Cubans lived on coconuts for five weeks

THE United States Coast Guard rescued three Cubans who were stranded on an uninhabited Bahamian island for more than a month.

According to the US Coast Guard, the three people — two men and a woman — were not seriously injured, however, they were taken to a Florida hospital yesterday. A Coast Guard crew found them on Anguilla Cay, an island near Cay Sal Bank. They reportedly survived on coconuts while stranded on the island.

According to Local 10 News, Lt Justin Dougherty said a US Coast Guard aircrew first noticed “some unusual flags” on the island and flew back around to investigate when they spotted the three people waving at them.

“They were actually there for 33 days — more than a month,” Lt Dougherty, a spokesman for the US Coast Guard, said. “To survive on coconuts; that is pretty extraordinary ... It was incredible. I don’t know how they did it. I am amazed that they were in such good shape when we saw them.”

After the Cubans were discovered, a US Coast Guard crew left Florida to fly over the area to drop off water, food, and a radio. When the USCG helicopter crew returned to rescue them, the Cubans said their boat had capsized in rough waters and they were able to swim to the island.


tribanon says...

The US Coast Guard under the new Biden administration has renewed orders from DC to bring all Cubans fleeing Cuba to Florida and take all Haitians fleeing Haiti to New Providence Island when found in the territorial waters or stranded on isolated islands of the Bahamas.

Posted 10 February 2021, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

You should go to work for faux news! With all your lies and misinformation, you would fit right in. The policy was started by your boyfriend Trump, not Biden who hasn't had enough time to undo all the crap instituted by the whiny orange haired, makeup using Trump. Why don't you go and inseminate your girlfriends with your huge sperm count. Geez!

Posted 11 February 2021, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The US policy of favouring Cuban illegal aliens over Haitian illegal aliens actually pre-dates Trump and was very much supported by Obama. But I wouldn't expect someone like you to know that. LOL

Posted 11 February 2021, 8:42 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Well Coconuts have sugary Water and Protein, so it's not that amazing. Plus there is rainfall for fresh water. With the Democrats in charge in the US there will be many more Cubans, Haitians, Dominicans and God know what else coming this way.

Posted 10 February 2021, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

Ah... the misinformation perpetuated by Fox et al. It's amazing to see even Bahamians think any Democrat is some radical socialist hell bent on turning the US into a communist state. At the same time cunning, but also inept and corrupt. Elsewhere in advanced and functioning democracies these policies are considered common sense. The sad thing is that you all been had by catering to your feelings of inadequacy and fear.

Posted 10 February 2021, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

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