‘OVERWHELMED’: Nurses’ leader says staff struggling with stream of new COVID patients


Tribune Chief Reporter


AN increase of COVID-19 hospital admissions is overwhelming public sector nurses who are already strained by “poor” working conditions, Bahamas Nurses Union president Amancha Williams said yesterday.

Data released by Ministry of Health officials yesterday said there were 95 new COVID-19 cases and 92 people in hospital.

Seventy-nine patients are considered moderately ill and 13 are in the Intensive Care Unit.

The number of virus related hospital admissions has grown over the past few days. On Monday, the number of virus cases in the hospital was 83. A day earlier, it was 81.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said an announcement was coming in response to the rise in cases.

“In the coming days I will have more to say about our public health measures and vaccines in response to the increase in cases, mostly on New Providence,” he told people gathered at a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the official opening of Margaritaville Beach Resort and Fins Water Park at The Pointe.

“I once again implore everyone to abide by the public health measures.”

In response to the escalating hospital cases, Ms Williams said limitations at Princess Margaret Hospital have made matters worse.

“We’ve been seeing the increase of COVID cases,” she said. “The Prime Minister said the pandemic is over for the vaccinated, but we have vaccinated and unvaccinated in the hospital. Now the question: is how critical they are? That has to be evaluated.”

A statement released by the Public Hospitals Authority yesterday said of the people admitted to the hospital, “the overwhelming majority” are unvaccinated.

“We must still follow the rules and regulations that are set for us,” Ms Williams added. “So, at the end of the day we should not tell our people that if you are vaccinated you are out of the woods. That’s not true and you must still consider the variable that certain persons cannot take vaccinations due to allergy reactions, due to comorbidities and so forth and for whatever reason their doctor is telling them not to take it and then there may be some who for whatever religious status won’t take it either.

“So, the Prime Minister of this country should still push using the precautions when he speaks because he’s going to put a number of people at risk.

 “In the hospital we have limitations. We don’t have air-conditioning working. We don’t have wards up and running. We have to put people in tents. We have to close down our clinics that service the population so, here again, we’re still exposing our healthcare system to be in a serious state.

“If we shut down the eye clinic, we’re still depriving eye patients that are going blind. So, we need an emergency order to ensure that things still go on as normal, but we’re still following protocols.

“Not because you’re vaccinated that means you are out of the woods.”

She said “nurses are overwhelmed and they are working in some poor conditions”.

Health Minister Renward Wells said Tuesday the recent spike in COVID-19 cases can be attributed to Independence Day festivities.

His comment came after the country recorded 100 COVID-19 cases on Saturday, the most in a single day since October.

The nation now has a confirmed case tally of 13,781.


carltonr61 says...

Covid is more corporate than health. There is billions to make from someone if you are are on the right side. This is the second time this major international MSM was caught, the first time being caught teaching how to Rev up the fear early in the pandemic by placing emphasis and exaggerating numbers of dead.


Posted 22 July 2021, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Yup, these corporations are paying people to go in hospital in order to further their aims.

Posted 22 July 2021, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Anyone with eyes can see that every time (in every country) that there has been a suggestion of reducing restrictions, cases suddenly start going up. I wonder how many lab technicians are going to be in jail less than a year from now?

Posted 22 July 2021, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

It sounds like you are suggesting that we go to drastic lockdowns to stop the spred.

Posted 22 July 2021, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

No, I'm questioning why the cases go up at the "mention" of reduced restrictions - rather than from the effect of the restrictions AFTER they are introduced.

Posted 22 July 2021, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...


Posted 22 July 2021, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

First studies are starting to come in that basically antibodies stimulated by Vaccines drop massively after 70 days...Minnis better get out his check book and write some more checks for those boosters...Hope he wasn't betting on vaccinating the 70% country to end the pandemic..considering we've only vaccinated 10% of the population by the time the next 10% roll up their sleeves the first 10% will be needing a top up...oops...if only a thorough antibody study was undertaken to understand the seropravetlence of the nation and give rights and normality to those that have already beaten covid without jab and he could focus his pointless vaccination program on those stupid enough to believe this will ever over..oh well..


Posted 22 July 2021, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Interesting paper, but I draw your attention to the authors conclusions

*These data are consistent with the decline in Spike-antibody and neutralising antibody levels observed after infection.* - Basically antibody decline is no different than what is seen in recovered unvaccinated Covid patients

*As such, the clinical implications of waning antibody levels post-vaccination are not yet clear, and it remains crucial to establish S-antibody thresholds associated with protection against clinical outcomes.* They need more data, to reach a clinically significant conclusion.

