‘UFO’ was U.S. missile test



A STRANGE sight spotted in the sky on Tuesday night that fueled rumours of an unidentified flying object is said to be a Trident submarine-launched ballistic missile test that occurred over the Atlantic Ocean.

Video of the flying object seen over parts of The Bahamas and Florida circulated on social media.

Kendal Dorsett of the Aircraft Accident Investigation Authority said the agency was aware of the reports, explaining no local aircraft was involved.

“I know what video you are referring to, but there has not been any reported incident as far as any aircraft is concerned,” he said. “There is no accident related explosion to our knowledge and nothing has been brought to our attention in reference to an accident.”

Director of Meteorology Trever Basden said the department was also contacted about the object.

“Everyone was sending in photos and videos asking us what that was in the sky, so we had to do our research to see what it was,” said Mr Basden.

He referred this newspaper to American news outlets, which reported the object was likely a Trident submarine-launched ballistic missile test that had occurred over the Atlantic Ocean.

Online outlet “The Drive” said the missile was launched off the Florida coast and had a re-entry area to the east of Ascension Island, with a total downrange travel distance of around 5,200 miles. Prior to that, according to “The Drive” there were a series of notices posted to airmen about the potential launch activity.

The launch of this missile grabbed the attention of many Bahamians who saw the Trident missile’s fiery trail light up in the night sky.

“The Drive” said these tests are essential to guaranteeing America and Britain’s second-strike capability that reinforces both countries’ nuclear deterrents.

The site did not say whether or not the launch originated from a US Navy or UK Royal Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine. And, while it does not know which navy carried out this particular test, based on information from alerts provided to aviators and maritime vessels ahead of time, the missile’s intended trajectory appeared similar to the planned one from a launch the Royal Navy carried out in the Atlantic in June 2016.

“The Drive” said that that test was a “controversial failure”, with the unarmed missile reportedly flying off course in the complete opposite direction, instead heading toward the United States mainland. Luckily, its self-destruct feature was triggered, safely destroying it midair over the ocean.

Although tests of this nature are not rare, they are usually done over the Pacific Ocean. Before this recent test near Florida, the French performed a test of their M51 SLBM in the Atlantic Ocean.


bahamianson says...

it was an unidentified flying object until it was identified.

Posted 11 February 2021, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Just think, we might get lucky. One of these stray missiles could land .........

Nah, I suppose there's no chance of us having that much luck. LOL

Posted 11 February 2021, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

That was my uncle on the toilet after having his castor oil.

Posted 11 February 2021, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I recorded it, was wondering what that was...

Posted 11 February 2021, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Since we have no oil, maybe we should convert the Bahamas into a ballistic missile testing facility, to get some cash to pay off the Covid debt? Where are the pro oil fellas?

Posted 11 February 2021, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The very sinister and evil Red Chinese Communist Party would be only too willing to payoff our entire national debt and make all of our elected politicians filthy rich if our government allowed their military to establish air and naval bases, together with medium and long range missile testing facilities, within our sovereign domain. I'm sure the Xi Jinping regime, emboldened by a Red China friendly Biden presidency, is now inclined more than ever to make some not so subtle overtures to the Minnis-led administration. Can't imagine where they would wish to point their missiles. lol

Posted 12 February 2021, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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