Georgia win for Warnock

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The ability of our kind for self deceit and hypocrisy never fails to astound me. I am referring to Kevin Evans’ letter in The Tribune of Wednesday, January 13.

Evans’ letter berates a black Reverend Warnock for winning a senate seat in Georgia, USA. Why? Let’s examine Evans’ reasons.

Warnock is pro choice, ie the right to an abortion. Why should any politician have the right to stop any woman from deciding what she does with her own body? Why should a bunch of fat cat politicians dictate to a woman, say who is pregnant incestuously, from aborting?

Warnock is pro homosexual. Poor use of the English language, Evans. What Warnock believes in as the vast majority of the educated human race is freedom of choice for all people regardless of race, religion or sexual preference.

Homo and bi-sexuality have been around for thousands of years and will be for thousands more. No amount of berating/legislation or Bible quoting is ever going to change this.

Warnock supports the Marxist Democratic Party. Classic oxymoron. Marxism and democracy are mutually exclusive, please read and study, Evans. The US democratic party, Biden and formerly, Obama believe passionately in capitalism and the free market. The only slight difference between the two US parties is the Democrats will give the working and middle class a larger slice of the economic pie and some affordable health care.

As with all his letters Evans quotes the Bible ad nausea, you can interpret various Bible quotes anyway you like. The Bible is full of contradictory quotes, eg an eye for an eye, and vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

If you study the teachings of Christ he was politically on the left and berated the money grabbers constantly. Politically Christ was far closer to the Democrats than the Republicans.

Evans constantly defends that pillar of morality and Christianity the serial adulterer Donald Trump.

Yes, Donald who had to pay off a porn star to keep her silence, the same Donald who was recorded saying of women – I just grab them by the p—s.

Yes, that Donald I have a feeling Christ has a nice warm spot for Donald and no harp as you pass “Go”.

I should imagine Trump would be as welcome in heaven as Jeffrey Epstein would be on a bouncing castle. If, Evans, you don’t get this allegory – well God help you.



January 13, 2021.


GodSpeed says...

> "The US democratic party, Biden and
> formerly, Obama believe passionately
> in capitalism and the free market."

😂😂😂😂 now that's funny. The radical leftist party supports capitalism and free markets. Barack "You-didn't-build-that" Obama is a capitalist 🤣

Also anyone that support abortion is definitely not a Christian. Go look up a video of a late term abortion and see if you still support it.

Posted 14 January 2021, 6:58 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

@The Realist,
Well said!
Some wise words attributed to the late Robert Mugabe " If I could travel back in time, I would find Donald Trumps' father and give him a condom."🤣🤣🤣

Posted 15 January 2021, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

C2B says...

Jesus Christ would have been called a Socialist / Marxist if he were alive today. He was a very effective politician as we still like to quote those who say they knew someone who knew of him. Otherwise called Apostilles. They wrote the bible. A book, like Dr. Seuss, written by men.
Religion is no substitute for education.

Posted 15 January 2021, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Lectures about education but defends Marxism LOL...

Posted 15 January 2021, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

C2B says...

I am trying to understand the cogency (look it up) of your argument. Basically it's not cogent, because you don't have the ability to reason properly. This is a fundamental lack of education and the skills that are honed during that process. Not sure if you are a Marxist but I can deduce much about your educational level; it's low.

Posted 15 January 2021, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

You got me Mr. Cogent, I never finished Primary school. I don't even know how to read. But I have to ask, based on my prior comment why would you even need to wonder if I'm a Marxist? How are your reading comprehension skills?

Posted 16 January 2021, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

You know nothing of Christ to even be bold enough to assert that He is a communist. I am sure that He readily supported the mass persecution and killing of the millions of Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Union, or even the persecution of the Chinese Christians today under your interpretation of the scripture.

Posted 15 January 2021, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

C2B says...

I said Christ would have been called a Socialist / Marxist today. Not sure what led you to conclude what my opinion is. Reading comprehension is a very important skill. Or maybe take more time to read before retorting. I have studied Christ, the man. Not the myth religious people have invented over 2000 years.
He was a politician of the day. Predating the Nation State, religion was the politics of the day so this makes sense. By religion he was a Jew.
I haven't read the book you are referring to; the bible. You call it scripture, I call it a book. I believe railing against greed and lending would have people today calling you as Socialist. Even if your name is Jesus Christ.

Posted 15 January 2021, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Lol, He absolutely would not have been called a socialist or a marxist. Have you read Marx's work? Marxism and Christianity (or religion in general, for that matter) are completely incompatible. Marxism has one god, the state. There is no room for any others.

Were the Nazi's socialist (aside from name)? They were the only ones to ever have the balls to arrest a Rothschild, and sure disliked greed and lending as well. I have no clue how you have come to the derivation that condemning greed/lending is a uniquely socialist position, because it is not.

Lol, sure was a great jew if He repeatedly demonstrated how ignorant and foolish the religious traditions were.

Name me a single socialist/marxist perspective that Jesus had, I will wait. This is the dumbest low IQ narrative that I am sick of hearing parroted to be honest. Socialism/marxism, and any left wing ideology for that matter, are completely incompatible with Christianity or anything that Christ taught.

Posted 15 January 2021, 9:17 p.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Not sure why we have so many articles discussing the US here lately, too many Bahamians get caught up in the American news circus as far as I am concerned.

Warnock is a typical false prophet and worker of satan. No one can call themselves Christian and support the LGBT movement, bottom line. Anyone who claims otherwise is a heretic and worse than an unbeliever.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers - 2 Timothy 4 : 3

Posted 15 January 2021, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

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