Unvaccinated treated like scapegoats

EDITOR, The Tribune.

When the coronavirus began to spread across the world in the first quarter of 2020, we heard the word asymptomatic so frequently that even those who had never known the word before can now comfortably use it in a sentence correctly. That word has fallen into disuse and now unvaccinated is the only word being touted by the media. There is not a news bulletin aired without unvaccinated being mentioned. The unvaccinated are being likened to asymptomatic I presume. The hospitalised are mainly unvaccinated. The dying is unvaccinated.

It seems that the media which is supposed to be free of political influence or interference, continues to deluge us with unvaccinated, more deadlier strains among other fear mongering tactics presumably according to the “world order’. Where is the media that will not censure or demonize those who have opted to wait for more studies to be done on the vaccines before allowing themselves to be injected with same?

I liken this vaccine drive to democracy and its strong opposition to any other form of governance. We often hear, “We must defend our democracy from outside threats”. Now, we are hearing that we must defend the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Has any study been done to see how the vaccinated who have either ditched their masks or have returned to Pre-COVID habits been contributing to the spread of the virus? If any has been or is being done. I do not expect it to make news.

I thought I heard them say that vaccines were not approved, but rather authorized for emergency use only. Then why this crazy push to get everyone to take it? There is this huge debate which is further dividing us as a people...the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. The science is clear that those with certain underlying health issues have not fared well when the Coronavirus enters their system. I believe that everyone should examine themselves and see if they want to take the vaccine. It should not be forced upon them at any point.

In any event, which vaccine should I take? Should I decide to take the vaccine, why can’t I get the Russian, Chinese, Iranian or Cuban vaccine? Is it not my democratic right to choose if I take the vaccine and which to take? Of course not, we have been programmed to believe that any country that is undemocratic is the arch enemy. Yet, the continent that birthed democracy has committed the greatest atrocities against humanity: slavery, apartheid, racism, ethnic cleansing, divide and rule, plundering, the holocaust, buccaneering and piracy, among others.

I put it to you that the increase in recent hospitalizations both locally and around the world cannot only be blamed on the unvaccinated, but blame must also be levied at the foot of the vaccinated who have now become asymptomatic carriers. The vaccinated have forgotten that the vaccine is not a cure but simply to help reduce hospitalisation should they contract the virus. The vaccinated are told to ditch their masks in some jurisdictions, no need for COVID-19 test to re-enter especially the PCR which is costly and considered to be the gold standard. I wonder what makes it gold and whose pockets are being lined with the gold. Which is the silver and bronze standard? That is up for another discussion.

The recent pronouncements by the French president must not be taken for granted. The unvaccinated will not be allowed to enter bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, planes and trains, and all healthcare workers must be vaccinated by September 15 or else they cannot go to work, nor will they be paid. This is a calculated decision to corner and strip the rights of people in a democratic society.

The French have always been a people that have stood up for their rights. They ditched constitutional monarchy for a republic even beheading royals in the process. Out of their revolution, we have three great pillars upon which their freedoms are guaranteed: liberté, égalité, et fraternité (liberty, equality, and fraternity). The ensuing democratic governments have all included these three important pillars. What might the forefathers of the revolution say about this?

These pronouncements are tantamount to a push towards dictatorial power, something with which democracy is diametrically opposed. The French president’s statement is a threat to democratic freedom. I expect to hear such pronouncements from countries that do not have a democratic form of governance, yet they have not made any such statements. I wonder why. The answer could be easily deduced:

(1) the vaccine is not a cure for the virus.

(2) no one really knows the side effects of the vaccines since years of study must be done in order to do so.

The media constantly bombards us with the side effects of COVID-19, the new and much more deadly variants, which in my estimation is a psychological ploy to drive fear in people. However, nobody is telling us about the side effects of the vaccines, or the number of deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. What is the cause of death of a healthy 40-year-old individual, who recently took the vaccine? I put it to you that the cause of death will be heart attack or some other medical pronouncement which even the medical pathologist himself does not believe. Sadly, such cause of death must be made if they wish to keep their licence in order to secure their bread and butter.

We are still in an information war, and we are left to the mercies of the world. Which media houses should I believe? There were many conspiracies surrounding the beginnings of the Coronavirus. I remember one being the creation of the virus in a laboratory, but they were all dismissed by the media, and “competent” authorities and labelled as disinformation (fake news).

The World Health Organisation visited Wuhan to investigate the beginning of the virus, yet their findings were inconclusive. We are just now being told that the COVID-19 virus likely started/came in a laboratory. Which laboratory and/or in which country? Can we always take things at face value?

Where are the investigative journalists who will rummage the thick layers to get to the bottom of the issue for their audience? Oh, I have forgotten that they need funding and/or their licence may be rescinded. I long for the day when journalists return to being apolitical and just do their jobs to inform the public.

We continue to exhibit what I term the Adam-Eve syndrome, where Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the devil. We have to find someone to blame. The unvaccinated cannot be the sole cause of the increase in the number of coronavirus cases. People have a choice to take or not take the vaccine. If the media and competent authorities want us to ditch our democratic stance, then say so. But remember, we cannot be undemocratic today then democratic tomorrow. We cannot keep flip-flopping like that.

