‘Criticism of COVID policing is unfair’


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle yesterday defended the conduct of officers against complaints that they have been using excessive force when citing businesses found in breach of the COVID-19 Emergency Orders.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a police event, he admitted that while he has had to deal with “a few” officers who have acted inappropriately, there are times when officers are not always in the wrong.

“There have been a few that I had to intervene in when I felt that officers acted quite improperly and we dealt with it and so we try to sensitise officers,” said Commissioner Rolle.

“I also want to sensitise the business owners because what we have been having a lot of recently is people who operating illegally, things like operating a bar. Those things have not been permitted.”

The police chief pointed to one particular instance where a person was found fabricating stories and trying to paint officers in a negative light.

He said: “I saw a video circulating recently where a chap was accusing one of my officers and he was disingenuous because he was cited for loud music that was being played on the outside and officers walked on the outside and they were talking and nobody was inside there and so we’re not going to cite anyone in there, but it gives the impression that the police have done something wrong.

“And I want to set the record straight that we don’t go out of our way to cause any unnecessary hardship or embarrassment to people but we simply ask people to let us abide by these protocols that are being placed so that this is for everybody.”

His comments come as some businesses in the entertainment sector are gearing up to reopen after months of being shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Monday, Fusion Superplex officials said it planned to call 70 more workers back to work after the government gave the go-ahead to reopen its cinemas in a letter dated February 12, 2021. Mario’s Bowling was expected to reopen yesterday with 58 of its 120 employees.

However, the Commissioner sent a stern warning to those businesses that have not been given the approval from the competent authority to resume operations.

He said: “I would ask those people not to attempt to open because if they do, then we have a duty to shut them down. We don’t want to do that, but if you test us, then we will do it.”

Last year, there were 4,275 violations to the COVID-19 Emergency Orders.


tribanon says...

Our self-annointed supreme ruler has transformed our democracy into a police state and is using our police and defense force as his very own gestapo goon squad to enforce his ridiculously orders and protocals that have stripped the Bahamian people of their constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties. All sensible Bahamian voters need to put an end to this incompetent government, led by its power crazed tyrannical despot, when they next go to the polls to cast their vote.

Posted 18 February 2021, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

K4C says...

All sensible Bahamian voters need to put an end to this incompetent government, yes both PLP and FNM

DEMAND a NEW political party and make SURE none of the dregs from the PLP or FNM are members, it's TIME for new blood

Posted 18 February 2021, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

Oh the criticism is most deserved. What has happened to our police force?

Take this articles picture as an example. When did wearing military fatigues become necessary for any office let alone a commissioner?

Going through a road traffic stop (contrary to law) with your children and having them see police officers dressed like rag tag, hodge podge mercenaries of a 3rd world African nation complete with military weapons with little firearm discipline and terror masks from popular movies with the intent to look terrifying is abysmally pitiful when you consider their task is to catch motorists in road traffic infractions.

I wont even go into how I believe our education and societal problems are now catching up to us with the resulting younger generations joining the police ranks.

Posted 18 February 2021, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I will wager you his military fatigues were made in and supplied by Red China.

Posted 18 February 2021, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

Once again Minnis gets to pick winners and loser. I simply cannot believe that these decisions are being made by the Ministry of Health in a democratic committee based fashing. I believe the one man show is making all the decisions on who wins and who loses. If i am wrong please show me. One bar in ABaco wide open and chockablock elbow to elbow every night meanwhile the little coffee shop down the street gets harassed for serving lunch and a coffee...

Posted 18 February 2021, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

The whole thing is a dangerous crock, from the pm to the police, to the "emergency orders" to the so-called covid ambassadors. The People must put an end to this before we are worse than an abysmal third world country.

Posted 18 February 2021, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> On Monday, Fusion Superplex officials
> said it planned to call 70 more
> workers back to work after the
> government gave the go-ahead to reopen
> its cinemas in a letter dated February
> 12, 2021. Mario’s Bowling was expected
> to reopen yesterday with 58 of its 120
> employees.
> However, the Commissioner sent a stern warning to those businesses that
> have not been given the approval from
> the competent authority to resume
> operations.
> He said: “I would ask those people not to attempt to open because if they
> do, then we have a duty to shut them
> down. We don’t want to do that, but if
> you test us, then we will do it.”

What the heck is the COP talking about? If the people received a letter form government saying they can open, how can he make a pronouncement for them not to open, when they have a letter saying they can. I smell a rat.

Posted 18 February 2021, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

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