Moultrie resignation 'came as no surprise' to FNM


Tribune Freeport Reporter

DAVID Thompson, national vice chairman and chairman of the GB FNM Council, said the resignation of House Speaker Halston Moultrie from the Free National Movement came as no surprise to the party due to his recent “provocative behaviour.”

He noted that Moultrie’s action will not distract the governing party, which remains strong with a 32 majority in Parliament.

“The resignation of Halston Moultrie from the FNM party is not surprising considering his provocative behaviour recently, and his one-man crusade alleging the lack of independence of the legislature in the government of the Bahamas,” Mr Thompson said at the FNM’s Grand Bahama headquarters on Friday,

“As we in the Bahamas are waging a war against the worldwide COVID pandemic…, and continue to battle the effects of national disasters, including the killer storm Dorian, it is difficult to appreciate the action of Mr Moultrie in raising what is at best a distraction to the work of the FNM party, and the Minnis Administration, in the governing of our nation in the benefit of all Bahamians in these critical times.”

Mr Thompson stated that the FNM party and the Minnis Administration continue to remain focused on national priorities to alleviate the hardship of the Bahamian people.

He noted that amidst recovery from hurricanes and COVID-19, the FNM government is working to mitigate the damage to the economy and the healthcare system, which is causing significant pain and suffering to Bahamians.

House Speaker Moultrie, MP for Nassau Village, tendered his resignation from the party with immediate effect on February 4, saying that his personal convictions collided with continued affiliation with the organisation. He has been at odds with his party amid his complaints over the state of his office and frequent calls for Parliament to be autonomous.

The national vice chairman does not think Moultrie’s resignation will hurt the party. “The FNM is resilient; the FNM came to Parliament with a 35 to four majority. And right now, the FNM has 32 MPs in parliament. The opposition continues to have five and independent at two. The FNM is strong…”

“Having five PLPs or two independents as opposed to 32 FNM MPs shows us that we must continue to steer the course, and deliver health and relief for all people as we pass through this valley…” he said.

Mr Thompson stated that the Bahamas is facing a tremendous crisis, like other countries around the world.

“We as a government and party do comprehend the magnitude of what every government faces, however, the FNM remains strong. The 32 FNM members comprehend the magnitude of continuing the tremendous transformation and work to bring relief and provide help to those hurting…and in need of food, shelter, and health care in this COVID pandemic crisis,” the party vice-chairman said.

In Grand Bahama, Mr Thompson said the party supports the Minnis Administration.

“We will not let the resignation be a distraction from the positive work on the island. The FNM has delivered badly needed relief and improved the daily life and betterment of people,” he added.

Mr Thompson indicated that the assistance provided by the FNM in the crisis is the best it could do, having regard to the resources of the country.

“But, it is not enough to meet the need until we can restore the economy and provide employment and to lift us out of what is a most devastating economic situation that faces the world and impacts on us in the Bahamas where 70 percent of our revenue is derived from tourism,” he said.

“We empathize with those who feel that more needs to be done. On the ground in GB, we hear rumblings of dissatisfaction, impatience, and discontent. We will listen to that, and we are urging our government to respond to that,” Mr Thompson said.


bahamianson says...

Ofcourse it was no suprise,that is the politically correct thing to say. I am so tired of this political crap. You must always pretend that you are ahead of.the game.

Posted 5 February 2021, 10:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

this current FNM seem to have mastered the tactic. Literally nothing is ever wrong everything is going exactly as planned and there is no need to change anything. Admit to Nothing will be their 2022 slogan.

Posted 6 February 2021, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

And the leadership of the FNM party is constantly reminding all of its members to blame our country's dire financial predicament, that is causing great hardship and suffering for most Bahamians, on Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic.

New FNM candidates who will be seeking elected office are being told to make sure and "blame it all" on Dorian and COVID-19. But most voters will not be fooled this time around as they were in May 2017 because Emporer Minnis is now naked as a jay bird for all to see him for what he truly is; nothing but a grossly incompetent, power hungry, arrogant, nasty and vindictive imbecile.

Too many are now living a miserable existence with little to no hope of things ever getting better because of Minnis's abysmal failure as PM. This power juiced buffoon will no doubt once again try to paint himself as the only saviour of the Bahamian people with the usual false promises to make it the people's time. But the voters will not be fooled again. Voters across the Bahamas will be voting for the independent candidate running in their constituency come the next general election because they are totally fed up with all of the two-party foolishness that has literally ruined the Bahamas and their quality of life.

Posted 6 February 2021, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Right now, giving some honest, sensible Independents, who actually care about the Country and not their pockets and power, a chance to govern, seems to be the only possible salvation for The Bahamas.....

Posted 6 February 2021, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Do you really think this will work in our country? Do you really think that we have an electorate that will vote for independents?

Posted 8 February 2021, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

For someone to be so preoccupied with our Prime Minister it must mean this person is jealous and downright vindictive. What is your problem? Every word that you write is the same thing :negative, mean, untruthful and envious.

I have on numerous occasions asked you to cease and desist from these vicious and unfounded insults. Why don’t you seek an audience with the PM and lay out your concerns as opposed to hiding behind an anonymous moniker. Are you afraid of him? Have you ever met this MAN?

