Long queues for pension registration


Tribune Staff Reporter


PENSIONERS crowded outside the National Insurance Board’s headquarters yesterday for pension verification before the January 15 deadline to avoid interruption in benefit payments.

On its Facebook page, NIB posted a notice yesterday mentioning that face-to-face verification remained suspended and pensioners were advised to verify via email at verification@nib-bahamas.com.

However, some pensioners who spoke to The Tribune seemed confused about the process and showed up in person to make sure they did not miss the deadline.

Pensioner Abraham Stubbs said: “I just came down to check to see whether I’ve gotten it done here or to get information if not here, where?” He said his verification process took about 20 minutes.

Eugene Butler came with his sister and said he was told by friends about the deadline.

“If you don’t verify, well you wouldn’t get that money this month. You’ll have to get it when you’re verified – the following month probably,” he said.

“Everybody is trying to get a few dollars so they can get to meet their needs – food wise and otherwise.”

NIB has also reminded customers that pension verification forms should be signed/certified by the following: attorney or counsel of the Supreme Court, any public officer above the rank of assistant head of department, bank manager, magistrate, justice of the peace, or an ordained minister of religion.


ThisIsOurs says...

This is a sin. I hope none of these people get sick.why force elderly people to crowd together?

Posted 5 January 2021, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

nassau98@aol.com says...

Shame on the Government. This wrong - period.

Posted 6 January 2021, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

nassau98@aol.com says...

Shame on the Government. This is wrong - period.

Posted 6 January 2021, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Why have thousands of elderly Bahamians move all over the place to deal with Officials signing forms as Public Official,Minister of Religion, Attorney, Bank Manager, Magistrate, Justice of the Peace to sign forms etc.... then parking, lining up etc .......when Government Officials don't phone, email, the Govern,ent Mortuary dept, or Funreal Homes for Govt Death Certificates of the deceased pensioners and amend the NIB Pension payment list.?????

Isn't there a Bahamas Govt Department not issuing Death Certificates to know which Pensioner have passed away and inform the NIB..????...Or, mabye the NIB official can read the Newspapers Thursday Obituary Section and cross off those deceased persons names on NIB records from continuing to receive the pension.

Posted 6 January 2021, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

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