Friday, July 16, 2021
EDITOR, The Tribune.
At the recent celebrations for the centennial anniversary of the Communist Party of China attended by 70,000 people and watched by fellow Chinese all over the world, General Secretary Xi Jinping confidently announced that China has fulfilled its first centenary goal of turning China into a moderately prosperous society by putting an end to absolute poverty. This is a historic achievement for a century-old party, who was born in the throes of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.
General Secretary Xi also used the occasion to reiterate China’s commitment to peaceful development and to promote world peace and global development, and uphold the international order.
China’s peaceful rise is probably one of the most transformative events of the 21st century. It is the first time in hundreds of years for a non-Western country to achieve near-par development with the West, but only at a much faster rate and much larger scale, and through means of trade and economic cooperation, rather than war, colonization and plunder.
While most people in the world recognize and welcome China’s progress, there are some in the West who see it as a threat to Western predominance in international affairs. Too accustomed to Western superiority, they cannot accept China going its own way and being successful at the same time.
Some of the worst forms of this mis-perception of China manifested itself in a continuous and dogged campaign to depict China in a negative light in international discourse. In the past few years, such a campaign of slander has reached feverish pitch bordering on paranoia, as can be seen in such horrendous accusations against China as “genocide” in Xinjiang. It is astonishing how short some people’s memory is. They know what genocide is, and aboriginals in different parts of the world experienced it first-hand.
Employing familiar divide-and-rule tactics, these people have found a way to make an issue out of areas on the outer edges of China either inhabited by ethnic minorities or having a colonial history, such as Xinjiang in China’s northwest, Tibet in southwest, Taiwan in the east and Hong Kong in the south, to fabricate and play up different stories about China. This is seen by many in China as a pathetic attempt to hold China down and prevent its rise, which will never succeed.
As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, China has embarked on a new journey of pursuing its second centenary goal of realizing full socialist modernization by the centenary of the People’s Republic in 2049, and the country has entered an irreversible historical process of rejuvenation.
China’s rise has so far been and will continue to be a story of not only rising prosperity for its own people but also of opportunities shared with countries all over the world through mutually beneficial cooperation and assistance.
In the just concluded session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, more than 90 countries in the world made statements supporting China and opposing the politicization of human rights. This shows the weight of global public opinion.
Those in the West agitating for confrontation need to be aware of a self-fulfilling prophesy: make China an adversary, and it would become one. This is a recipe for a lose-lose scenario. Partnership and solidarity would be an infinitely better option.
Chinese Embassy spokesperson
July 15, 2021
tribanon says...
We need to get the Confucius Institute and all representatives of the sinister and ruthlessly evil Xi Jinping led Communist Chinese Party ("CCP") out of our country, and the sooner the better.
Communist China's horrifyingly appalling record on human rights is common knowledge all around the world as is the fact that it is responsible for more than 60% of the pollution of our planet that is causing, among other things, serious climate change and rising sea levels.
The last paragraph of propagandist Yin Haigang's letter is therefore quite laughable because Communist China and the CCP already present a clear and existential threat to the existence of The Bahamas and well-being of the Bahamian people by way of their responsibility for the increasing frequency of major hurricanes and the rising sea levels that are ravaging the coastlines of our islands.
The single most important thing the Bahamian people can do towards achieving and maintaining excellent diplomatic relations with both the US and Canada is to urge the government of The Bahamas to fully restore diplomatic relations with Taiwan, as the one and only true Republic of China, at the earliest possible time.
Posted 16 July 2021, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal
tribanon says...
And let's not forget it was the military arm of the CCP that caused the current pandemic by creating and unleashing the deadly Wuhan Virus on the rest of the world.
Keep in mind too that the CCP has a notorious reputation for furthering its sinister strategic goals and interests in other countries by engaging in the worst kind of corrupt activities, including outright bribery. The CCP has become very adept at gaining control of other countries by destabilizing their economy and system of government, resulting in the creation of an authoritarian police state economically dependent on Communist China.
Posted 17 July 2021, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal
proudloudandfnm says...
What other countries has China taken control of exactly.
And where you get this nonsense about the Chinese military releasing the coronavirus on the world? Amazing how you know so much more than most intelligence agencies on the planet... Hmmm...
Posted 19 July 2021, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal
tribanon says...
The level of your mischievous disingenuous is perhaps only exceeded by the level of your outright ignorance.
Posted 20 July 2021, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal
truetruebahamian says...
The author is obviously a Xi Jinping thought police victim, reprogrammed to blindly follow the party line. We need to dump China, resume the recognition of Taiwan and keep China out of our waters and our hemisphere.
Posted 17 July 2021, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal
bogart says...
China's rise has not been peaceful. Over the period there have been documented of the tens of millions of its own Chinese citizens who have been slaughtered, tortured, massacared, carnage under Mao Zedong and the Communists. Peaceful is far from truth of done already world wide known of the massacres of tens of millions of own citizens people under Mao Zedong and the Communists.
Ze letter writer needs to get out to view a non censored TV and be looking at the Cuba communists failed country whichinin China Communists supports, seeing TV of Cuba Communists currently days now brutally beating, kicking down not peacefully its citizens in the streets.
Posted 17 July 2021, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal
GodSpeed says...
You will agree it is peaceful, OR ELSE.
Posted 18 July 2021, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal
JohnQ says...
Ah yes, become partners in solidarity with the "peaceful" Communist Chinese. That's an "infinitely better option". So sez the good little Communist.
Free people all over the world know better.
Posted 19 July 2021, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal
proudloudandfnm says...
The author has a selective memory. I wouldn't exactly call what's happening today in Honk Kong peaceful. Arresting and jailing people simply because they voice opposition or expose actual current events is not peaceful. And it is not good for people.
So my opinion is the author of this letter is full of crap....
Posted 19 July 2021, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal
tribanon says...
Glad to hear it!
Posted 21 July 2021, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal
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