Gambler winnings tax pushed to January 16


Tribune Business Editor

Implementation of the tax on web shop patrons' winnings has been pushed back two weeks to January 16 to allow the Government to provide all those impacted with sufficient notice.

A Gaming Board spokesman confirmed to Tribune Business that the tax's start date had been delayed from the original New Year's Day target so that it could be properly announced in the official government gazzette, which is the daily newspapers.

This was duly done on Wednesday via an advertisement signed by Gaming Board secretary, Ian Tynes, who said Bahamian gamblers will be taxed on their winnings from midnight on Saturday, January 16, despite push back from the web shop industry itself as well as patrons.

Leander Brice and Garvin Newball, A Sure Win's co-chief executives, told Tribune Business their clients need "more time to bounce back" given the hardship imposed by the pandemic's devastation of employment and incomes.

Saying they were sensitive to "the plight" of patrons, the duo said in a statement: "As an innovative industry, we remain committed to adapting as needed to the ever-changing environment in which we operate.

"However, we are concerned about our patrons as they will be burdened with an additional tax. We want to see our customers win, but most importantly we want them to enjoy all of their winnings. Especially with the impact of COVID-19, an additional tax at this time may dampen the spirits of many who game with us as a source of entertainment and relaxation.

"We understand the constraints of the Government and the need for new revenue opportunities, but we truly understand the plight of our gamers and we urge consideration in the timeline of this new tax roll-out to give our patrons a bit more time to bounce back in this current economic climate."

The A Sure Win duo spoke after Senator Kwasi Thompson, minister of state for finance, gave the domestic (web shop) gaming industry less than two weeks' notice that the tax will be implemented during mid-December's address on the Fiscal Strategy Report.

Underscoring the increased taxes and fees Bahamian businesses and consumers will likely have to bear as a result of the fiscal and economic blow-out created by COVID-19, Mr Thompson said the Government will start with a levy that is already on the books.

"To help counter the revenue losses, starting on January 1, 2021, the Government intends to implement the Gaming tax on winnings, passed in the House of Assembly in 2019 as part of the Gaming House Operator Amendment Regulations," he revealed.

The new tax will see a five percent levy paid by patrons on winnings up to $1,000, and 7.5 percent on anything greater than $1,000. It is projected to generate between $10m-$15m annually in extra revenue for the Public Treasury.

While a relatively small sum in the overall fiscal scheme of things, it will certainly shrink gamblers' winnings at a time when they will be hoping to land every cent possible due to COVID-19 related high unemployment and income cuts.

The Government's efforts to tax web shop patron winnings date back to 2018, and many will argue as a result that the industry cannot claim ignorance over its potential imposition or say it had insufficient time to prepare.

Its introduction has been delayed several times already, most notably when the Government in 2019 tabled regulations in the House of Assembly that failed to give the start date for the winnings tax.

The date oversight added further delay, as web shop operators were also given additional time to have their games tested and certified by independent laboratories that the terms and conditions had not been altered due to the tax’s introduction.

Dionisio D’Aguilar, minister of tourism and aviation, said previously that just 45 percent of web shop gaming activities will attract the new patron “winnings” tax with online casino spins remaining untouched “for now”.

This means that a gambler who wins $1,000 will pay $50 in tax, reducing their take-home winnings to $950. Someone who wins $2,000 will pay $150 in tax, leaving them with $1,850 to take home.

Mr D'Aguilar added that the Government had decided to focus this levy solely on lottery/numbers operations because it was too “complicated” to calculate the winnings from online casino spinning, indicating that Bahamian gamblers had got off relatively lightly.

The minister said the comparable winnings tax rates in Jamaica and Barbados are 15 percent and 20 percent, respectively. In the US, he added that the federal tax rate was 25 percent, with state and local taxes on top of that.

While the web shop industry is arguing that the Government is eroding patrons' winnings at the worst possible time, other observers may argue that such a levy is essential to deterring Bahamians from gambling away scarce incomes or unemployment benefits on games of chance.


tribanon says...


Posted 8 January 2021, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Useless industry that only serves to take money from the poorest people and give it to the number boys with no valuable benefit to society or actual products created except imaginary numbers.

Posted 9 January 2021, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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