EDITORIAL: The vaccine can restore our health - and the health of our economy

THE battle to develop a COVID-19 vaccine has been won – now begins another battle, this time to convince people to take it.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday gave a national address in which he implored Bahamians to take the vaccine when they get the opportunity.

He said that when a large percentage of people have been vaccinated, the country will be able to open up more – and it will likely be a requirement for overseas travel and cruise lines.

Dr Minnis also warned against some of the misinformation circulating on social media – calling on people to rely on trusted news sources and official outlets rather than unaccountable comments on Facebook and Whatsapp.

The battle to win hearts and minds on the need to take the vaccine is one being conducted around the world.

In today’s article by Sir Ronald Sanders in Insight, you can read about the slow pace at which vaccines are being rolled out around the world, with the Caribbean likely to be a year behind Britain and the US in its vaccinations.

Sir Ronald also points out that churches whose leaders have been preaching against the vaccine are doing their followers no good – nor their countries.

Across in the US, churches are playing a key part in spreading the word about vaccinations. A divide has emerged in the rollout of vaccinations in the US, with residents of black communities making up significantly higher amounts of the COVID-19 deaths totals, but lagging behind when it comes to take-up of vaccinations. Officials in Washington are turning to the church and pastors to help close that gap, to convince people that the vaccine is the way forward.

The facts come down to this – to achieve herd immunity, the higher the percentage of people taking the vaccine the better. Without that immunity, the virus keeps spreading to people, it keeps thriving… and the country stays shut down. Neighbouring nations aren’t going to want to let people in from countries where the virus remains uncontained – and tourists aren’t going to want to come visit them either.

“Proof of vaccination may be one of the critical measures in helping the tourism industry to bounce back around the world,” warned Dr Minnis, who added that he would take the vaccine, that he would urge family and friends to take the vaccine and who said: “By getting vaccinated you will help the country to return to a greater level of normalcy.”

We can’t imagine many people are happy with things going on the way they are – so that’s the choice, take the vaccine, or stay as we are with curfews and lockdowns and the fear of the virus taking away our loved ones.

Put like that, who would choose the latter?

Curfew inequality

The Tribune today reports on large crowds at the Cabbage Beach Bar & Grill, which we witnessed operating in full swing after curfew with hardly a mask in sight.

There are many businesses which have abided by the curfew restrictions – even when to do so cost them financially. There are businesses which have kept their doors closed when it is hurting them every day – along with the hurt caused to staff who can’t come in and earn their wage.

So to see some businesses abiding by the rules and others seemingly not doing so is frustrating to say the least.

That frustration only increases when – as The Tribune did – those places operating outside the rules are reported to the police only for very little to happen.

The Tribune was there to see 85 cars along the road to the Cabbage Beach venue – including one bearing a red government plate, #GV0*.

We were there to see people shoulder to shoulder in the venue, we were there to note the absence of masks – and to see people smoking marijuana openly. There was even an executive of a prominent corporation present – although he exited at pace.

Finally, shortly after his exit, a solitary police car arrived. None of the flashy COVID Ambassador vehicles in sight.

There was no rush to leave, and the police officers were seen chatting to management while drinking something given to them in white Styrofoam cups. No fines were witnessed being issued, although a former PLP cabinet minister was seen taking his leave.

By the time The Tribune left, the crowd was still largely there – and we understand the party resumed.

In The Tribune, we have reported numerous court cases involving people breaking COVID regulations that tug at the heart – the story of the boy fined for selling coconuts, the story of a man fined as he went for water, and more besides.

It cannot be that there is one rule for one, and a different rule for another. All of those in attendance should have known this was not appropriate – and some of those in attendance are connected politically enough to absolutely know this was wrong.

This will not be the last time The Tribune passes this venue – we hope the police will be taking a keener interest as well. If they do not, we will report that too.


joeblow says...

-Long term effects of mRNA vaccines are unknown

-The rates of re-infection with different strains of virus are quite low with less side effects in subsequent infections.

-Those being vaccinated are still being infected with other strains of virus

-We have no idea how extensive community spread of infections was in the Bahamas, we never did mass antibody testing, so how can we determine the extent to which vaccines are needed?

Why do we need to vaccinate against a virus with 2-3% global mortality rates? This seems to be a push to start a global vaccination trend in future pandemics which will probably occur more frequently for the benefit of a few! This is becoming about control, NOT health and safety!

-To restore the health of our economy it seems more sensible to ask tourists to have had a vaccine.

-Those who want a vaccine should enter their names on a list at their local clinics if they choose, but this should not be pushed on the population.

Our leaders need to learn that following what others do without thought is not leadership, its sheepish!

Posted 23 February 2021, 8:15 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "We can’t imagine many people are
> happy with things going on the way
> they are – so that’s the choice, take
> the vaccine, or stay as we are with
> curfews and lockdowns and the fear of
> the virus taking away our loved ones."

My loved ones will be fine from the 99.9%+ survivable virus. The lockdowns and curfews are what destroyed the Bahamian economy, not this hyped up flu virus. Covid death numbers are greatly inflated worldwide. For example if someone dies of a heart attack in the US and they test them for Covid and find them positive they label it a "Covid Death". The same goes for accidental death etc. even though it wasn't the cause of death. Flu and all other respiratory deaths are at incredible lows because all of those deaths are being called "Covid" deaths. Then the corrupt Fake News Media uses this inflated death count to fearmonger people into taking experimental vaccines so that pharmaceutical companies can make hundreds of Billions of dollars globally. This whole thing is one giant scam.

Posted 23 February 2021, 8:37 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

You really need to get off Facebook kid..

Posted 23 February 2021, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I don't use Facebook buddy, never even had an account. Facebook is an intelligence gathering database for government and corporations to run psychological experimentation and surveillance on 🐑🐏🐑 like you.




Posted 23 February 2021, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

All these puppets just following the guidelines of the NWO. This system isn't just about Covid 19, it's a system that will remain in place for other agendas and experiments of humanity.

Posted 23 February 2021, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Vaccines are another method to do mass experimentation.

Posted 23 February 2021, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

ep242 says...

The PM in his waste of time address on Sunday said that details of the vaccine rollout would be provided the following day. Were they? I was hoping to read about it today in the Tribune. Instead, the lead story is the investigation into the corrupt practices of an inept (former) Minister which led to her resignation. Can the Tribune ask about the details of the vaccine rollout which were promised and are already late?

Posted 23 February 2021, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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