As responsible individuals, we must understand that when there are no more spaces available in the hospital, that is it. We should all abide by the health guidelines given by the health professionals. The basic frequent hand washing, mask wearing and staying one’s distance has proven to be effective since time immemorial. As a child, I remember my granny would insist on our washing our hands, our removing shoes before entering the house, our covering our mouths when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding those who had the flu. All these are age old practices which are great in the fight against any virus.

We all understand that governments around the world are frustrated by this pandemic because it is costing them time, battering economies, widening the poverty gaps and most importantly lowering their political ratings, which might eventually relegate their party to the proverbial back of the political bus – opposition.

The French president has but nine months or so to convince his citizens that he is deserving of another term in office. His handling of the pandemic will be judged at the polls like many other governments whose elections are constitutionally due in short order.



July 21, 2021.


whogothere says...

Excellent letter

Posted 24 July 2021, 8:37 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Excellent well written explodes just the tips of the iceberg and I am sure a mountain of contradictions he could red light.

Posted 24 July 2021, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...


France in trouble pushing Minnis laws.

Posted 24 July 2021, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Good article, however the last part about upcoming elections is irrelevant. The Nov election in tye usa was the last election you will see for at least a few years until people rise up globally.

Ruling parties will win every election henceforth by simply counting votes in a manner that causes them to win.

Anyone who objects to those methods will be accused of threatening democracy and causing a lack of faith in the electoral system and made to look like Trump supporters are made to look. Do you question Minnis' 2nd term in office? You must be an idiot and a hater of democracy.

Posted 24 July 2021, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...


Now Rome is protesting global health pass for every thing Covid till the end of time.

Posted 25 July 2021, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...


Now Germany is on Minnis script threatening the unvaccinated who refuse to make medical tyranny a way of slavery, and gunpoint profiteering. According to the latest global fit the vaccine will help you when Covid gets you. No longer does it protect others and a cure. I already had covid and survived. Should healthy persons have a choice and trust in what God build into us. In the Bible there is historical death records of wars, fsmine and pestilence. Death is now something new brand. Always humans survived to tell the tale.

Posted 25 July 2021, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Now even Fauci spouting dark honey juice on the incompetencey of Minnis. Bahamians have been murdered by his team of Covid experts.



Posted 25 July 2021, 11:25 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I just find it amazing that most of the persons who have been vaccinated don't understand and appreciate that it has already been scientifically proven that they may still be carriers and even super spreaders of the Wuhan virus and its variants. They really need to start educating themselves rather than simply listening to and placing blind faith in what they are being told by corrupt governments with a hideous population control agenda and the coerced public health officials under their control.

Posted 26 July 2021, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

that's how the world works... 90% just follow whatever is requested

Posted 26 July 2021, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

WOW, Pastor Carlyle, this is the best letter I've read on the subject I think since the start of this nonsense! Well done!

Posted 26 July 2021, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ScullyUFO says...

(1) the vaccine is not a cure for the virus.
(2) no one really knows the side effects of the vaccines since years of study must be done in order to do so.

So, therefore do nothing?

However, the side effects of not being vaccinated are well known and took just a few weeks to establish: sickness and death.

Posted 26 July 2021, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

You miss the point. It's not about doing "nothing", it's about leaving the matter as a personal choice and not falsely villainizing those who choose not to take it.

Posted 26 July 2021, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

you have the right to become sick too.

Posted 26 July 2021, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Re-post from a few moments ago:

The waning efficacy of the mRNA vaccines is now supported by both an ever increasing number of 'break throughs' as well as scientific studies showing that anti-body levels in the vaccinated exponentially diminish over a relatively short period of time resulting in minimal if any protection after about 8 months.

This waning efficacy is the reason why the mRNA vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna have already publicly announced that one or more boosters in addition to the first two jabs will be necessary. The big pharma manufacturers are trying to persuade the FDA that additional experimental booster(s) are needed to help the body's immune system (T-cells) develop a more lasting memory effect to defend against future infections.

Meanwhile persons who were infected and have recovered from the Wuhan virus and its variants are exhibiting a much more lasting duration of immunity, possibly for many years.

But so far the science is not supporting the booster requirement claims made by the big pharma mRNA vaccine manufacturers. And the FDA, having over the years been accused many times of being 'in bed' with the very greedy giants of big pharma, is now under intense scrutiny and has so far refused to approve the additional experimental booster(s).

The two biggest and most greedy mRNA vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, and the despicable US congressmen they bank roll, are now wrongfully exerting intense pressure on the FDA to act without the necessary scientic evidence because the cost of manufacturing the booster(s) cannot be underwritten (paid for) by the US government (US taxpayers) without being approved for experimental use on a voluntary basis by the FDA.

Just like the Wuhan virus and its variants cannot survive and thrive without human hosts, the enormous windfall profits of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers and testers cannot continue and grow without the creation of a highly controlled Vaccine Dependent Global Society. And this is possibly the 'very evil intent' that all of mankind must guard against happening no matter what.

Posted 30 July 2021, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

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