UPDATED: Halson Moultrie quits FNM


Tribune Chief Reporter


HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie resigned from the Free National Movement yesterday in a shock move, insisting his personal convictions collided with continued affiliation with the organisation.

The Nassau Village MP, pictured, has been at odds with his party for some time amid complaints from him about the state of his office and frequent calls for Parliament to be autonomous.

“My patriotic and not-to-be compromised conviction on fundamental essentials of democracy and good governance, such as the separation of powers, autonomy and independence of the legislature and judiciary, accountability and transparency, freedom of information and respect for the constitution makes my continued affiliation and association divergent and untenable,” the Speaker wrote in a letter yesterday addressed to the FNM’s Secretary General Serfent Rolle.

The letter, dated February 4, solidified with immediate effect a formal end to what Mr Moultrie called his “seven-month constructive withdrawal” from the FNM.

“As a member of Parliament for the Nassau Village Constituency and 54th Speaker of the House of Assembly, it is my intent to continue to serve, to the best of my abilities as an independent member, until the House is either prorogued for the purpose of electing a new speaker or dissolved for general elections,” he continued.

He thanked his constituents, saying he was grateful for the overwhelming confidence reposed in him and asked for their continued cooperation in “these troubled times”.

“Be reassured that our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness,” the MP continued, adding he would consult his wife and constituents before making a determination on the way forward.

The resignation did not come as a surprise to some observers who said they had seen the writing on the wall for months.

Former House Speaker Dr Kendal Major is among those not surprised by the move.

He said the situation puts the government in an “interesting conundrum” and maintained that in The Bahamas, a majority governing party cannot remove the Speaker. The holder of such a post must resign or a new one appointed after the House is dissolved, he said.

“I am not surprised because he was becoming more and more frustrated and more dogged and determined that it was becoming untenable,” Dr Major said.

“He made demands and was pushing to get those demands met and I think he feels like there is nothing much to lose now because he has lost the confidence and the cozy relationship with the hierarchy of the party and the House and so he is challenging it. He’s actually challenging the status quo. It’s actually very interesting.

“The Speaker has them in vice-grip. They can’t do anything with him,” Dr Major said. “The Speaker doesn’t have to come from a party at all and that’s why the House has to be prorogued.

“He’s a member of Parliament, period. They are in a vice-grip. They definitely have a problem. They either have to accept it, which there are egos all over the place, or go to (a) general election.”

In November, while at an event in his constituency, Mr Moultrie said there was a deliberate attempt to undermine his authority and suggested to reporters that Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis acted like a “demigod” in the face of pushback on matters of principle that challenge the executive branch of government.

Earlier that same month, he turned in the keys to his office to the government because he was not satisfied with the state of his office and bathroom facilities. He refused to set foot in that area again unless the situation was corrected.

And earlier this week, he referred a complaint Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis made against Attorney General Carl Bethel to the Committee of Privilege, despite opposition from the governing side.

Last night, FNM insiders said there was more friction behind the scenes.

“No prime minister has returned the autonomy of the House of Assembly since Sir Lynden Pindling removed it,” an FNM source said. “But he wants this prime minister to put it back. He also got upset when it was announced that they were building a new Supreme Court because he wants a new House of Assembly.

“But, the icing on the cake was when he was told by the party that the people no longer wanted him.

“Disregard all he said about this no longer being untenable. This is him being upset because constituents no longer want his representation. He was told that to run again for Nassau Village would be a win for the PLP.”

In a statement issued last night, the Progressive Liberal Party said the resignation is evidence that the FNM is “imploding”.

“The sudden resignation of House Speaker Halson Moultrie presents increasing evidence that the FNM is imploding as the wheels are falling off one by one under the weight of what appears to be increasing division in the party’s leadership ranks,” PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell said.

“The latest resignation follows the departure of House members Reece Chipman and Vaughn Miller. We remind all Bahamians that the Speaker of the House cannot be removed by the government majority.

“In our country the Speaker remains in place either until he either resigns or the House is dissolved for a general election.”


Honestman says...

Should have been removed some time ago. He has never understood the role of House Speaker.

Posted 4 February 2021, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Sound like someone wasn’t going to be the incumbent candidate for Nassau village.

Posted 4 February 2021, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Halson Moultrie’s heart was never in the FNM, so he’s going home where his heart is. Unfortunately (for him) this may be the end of his political career. And unfortunately (for him) it may also have been an end if his political career if he stayed with the FNM

Posted 4 February 2021, 8:05 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

GOOD MAN! Someone that stands for nothing will fall for anything. Kissing ass is NOT an option!!!

Posted 4 February 2021, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Lol, standup for what, being a buffoon, wanting a new office in this economy, demanding hoa have its own budget for him to control, his disrespectful powder puff man rant from the chair of our parliament, his misogynistic rants. Furthermore, he had to know he wasn’t getting renominated after the new providence incumbents were announced and he was not named.

Posted 5 February 2021, 8:29 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Can't say he will be missed.

Posted 4 February 2021, 9:38 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The same will be rightfully said of Minnis after the next general election.

Posted 5 February 2021, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

FNM needs to dump Minus and a few others if they ever want to win the next election.

Posted 5 February 2021, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

"Talkie Show Host" **Comrade Juan**, needs to be called out for his goin' overboard with his peddling of ignorance pertaining to the removal of the House Speaker, and the crossing the House floor by PLP MP's.
Wouldn't the record show that **many times more redshirt MP's,** have crossed the floor of the House? **Shakehead** a quick once for Upyeahvote, Twice Not?

Posted 5 February 2021, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

Truth be told, no one knows who will win the next election. I'm sure they will bring up the Nygard thing to remind the public who the PLP still is...they would be stupid not too. Political members come a dime a dozen, so one man walking away, or in this case, 3 now with Freddy Mac out the door. I can't see Brave them winning, but them might... I always say they will inherit a broke treasury. Bahamians already use to all these handout... so with no money, he will get 5 years the most...

Posted 5 February 2021, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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