Travel trouble

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have just completed a virtual conference with other travel agents from Canada, eastern United States and England. We were discussing the ongoing travel challenges and how we are directing the clients who wish to travel. The Bahamas led the Caribbean area for decades. Previously The Tourism Ministry was on top of the situation, spent time in working with agents and “travel partners” encouraging tourism to the beautiful Bahamas. So many of us have been involved with your country for so long that many have purchased holiday properties and come on a regular basis.

However, over the past few months much that had been built up has fallen apart. The Bahamas has dropped down to the bottom in interest and bookings. So many untruths have been spread by your Government officials and so much red tape has been introduced that few want to travel to you anymore. We all follow the Bahamas news. The great majority of residents from your main tourist markets are well. They are responsible and are taking all the necessary precautions. It is not us who are to wholly blame for COVID-19 entering your country. Your Government allowed Bahamians to return with no tests in July and the virus spread. Those of us who were actually able to gain entry all had to bring tests. Sadly there have been many nasty letters to your newspaper from Bahamians criticising visitors, the travel industry and even winter residents who want to come to their own properties. Yet we are your main economic driving force. Why has this been allowed to happen?

As we discussed today the major problem in booking trips to The Bahamas is the Health Visa combined with a very short five-day entry period. It has created uncertainty because most prospective visitors simply cannot complete the requirements in time to travel. Having to wait in most areas at least two days for test results and then scan them to Nassau and be uncertain whether the Visa will arrive in time has caused the problem. The expense of the tests themselves as well as the time spent in getting such tests adds as a deterrent to travel. It would be far better to allow visitors to present successful COVID-19 PCR test results at the airport and then receive boarding passes. All the extra layers imposed on people are counterproductive and do not bring visitors. We have all been forced to send clients to other southern destinations who take seriously the administration of tests and carry out suitable protocols. The idea that other destinations are full of COVID-19 is not true. None of us are sending people to any unsafe places. We are sending them there because they are not burdened with such rules and restrictions which make tourism all but impossible. We are all looking with amazement at the recent pronouncements from your hotel, union and government people that tourism will rebound. This is very wishful thinking. Our unanimous opinion after our discussions this morning is that tourism will not recover in The Bahamas until the Health Visa is eliminated and the hostile environment caused by health and government officials changes dramatically. Your economy is now under severe strain with large numbers unemployed. You are now at a precipice. Common sense must prevail soon or the future looks very bleak indeed. That would be a tragedy not only for Bahamians but for all of your friends overseas.


Toronto, Canada

January 23, 2021.


realityisnotPC says...

It's a shame to see such hypocrisy and twisting of the truth from Canada, a wonderful country with wonderful people. The letters are so similar that you have to wonder if it is simply the same writer sending in the same material with different names. They complain about the Bahamas Travel Visa and the 5 day window for the PCR test. Well what is Canada doing for anyone who wants to visit them? Non-Canadian residents are totally banned from entering Canada at all. And if you are in the very select group that they will allow to enter, then you have to download their ArriveCan tracking app, you have to have a covid test within 72 hours (yes, two days SHORTER than the 5 day time frame they have all been crying about to come to The Bahamas), and now they have even gone so far as to ban all flights from The Bahamas and the rest of the Caribbean, under the pretence that this area is likely to be riddled with new variants of covid. Banning flights from Brazil, South Africa or even the UK would make sense if the new variants are your actual concern...there is no logic to banning flights from extremely low level covid areas like The Bahamas. So maybe all these Canadians crying about the measures The Bahamas has put in place in order to continue to be able to welcome visitors whilst simultaneously trying to protect its own citizens, maybe they should look at themselves in the mirror and take note of the far harsher restrictions they are putting on Bahamians who would like to visit Canada. When Canada's restrictions are less harsh than those of The Bahamas, then maybe they could have a shred of legitimacy in their grievance, but until that time, please stop with the blatant hypocrisy. And for the record, the international travel visa that they complain about taking an uncertain amount of time...we've applied for them on 4 separate occasions and each time they were approved in less than ONE HOUR! I will end by thanking Mr. Hitchcock for the comedy value of his statements about the great majority of residents from the main tourist markets being well and responsible. Perhaps the obvious really does need to be stated for some people who just don't want to acknowledge the facts...(1) a large proportion of people with covid are asymptomatic and don't even know they have the disease and (2) if everyone was being so responsible, the disease wouldn't be continuing to spread at such a fast rate in Canada and the US.

Posted 1 February 2021, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

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