Please list the negative things our PM has done since taking over from Nygard’s puppets? Document your negative assessment with empirical facts.

And, most importantly, just double up on your medications. You misbegotten idiot.

Posted 6 February 2021, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

not really. lots of people were preoccupied with Trump. They weren't vindictive. He just happened to be a horrible leader with multiple examples of bumblings

1. Oban. nothing else need be said considering forgery and disappearing file evidence
2. Drafting a resignation letter for Sands pretending as if he knew nothing about it then "regretfully" accepting it
3. Lanisha Rolle
4. July 1 opening despite numerous voices askjng for rationale. 160+ additional people die
5. Lock down "Immediately"
6. Alphabetical shopping
7. BPL investigation
8. 100 dollars? what's the big deal?
9. disbanding of the National Development Plan unit. There literally can be no logical explanation for that

Posted 6 February 2021, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Thanks. And that's really just for starters. My own list is a whole hell-of-a-lot longer and is being saved for the run-up period to the next general election, after parliament has been dissolved.

Posted 7 February 2021, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You know what I don't get about rabid Minnis supporters? It's like he's infallible. If someone were to start listing all the things I got wrong they'd probably run out of paper. But I'd have to say yeah I did that, I didn't mean too/I didn't know better/Sorry/I'll try to do better next time... but these guys just attack and push this message that Minnis is the greatest thing ever. They wasted such a great opportunity. If he had run with that national development plan, despite his failings, he could have been branded a transformational leader. Sadly by tearing everything down he's forever labelled as the king of petty.

Posted 7 February 2021, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Tribanon & This Is Ours and others may not like what PM Minnis has done as CA and can point to a number of "shortfalls" since 2017 ........ and NO Minnis is not infallible ......... But when I think of the alternative being Greasy Hands Davis and his Old Guard inner circle who have just been re-nominated for 2022, I tremble at the idea of the PLP coming back to power in 2022 ..... That's my position.

Minnis is re-consolidating his candidates list and preparing for a new fight with a revamped 2022 team (minus 5-7 incumbents + a few retirees) ...... Totally opposite position from Greasy Davis & his old suspect cronies

Posted 7 February 2021, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

I can concur with you that when compared with Davis, sadly, Minnis is clearly the better choice.

However, can we get to the place where we have real leaders running our the political parties in this country aspiring for PM and not have to make the choice between the lesser of 2 evils?

Posted 8 February 2021, 8:39 a.m. Suggest removal

tell_it_like_it_is says...

How about not having Davis or Minnis as leaders?

Posted 8 February 2021, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

The chances of many (or any) independent candidates being elected are slim and non. I predict that the PLP will be put back in Government and within a year we will be bitchen about how bad they are. We are doomed to be governed by idiots for the foreseeable future!

Posted 6 February 2021, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Some fear both Minnis and Davis may try impede the efforts of individuals who seek to register as independent candidates and pay their candidate fee by the required due date for the next general election. Stay tuned.

Posted 6 February 2021, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Tribanon ......... we have a dual party system as the basic building blocks of our democracy ...... How can Independents run the country? a huge coalition?

That sounds nice (coalition), but the degree of practical application is limited. We just need an Opposition that will do its job, and not default and look for stupid excuses as Greasy Brave dem are doing (2017-22).

Posted 7 February 2021, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

A "dual party system" as you call it was never a real democracy. Just look at what such ridiculous two-party political systems have done to countries like the US, UK and ours for example. We desperately need a wave of fresh young independents (entirely new blood with no FNM or PLP political baggage) to finally put an end to the extremely corrupt two-party nonsense that has been going on for decades and has brought our country to its knees. Another FNM or PLP administration would take away all hope of there ever being a brighter tomorrow for Bahamians. And thankfully many voters are now awake to that simple fact.

Posted 7 February 2021, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Like most of you, I long for a meaningful change. However, human nature being what it is, there are precious few individuals who will risk economic and possibly social repercussions by exposing themselves as independent candidates. In a society as small as ours it is far too common for a potential candidate to consider salary and advantages ahead of the common good. Hard to find another Cincinnatus who saved ancient Rome from invasion then returned to his farm much to the surprise of the senators who had granted him sweeping emergency powers. After all, they had anticipated that he would set himself up as a dictator.

Posted 7 February 2021, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Like you I am amazed at people talking about Independents candidates. That has not worked before in our country and it still will not. Unfortunately, elections call for money, and which independent will put up their own money to run and election for a $28K salary a year?

They would really need to have the country at heart to do that.

Posted 8 February 2021, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

I'm hoping Minnis could resign and the FNM get a leader. Yeah Minnis is better option than Davis, but this country still needs better than the two of them. And the DNA is no option.

Posted 8 February 2021, 8:47 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

As much as I detest the very corrupt and contemptible Yellow Belly Davis, the very power crazed, grossly incompetent, obnoxiously arrogant, disgustingly nasty and sickeningly vindictive Minnis has proven himself to be much much worse for our country and its people.

Posted 8 February 2021, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

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