Vaccines and outright lies

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There is a lot of furore and outright lies going on with the roll out of the COVID vaccine. When we were children we were all given our numerous vaccines we had no say in the matter. That’s because our parents trusted the doctors, scientists and the experts. Now the world is in a staggering health crisis like nothing any of us has ever seen. Not since the Spanish flu of 1919 has anything of the scope of COVID been such as an existential threat not only to our health but also to our very civilisation.

Enter the internet and social media where everyone is suddenly an expert on every conceivable subject. Why trust Dr Fauci a highly qualified scientist/physician when the likes of Trump is available for scientific nuggets of wisdom such as ingest bleach?

The trouble with the internet/social media it spreads a myriad of lies from people who know absolutely nothing about the subject matter they are espousing. Then you have the regular man or woman on the street who are bombarded with totally contradictory information/advice. Who to believe? If you have not been lucky enough to get a first class education how can you filter out the truth?

This morning I had a conversation with a fairly bright guy who said to me “do I think COVID even exists”. Mind boggling.

In a nutshell that defines what’s wrong with the internet outright liars and charlatans have a platform where their bizarre ideas are giving a credence as well as an audience.

What did Dickens say in his 1844 novel a Christmas Carol as the ghost of Christmas present drew back his cloak and exposed the two children the boy and the girl? He said the boy is ignorance and the girl is want.

Here we are 176 years on and the boy is still alive and well! Ignorance is a blight on this strange little world we inhabit.



February 22, 2021.


GodSpeed says...

Hey buddy, if you like blindly trusting authority then go right ahead and take the shot. But stop trying to force others to go along with you. I don't know Dr. Fauci, do you? He could be corrupt and in the pocket of pharmaceutical companies out to make a buck for all I know. What I do know about him is that Dr Fauci has contradicted himself many times. Dr. Fauci said masks don't work:…

Then he said to wear masks, hey even wear two at one time he says, when other doctors will tell you outright that masks don't work like he stated correctly in the twitter video I linked, but those doctors get silenced for not playing along with the joke.
He also flip-flopped on opening schools. So maybe it's less about science and more about power.

> "That’s because our parents trusted
> the doctors, scientists and the
> experts."

lol yeah right, do you know how hard it is to get old island people to go to the doctor? They have common sense, they don't blindly trust people like you do, no matter how much of a big shot they're supposed to be. Also most of us took vaccines because the government forces you to take them in order to go to school. Look up the Tuskegee experiments and see what blindly trusting authority gets you.

> "If you have not been lucky enough to
> get a first class education how can
> you filter out the truth?"

What is it with you type of people and this arrogance that you're the enlightened ones and anyone who doesn't listen and obey must not be educated? We all have our own minds and can reason for ourselves.

> "Not since the Spanish flu of 1919 has
> anything of the scope of COVID been
> such as an existential threat not only
> to our health but also to our very
> civilisation."

COVID is not "a threat to our very civilization". There is no way that a virus with a 99.9+% survivability rate for most human beings can ever destroy human civilization. Unless that is we constantly lockdown our economy in mass hysteria because of 24/7 media fear mongering. It's the lockdowns not the virus.

**FACT:** mRNA vaccines are not the kind of vaccines we took as kids.

**FACT:** These types of vaccines have NEVER before been used on human beings.

**FACT:** NOBODY including your "experts" knows the long term effects of mRNA vaccines and if something happens to you down the line 3 or 5 years from now, nobody will be held accountable or liable. This is a mass human experiment.

**FACT:** The mainstream news media and social media companies have colluded to censor and deplatform real "doctors, scientists and experts" who warn against taking the vaccine. Yet they push Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, scientist or an expert all over the TV telling people what to do and think like he's a God. Obviously something isn't right here.

Just from the way you think I can tell you're a true MSNBC+CNN/mainstream media watching 🐑.

Posted 23 February 2021, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

even more: since they discovered mRNA, there were over 3000 applications for "genetic therapy" using mRNA. Guess how many were approved? one! yeah one. And guess why: because of heavy adverse effects. But of course now the vaccine is free of all risks...

Posted 24 February 2021, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

Posted 24 February 2021, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I'm on your page my friend. No one posting to this website could have summed it up better than you have done here.

Posted 25 February 2021, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

This commentator Godspeed has previously commentated that Trump won the US election; now he pushing this narrative about big pharma and Dr. Fauci being part of some weird international conspiracy. I cannot help wondering if he also believes that, as Trump said, it will be gone by May 2020 and it is just like a mild flu? The death toll of covid19 related deaths in the US is now way past half a million. I would think that the families of the deceased would disagree with Trump's statements and the commentators assertions.

Posted 24 February 2021, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Trump won by ALOT! The election was completely stolen by counting all the ILLEGAL votes. Those "half a million deaths" are greatly inflated by people who didn't actually die from Covid at all.

Posted 24 February 2021, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

The whole covid story is bogus. It already starts bogus: a virus jumped from a pangolin or whatever on the Wuhan market onto a human and then spread rapidly in China AND just few weeks later the virus was detected in the Wuhan virology institute. That's a story for naive kids man! Viruses circulated for years or even decades, before they were actually detected, take e.g. HIV. It was in the wild like 40 years until detected. Same for ALL other "regular" (previous) viruses. Now do not come and tell me the virus just popped in into existence in Wuhan and few days later it was found in the same place. That's a complete bullshit and if the story starts already with a bullshit then it is bullshit, period. I don't believe liars who start a story with a lie.

So, whatever is going on, it is NOT what governments tell us. period.

Posted 24 February 2021, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

Posted 24 February 2021, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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