Two girls stabbed

TWO girls were stabbed during an argument in Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama, on Friday, police said.

Shortly after midnight, Eight Mile Rock police responded to a local business in Jones Town. They found two juvenile girls with stab wounds about the body.

Police were told that the girls were with an adult man when they were attacked and stabbed by a group of females.

EMS responded to the scene and took both victims to the hospital. One of the girls was treated for her injuries and released while the other was said to be in hospital in stable condition at last report.

A juvenile female is in police custody assisting with the investigation.

Police are also investigating a shooting that took place in New Providence on Thursday.

Initial reports indicate that shortly before 11pm, police were called to Lightbourne Avenue. Responding officers were directed to a home where they found a man with gunshot wounds.

Police were told that the victim was walking in the area when three men approached. One produced a firearm and shot him several times about his body before fleeing the area on foot.

He was taken to hospital by EMS. His condition is not known.


Future says...

The count for Covid deaths began January 2020. Ask the Tribune to tell us how many people have been shot and SURVIVED OR DIED since January 2020 and let’s compare that Number to the number of people who have died from Covid in the Bahamas in the same period of time.

Posted 19 July 2021, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Please stop using your brain. One report says that over 5000 have committed suicide in the UK during that same time. Brain use is not allowed. Try find something to entertain you on Netflix, or buy something from Amazon to pass the time friend. Bezos needs money to buy more fuel for his space rocket.

Posted 20 July 2021, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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