*This analysis should be repeated with a larger number of participants to allow better adjustment for potential confounding, and with longitudinal follow-up of antibody dynamics in individuals over 6–12 months to establish plateau levels, or time to seroreversion.* Study should be repeated with a larger sample size and for a longer period

Posted 22 July 2021, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Looks like boosters roosters are in the cards sad to say...they don’t want to say scary thing out loud...

“We know levels of antibodies start high and drop substantially,” said Prof Rob Aldridge, an infectious disease epidemiologist at University College London. “We’re concerned that if they carry on dropping at the rate we’ve seen, the protective effects of the vaccines will start to drop too, and the big question is, when is that going to happen?”

Virus gonna virus


Posted 22 July 2021, 6:45 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

> 'If anybody is lying here, it is you':
> Fauci turns tables on inquisitor ... 2
> days ago — The senator bit off more
> than he could chew when he accused ...
> Fauci to Rand Paul: 'You do not know
> what you are talking about' – video.
> Party: Republican Party

Dr Anthony Fauci seems to be getting more cocky and defensive about his involvement in the research and the funding of the Wuhan lab in China. By the way Senator Rand Paul is a medical doc and does know about the suspicions of Dr Fauci and the possibility of Covid-19 being created and released, intentionally or otherwise from Fauci associated lab in Wuhan, China. And Fauci is involved in the vaccines and so is promoting them hand tooth and nail. Some believe that once the pandemic starts to die off and fade away, Fauci will be made to answer. His latest claim is that the Wuhan lab was not the only place where ‘gain-of-function’ research was being carried out.

Posted 22 July 2021, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Hopefully this Delta variant will be the last and final wave of the Covid-19 virus and it will be gone for good. Even though this strain is more easily transmissible than the other strains and, therefore has the potential to be more deadly, it will not last as long as the other waves and hopefully will be gone in a few months ( September). As the world remains almost fully open, the virus seem to be starting to pea in some countries. Understandably medical workers are battle wary especially after being short staffed and government may need to dip in their empty pockets soon and offer $ome token of appreciation. $ay Thank$ for da Bahamian$ dem.

Posted 22 July 2021, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Since the Delta variant appeared we have since had Eta, Iota, Kappa & Lambda variants. It won't be the last.

Posted 22 July 2021, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Do we honestly think the powers that be want this to be over? Media will Miss their click bait panic porn, politicians will miss their absolute emergency powers and big pharma will be lamenting the billions of profits at their finger tips.. just saying..

Posted 22 July 2021, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

What happened to SMARATIAN PURSE?? IT appears they wanted to help the Bahamas.

Posted 22 July 2021, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

As comrade tahrussle keeps where dem tents they left behind too?

Posted 22 July 2021, 6:48 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

*Repost from a few moments ago:*

Has anyone told the early vaccinated that those jabs they got 6 months or so ago may now only afford them very limited protection because of the waning efficacy of the vaccines and ever increasing new variants of the unleashed original Wuhan Virus?

Let's think about this for a moment. Why would the global oligarchs and plutocrats develop a permanent 'two jabs and done' vaccine solution when there is so much wealth for them to acquire from a newly created and fully controlled Vaccine Dependent Global Society?

Yup, just think about it. Costly annual tests and annual jabs for the remainder of your life, with global oligarchs determining who gets to live and who must die from their lab created and increasingly customized 'gain of function' viruses and mRNA vaccines.

Sure lends a whole new meaning to the saying, "Give me liberty, or give me death".

Posted 22 July 2021, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Has anyone told the early vaccinated that those jabs they got 6 months or so ago may now only afford them very limited protection because of the waning efficacy of the vaccines and ever increasing new variants of the unleashed original Wuhan Virus?

I feel like we ve trying to tell em but they haven’t got it yet... it’s not quite the I told you so moment but evidence is mounting..

Posted 22 July 2021, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Same applies to those who are unvaccinated and have had COVID. They gonna catch it again, and again, and again.......... At least those who have been vaccinated and get boosters (if they are actually needed), stand a much better chance of staying out of hospital and not ending up on a ventilator. We all get old at some point, and with old age comes a much weaker immune system. Pick your poison.

Posted 22 July 2021, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Again maybe not...it’s not the I told you so moment but evidence is mounting..and like you said wider research...but it’s dropping like a stone - down to efficacy of 39% against symptomatic disease now in Israel (protection against hospitalization holds a bit more water but also down..).that said the chances of getting hospitalized are only like 2-4% - the human body is already pretty effective...anyway at 39% there completely shreds the notion that you shouldn’t test vaxxed or that they somehow going to bring the end of pandemic.


