Vaccines for over-70s

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dear Dr Dahl Regis,

Thank you for the Press Conference last evening from the Vaccine Consultative Committee. We have all been watching and waiting for news on the COVID Vaccine programme you are organising.

I am a 77-year-old Permanent Resident and was very disappointed to hear right at the end of the conference that you would only be giving the vaccine to the 18-65 age group, after the front-line workers.

To be honest, my friends and I were shocked to hear this news, we believe our elderly need to be vaccinated. We should be the first eligible group for distribution of the vaccine after health care workers, following the first world nations who have done the same.

I understand you have probably listened to the report out of France where President Macron said that the Astra Zeneca Vaccine was not effective in the over 65 age group. In my view, it was President Macron’s sour grapes when Astra Zeneca said they might not be able to deliver all the full amount of the Vaccine for a while.

Europe did not order enough vaccines ahead and they are all quarreling about it and blaming each other. Post-Brexit nastiness, EU is giving Britain a very hard time.

In total, the UK has ordered 100 million doses of the Oxford-Astra Zeneca vaccine and already vaccinated the Frontline workers and the over 75-year-old age group.

Why would they do this if the vaccine was not effective in the over 65s? The first vaccine covers the patient up to 76 percent for 21 days from having the injection and then more protection after the second injection.

The countries responsible for the clinical trials mandated that the elderly be vaccinated immediately after first responders.

The elderly is crucial to the Bahamian society and are many of the matriarchs that hold our families together.

They have also been the most obedient in the lockdowns and now you want to punish us by saying, we are content to stay inside.

No, we look after our grandkids, we volunteer for non-profits, we support business and restaurants – just because we are old does not mean we don’t deserve vaccinations. My friends and I, all over 70, ask that you rethink this idea, and protect our 66-plus-year-old’s and include them in the roll-out of the COVID vaccine programme.

If you agree with me, I encourage you to sign the petition started by a friend’s daughter, on (link attached). So why not The Bahamas?

Wake up the Bahamas and let us demand that we take care of our senior citizens.


Freeport, Grand Bahama

February 7, 2021.


lobsta says...

> Why would they do this if the vaccine was not effective in the over 65s

because it's not been proven to be effective enough....the UK just went ahead regardless. That's not only the opinion of the EU authorities, but also that of other countries, like Switzerland which approves them independently. Plus the vaccine has been shown to be rather ineffective at treating the new South African strain.

Posted 9 February 2021, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

You real must check what's going on before you put pen to paper.
The UK regulator worked with both Pfizer and Oxford AZ during their trials as opposed to the normal procedure of reviewing the data at the end of the process thus cutting out the delays.
Over 10milion residence in the U.K. over the age of 70 have been injected with no adverse effect from ether The Pfizer and AZ first dose, in fact because of these injections the infection rate has dropped in those age groups very fast!
Also The EU regulators has approved the AZ for all age groups, certain European countries no doubt as a fit of peak, because of the EU's incompetents delayed the advance ordering the required doses, decided to not use the AV for over 65, disputed the data an emperical evidence!
The evidence now available is that the AV injection will still reduce the effects of the SA strain!
So please double check what you saying before promulgating misinformation!

Posted 9 February 2021, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

@lobsta is absolutely correct and I suspect you on the other hand are somehow tied to big pharma.

Posted 9 February 2021, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

So what if he/she is tied to big pharma ? Aren't we all 'tied' to something ? Having a strong connection to a particular industry, science, business, religion etc. gives each of us more knowledge & a well rounded understanding of the subject matter.

Posted 9 February 2021, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

The data regarding Astrazeneca's effacacy against the South African variant was just released on Sunday. So far the reduction in infections in the UK appear to be due to the lockdowns. Please post a link to your claims..

Posted 9 February 2021, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Some countries are limiting the Oxford vaccine to 65's and under, because they feel there is not YET sufficient clinical data on the Oxford vaccine in over 65's. Even at 60-70% effectiveness it offers superior protection when compared to the flu vaccine which offers 50% protection at best. It might just be a case of tweaking the dosage in order to get better protection. I think further clinical data will come out in the next several months

Posted 9 February 2021, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Seems like you're avoiding mention of the name AstraZeneca these days. Can't help but wonder why. LMAO

Posted 9 February 2021, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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