Recalcitrant lawyers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Many years ago, I was disbarred for a gross act of malfeasance – commingling a client’s funds with my own. This is what lawyers call it but it is pure and simple the unauthorised use of a client’s money. In the real world it is called stealing, but not with the intent to deprive the client permanently of his/her funds. Lawyers do this as a matter of routine, especially when there is a slow down in the economy. I am talking about lawyers across the board, regardless of race; colour or creed.

Since the arrival of the pandemic and the off/on shuttering of the economy I have received complaints from numerous members of the public about the possibility of their lawyers actually receiving insurance settlements and the proceeds from assorted real estate transactions but refusing/failing to turn the same over to clients. The usual excuses are that the cheque is in the mail’ or that a timely court/trial date is unobtainable due to the virus. All plausible, but outright lies and fraudulent attempts to deprive clients’ of what is due to them.

One such person who would have consulted with me recently informed me that almost five years ago she consulted with and retained a lawyer for several thousands of dollars to follow up on an industrial accident situation that was as clear cut as day. The ceiling titles at a local well known service station broke loose and fell on to her head and upper body causing serious and lingering injuries.

Five years later, the client is having difficulties in hearing from her lawyer and she still has yet to see any sort of correspondence on pleadings to verify the status, if any, of her matter. Allegedly when she approaches the lawyer she is told that the lawyer is out of office; in court or at home recuperating from assorted personal injuries.

The Bahamas Bar Association is tasked with policing and discipling recalcitrant lawyers. Does it, however, take its legislative mandate seriously, across the board or is it a regime where “kisses go by favour“ or it depends on who you know? I was a show boat as a lawyer and the powers that be at that time were determined to engineer my eventual disbarment.

If you or someone whom you know may have been shafted by a licensed attorney they can contact me.



February 24, 2021.


1pnewman says...

'the powers that be at that time were determined to engineer my eventual disbarment.' It would appear that those same 'powers' you referenced didn't have to do much to engineer your demise, as your own actions led to that fate. Self-inflicted rather than some conspiracy that you would have us believe.

Posted 25 February 2021, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

All the associations over here are only there to protect the members and not the public. There are many cases of Doctors, Accountants and Lawyers doing stuff which should lead to their disbarment and yet all the association does is close ranks. Its another reason why a lot of people think of those who are members of these associations as jokes, no matter how high and mighty they talk (or those silly wigs some wear).

Posted 26 February 2021, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

Nonsense--Like in any profession or business there are crooks. Yes there are crooked lawyers, but the majority in the Bar Association are honest people. The writer of this letter should not tar everyone with the same brush.

Posted 26 February 2021, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Then the bar should deal with these people. But they don't. As they don't they can all be tarred.

Posted 26 February 2021, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I agree with Dawes ........... the systems in this country do not assist the poor vulnerable and deprived in society .......... Doctors, lawyers & accountants are the professional "teflon dons" and most others are left to the wolves.

Posted 26 February 2021, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

The New Champion for those who have been shafted by tiefin lawyers, the one and only purer than driven snow Ortland Bodie.
If you or someone you know has been shafted by their attorney just contact him , remember to send money.

Posted 26 February 2021, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

It is interesting that while this disbarred lawyer is throwing out these accusations he fails to actually mention any names. Can it be assumed that he knows that he can be sued for libel if he did so and was not able to prove his accusation. Talk is cheap, money buy land. More true with some than others, yes, Mr. Bodie?

Posted 27 February 2021, 12:02 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

He cannot put names out there ......... the BBA wolves will devour him. That doesn't mean that there are no crooked lawyers in the BBA ........ its a cartel, like the other Big TWO

Posted 27 February 2021, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

But Sleeprummer, why will the bba devour him? he is not a lawyer so they have absolutely no power or jurisdiction over him? Now, if he says one individual is crooked then he best be prepared to back up the accusation in court with some evidence, but nothing to do with the bba.

Posted 27 February 2021, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The real "cheap talk" is the BBA who tout their status and honour, while covering up wrongdoing & corruption. Same goes for ALL other so-called professional organizations in this country. Period

Posted 28 February 2021, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Sleetrunner, that does not answer the question of why you said that the bba will devour him, your words? Could it be that you do not have an answer?

Posted 28 February 2021, 10:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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