Then there’s this little study in a French guinea gold mine. 44 miners, 15 fully vaccinated get the virus, 3 partially vaxxed, 3 that were unvaxed and of those that had COVID previously? ZERO...


Posted 23 July 2021, 6:58 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Have you ever considered, even for a brief moment, that one possible long term side effect of these new warp speed developed experimental mRNA vaccines is increased vulnerability to serious illness from future infections by gain-of-function engineered corona viruses, thereby creating vaccine dependency for the remainder of one's life in much the same way that a type-one diabetic is insulin dependent for the remainder of their life?

Posted 23 July 2021, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Have you ever wondered why the giants in big pharma are **not** at all seriously interested in promoting preventative healthcare and a balanced diet based on healthy foods **before** the onset of serious illness due to years of eating unhealthy processed and/or genetically modified foods loaded with, among other things, sugar, salt, nitrates and unknown chemical substances, not to mention the lacing of beef, poultry, farmed fish, etc. with antibiotics?

Yet we are all now being told to place unquestioning blind faith in the experimental mRNA vaccines so quickly developed by a handful of the most financially greedy of these very same big pharma giants that stand to gain so much from us being in poor health for the remainder of our lives.

Make no mistake about it, there are real and serious risks associated with this unprecedented vaccine experiment on all of mankind; otherwise the big pharma players involved in the manufacture of these novel vaccines would not have insisted on receiving from governments around the world blanket immunity from prosecution for any and all serious side-effects. No one should be forced or coerced in any way to participate in such an unprecedented experiment involving so many unknowns.

Posted 23 July 2021, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Jeez, are you serious ? It's not big pharma's responsibility to tell us how to eat and what to eat. It's yours, or your parents, or your GP. What has happened to personal responsibility ?

I bet you take nutritional supplements (Vitamins etc) on a daily basis to improve your health and immune system ? You do this also on blind faith.

Aren't you concerned that the health supplement industry is an unregulated industry that falls under the umbrella of "food" and not "health"? They are not required to produce any type of clinical data or validate it's claims of health benefits, purity or content ? Not to mention the fact, that most of those ingredients are synthetically produced and sourced from your beloved China.

Posted 23 July 2021, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I guess you just don't appreciate the wider implications of big pharma's business model today, which is of course to greedily profiteer off of illness to the maximum extent possible. But an ever increasing number of us are beginning to wonder whether big pharma has crossed the line and is now in the business of exacerbating known types of illnesses or creating new ones for their unending array of new products. And the so called 'revolving door' that has existed for decades between the giants of big pharma and their regulators like the FDA in the US, and the EMA in Europe, is naturally a cause for grave concern.

There's a hideous reason why for decades we've all been constantly bombarded with annoying pharmaceutical ads everywhere, costing billions of dollars annually, in which big pharma push their many very expensive 'new' products with umpteen known serious side-effects. The hideous reason of course is to bypass or at least obfuscate the ability of well-trained practicing physicians to determine for themselves which medications are best for their patients with no medical training.

There's much broken that needs to be fixed and 'personal responsibility' alone cannot fix it all.

As for my daily regiment of vitamin D3 and Zinc, I recollect previously informing you that I do not get my vitamins from online suppliers like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, etc. As you already know, my daily intake of D3 and Zinc are both 100% sourced in the US where all of the necessary ingredients are readily available and therefore are not imported from elsewhere. The downside of course is that they're considerably more expensive than vitamins typically purchased from the mass retail outlets that may have ingredients sourced from places like Communist China, India, etc.

Posted 23 July 2021, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Oops! ......"regiment" should of course be "regimen"

Posted 23 July 2021, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Agree about the bombardment of drug ads, it's reached pandemic proportions, lol.

On the other stuff, I beg to differ about your vitamin sources. It's unregulated and therefore has many loopholes as to what can be claimed. "Made in the USA" is not the same as "Sourced in the USA", similar to the auto industry. I guarantee you 100% the bulk of what's in your vitamins is sourced overseas, be it the actual "active" or the excipients. If you're willing to disclose the brand I can check for you :)

And, as you're a proponent of not taking anything that has unknown long-term effects I'm sure you've reviewed all the metabolic, clinical & tox data for all the ingredients in the supplements at the dose you take?

Posted 23 July 2021, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal

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