as well as co-operative credit unions and branches of foreign banks.

In the event that a SFI is a subsidiary of a larger group that SFI should be aware of how the larger group’s recovery plan fits into what the Central Bank has laid out in its guidelines.

The bank said: “Local management must understand the SFI’s risk profile and be prepared to engage in discussions with the Central Bank as needed. The Central Bank expects SFIs to have relevant documentation in place to address these matters, as responsibility for compliance with the requirements of these Guideline remains with the SFI.”

“... Effective recovery planning makes a SFI more resilient to financial stress. The recovery plan should include both a SFI’s risk management framework for monitoring, and recovery options for responding to, a range of stress scenarios. These recovery options should help the SFI to restore itself to a stable and sustainable condition. Each aspect of the plan should be underpinned by detailed analysis.”

Outside of the standardized report features like an executive summary and organizational structure, the plan must lay out “early warning indicators and triggers” in addition to “recovery options” and their “feasibility” and “impact” and how the recovery plans are to be rolled out over time.

The bank also said: “The recovery plan should include a high-level summary that provides an overview of the plan and how it will be implemented. This includes the identification of the SFI’s critical services, stress scenarios and recovery triggers, as well as preparatory measures.

“Recovery plans should be supported by documentation, data, and management information. The plan must be clearly defined and capable of being activated by senior management in a timely and effective manner. Data and management information should identify when triggers are breached or are likely to be breached and should be integrated with other data and internal reporting aspects of the SFI’s risk management framework.

“SFIs must indicate the selection criteria for recovery options, how the trigger points were determined and provide an analysis that demonstrates that trigger points would be breached early enough to be effective. It is also important to note that early warning indicators should be linked to triggers.

“Recovery plans should be reviewed on an annual basis and regularly updated to reflect any change to an SFI’s business activities, its financial situation, its legal or organisational structure, or any other matter, which could have a material effect on or necessitate a change to the recovery plan. The recovery plan should be subject to approval by the SFI’s Board of Directors. SFIs must notify the Central Bank within one month of making any material changes to a recovery plan.”


Maximilianotto says...

Yes, prepare for the IMF coming soon…Omikron will destroy the short lived recovery and no borrowing capacity left for 2022.

Posted 25 December 2021, 3:40 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

They're always preparing for a crisis long after the crisis has begun.

It's the very definition of their "Don't Worry, Be Happy" mentality until there's no longer any happiness to be found anywhere anymore by the vast majority of us.

Posted 26 December 2021, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

The Bahamas' economy can turn on the flip of a switch because leaders do not know what they are doing. The only plan they can think to implement is increase VAT and all other taxes.i recently brought in something through UPS. I was charged a processing fee with vat on the processing fee. I was charged for the product with VAT on the product. There was a sub total and VAT was chaeged again on the first two VAT charges. This has to be grossly wrong of a government ti charge tou a tax on a tax. Oh, i guess they need more money. AHHH, there you go, brilliant plan.

Posted 26 December 2021, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas2022 says...

Yes the Bahamas economy could turn on a flip switch - just restructure the bloated inefficient civil service, remove all useless red tape and let people do their job.

Posted 27 December 2021, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas2022 says...

2 days 6 hours ago I wrote about Omikron. Today's Guardian writes 330 cases of which 74 with travel history. Game over, tourism over. Lockdown unavoidable. And then? Investors will flee, tourists will flee, lenders will flee, $11 bn debts will remain.

Posted 27 December 2021, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The real story about Omicron isnt hospitalizations and deaths. Its work absences. The absences are the impact. As long as we pretend that tourists arent the virus spreaders we're going to get this result

Posted 28 December 2021, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas2022 says...

And scrap the useless and worthless B$. Backed by nothing except sand…that’s why they introduced the Sand Dollar. The new Central Bank building would be a wonderful Straw Market and Marijuana sales Center for Craig Roberts from Bahama Beach Club and the famous partner of Craig Roberts the lawyer same name Partner and brother? Interesting relationship of these 2 buddies. No conflicts of interest of these….gentlemen? Welcome to the Bahamas.

Posted 28 December 2021, 3:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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