How many had the vaccine?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Regularly your paper shows an updated table on the number of persons tested for COVID. including new cases and also the total number of COVID deaths.

In my opinion what would be helpful is to include another detail line under deaths showing – those who had died after taking the vaccine vs those people who had died and not taken the vaccine.

There are far too many persons in the Bahamas who have declined to get vaccinated. This is MOST unfortunate as it will prevent the country from expeditious economic recovery. The Government has unsuccessfully tried to encourage people to get vaccinated but many are not listening. The current Minister of Health, no medical experience, remarked that the Bahamas would be “herd safe” if 120,000 persons received the vaccine – how that number was established I do not know. The former Minister of Health, a doctor, stated we needed to aim for 200,000 persons to be vaccinated. A substantial difference – who is correct?

My suggestion for amending the daily report should/could help convince people as it should show that people who are vaccinated do not die.

Such information carries a very strong message.



July 8, 2021.


rodentos says...

they have no clue about anything. So stop listening to any numbers. And btw, the Astrazeneca vaccine they bring to Bahamas is made in India. Many countries banned India made AZ as substandard. You cant enter when you had India made AZ, nor are these vaccines administered. Bahamas is a substandard country.

Posted 11 July 2021, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

This isn't true, at least not in every case. We had AZ donated *by* India, doesn't mean it was made there. My first dose was produced in South Korea, and my second dose in Spain.

Posted 13 July 2021, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

John 3:16
Post 9-11 Version
-- For Fauci so loved the world, that he gave his mRNA vaccine, that whosoever injecteth its contents should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Posted 11 July 2021, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*The Government has unsuccessfully tried to encourage people*"

Dear Citizen, if govt wanted to create a mess of a campaign they couldnt have done a better job. The first thing they did, and they did it with intention , was blame everything on us. Completely ignoring their missteps with alphabetical shopping lists, premature border openings allowing thousands of tourists in without proper controls etc. Then they started talking to us like children. *We cant behave*. Who's dumb idea was that messaging? Then they locked us down for unnecessarily long periods to control their crime stats, even used lockdowns to punish people like rude children as they did in Eleuthera for a motorcade. A motorcade on Eleuthera with what 10 cars???

After all that they come smiling asking us to cooperate. What do you think is the natural reaction? Correct. "*you expect me to trust you to have my best interest?*"

Nobody trusts anything they say

Posted 12 July 2021, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

do not forget: as Bahamas was covid-free in Apr May Jun 2020, they reopened it without any protocol and testing and with Florida cases going into the sky, you can't be so stupid. It is absolutely clear they wanted covid to get in, once it was again on the islands, they closed the travel again. Think twice before voting for these criminals

Posted 12 July 2021, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

They had to let Covid in so there would be an excuse for the injections.…

Can't blame Minnis for wanting to preserve his life.

Posted 13 July 2021, 12:04 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

OMG, an infowars link. The tribune comment section has finally made it. Finally getting the real news!

Posted 13 July 2021, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

France announced a most draconian dictate ever yesterday that health care workers are mandated to Vax though the orderis a violation of EU foundation principles. Biden also said Covid Ambassadors will visit every household. The Governers responded that it is up to individuals. There is some world government in there somewhere trying salvage and keep alive deadly virus without end towards QRCode for all humans on earth. The worst is yet to come of this Vax Armageddon.

Posted 13 July 2021, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You statement assumes that people do not have a breaking point. The riots will begin (as the always do) in California.

Posted 13 July 2021, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...…

J&J Vax deaths. Those shares are bound to tumble.

Posted 13 July 2021, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> In my opinion what would be helpful is to include another detail line under deaths showing – those who had died after taking the vaccine vs those people who had died and not taken the vaccine.

I remember this. Venn diagrams from 8th grade. Calculate:

-- number of people who had covid and did not die
-- number of people who did not have covid and died
-- number of people who had covid, did not die and took the vaccine
-- number of people who did not have covid, died, and took the vaccine
-- number of people who had covid, did not die and did not take the vaccine
-- number of people who did not have covid, died, and did not take the vaccine
-- number of people who had covid, did not die, took the vaccine and listened to renward wells
-- number of people who did not have covid, died, took the vaccine and listened to renward wells
-- number of people who had covid, did not die, did not take the vaccine , and listened to renward wells
-- number of people who did not have covid, died did not take the vaccine and listened to renward wells
-- number of people who had covid, did not die, took the vaccine did not to renward wells
-- number of people who did not have covid, died, took the vaccine and did not listen to renward wells
-- number of people who had covid, did not die, did not take the vaccine , and did not isten to renward wells
-- number of people who did not have covid, died did not take the vaccine and did not listento renward wells

***The Answer: Renward Wells is the EMPTY SET !!!***

Posted 13 July 2021, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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