Resort owner backs ‘mandatory’ vaccine


Tribune Business Reporter

A Family Island resort owner wants the government to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory as the only way to combat the misinformation and conspiracy theories circulating on social media.

Dr Larry Carroll, owner/operator of the Abaco-based Sandpiper Inn, told Tribune Business it is time to start “mandating” COVID-19 vaccinations to save tourism and the wider economy.

He said: “The inaccuracies around the COVID-19 vaccination are basically the conspiracy theories, which we all know are going around on social media. That’s stopping workers from wanting to be vaccinated, and not really taking a look at what are the choices.”

Dr Carroll’s comments came in response to a challenge set out by Kerry Fountain, the Bahamas Out Island Promotion Board’s executive director, who said tourism operators need to do more to combat the “inaccuracies” being circulated on COVID-19 vaccinations if they want the industry to fully rebound and at a much faster pace.

He added: “The young people are scared, and it’s the same thing all over the world. The education versus the conspiracy theories, but who’s winning?

“There’s not much us operators can do, but one thing I did suggest is to look seriously at the emergency powers and mandate certain things. But it’s election time so nothing is going to be done until you secure yourself and you’re satisfied, and then maybe you’ll take the risk of mandating vaccinations.

Dr Carroll continued: “Tourism is our lifeblood, and we have large hotels that have 4,000 people, and 2,000 of them don’t want to take the vaccine: That’s not helping the country. Unless the powers that be either mandate or properly educate and mitigate against the conspiracy theories, then nothing is going to change.”

John Pinder, former director of labour and now the Free National Movement’s (FNM) candidate for the Fox Hill constituency, previous;y said employers will break the law if they mandate employees to take the vaccine. Dr Carroll acknowledged this, but said he feels the government has the “right to legislate” and can make mandatory vaccinations a legal requirement.

Karla Lisgaris, co-owner of Reel Dreams Sport Fishing Charters, told Tribune Business that she does not know what more tourism operators can do to combat misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines on social media.

She said: “We can go on social media and engage, but is that really effective? The people who I know spend very little time on Facebook, and on Facebook I have the option to not follow negative feeds and I do that, so I don’t see all of this stuff floating around.

“I’m just not sure what anybody is supposed to do about inaccurate comments. It’s just really unfortunate, because the same people who are hesitant to take the vaccine are the same ones who would end up at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).”

Ms Lisgaris argued there was very little the private sector can do other than incentivising employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine. She said: “I just don’t think there’s anything anybody can do about inaccurate comments, and I think that’s what most people would say,

“I don’t feel like engaging commenters on Facebook would be impactful because you would think that people in the tourism sector would be the most inclined to get vaccinated, as they know this diminishes travel, but from an operator standpoint I know people in our association - and owners at that - who say that they don’t know what’s in that vaccine, and they would rather take a chance with the COVID-19.”


whogothere says...

> He added: “The young people are scared, and it’s the same thing all over the world. The education versus the conspiracy theories, but who’s winning?

Young people are not scared they just aren't stupid. Statistically speaking they have absolutely nothing to fear from covid - Delta CFI rates are the same (esentially zero) for unvaccinated or vaccinated under 50s (34 out 120,000 versus 4 out of 15,000) in the UK on of the few places that present accurate information of cases/death/hospitalisation among the vaccinated. And when you get to above 50s there are more vaccinated deaths than unvaccinated.…

Vaccination does not stop transmission. Full stop. This is not a conspiracy theory it's just an inconvenient truth in the vaccine narrative. Another is that protection drops over time. Another is that there are many unpleasant serious side effects.……

It is clear that risk/reward benefit of taking the vaccine is marginal for the young particularly given the fact that it is increasingly apparent that whatever protection the vaccine offers is fleeting but there is a very real risk that with each additional vaccination/booster, which inject or induce the coronavirus spike protein, could substantially increase the risk of serious cardiovascular and neurological adverse events, such as strokes, GBS and heart muscle inflammation.

What is Clear is that the standard information accuracy held by those pushing vaccines is clearly not the same when it comes to evaluating vaccines risks and the longevity of the reward or even presenting the relative risk of covid to for those in good health and under 50.

Posted 26 July 2021, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

You posted this while I was typing, couldn't have said it better.....

Posted 26 July 2021, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"He added: “The young people are scared, and it’s the same thing all over the world. The education versus the conspiracy theories, but who’s winning?" While conspiracy theories are indeed an issue, but the "education" that you are speaking of isn't helping either. Telling people that the vaccines are "safe" while some person die or have other life impacting issues from the vaccines is deception. When persons die shortly after taking the vaccine, only to be told by medical personal that it was unrelated to the vaccine, but the cause remains "unknown" is also deception. Have the honest conversation with people and stop making it seem as if all is well and safe in the covid vaccine world. Making it mandatory will only empower the conspiracy theorists and will make the government and health authorities look worse. I know persons who have been in and out of hospitals after taking the vaccine for various issues, and someone who has to RELEARN HOW TO WALK after taking the vaccine. How about include these things in your "education". When your honest, and can honestly state the risks (of covid and the vaccine), then maybe persons can make a more comfortable decision....

Posted 26 July 2021, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Lol. Has to learn how to walk again hey? Lol..

Yinna is come up with some serious bullsh-t now. Muddos...


Posted 26 July 2021, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

And when will it be convenient to return our Constitutional rights to us?
Are there any other items an unchecked Government may wish to Foist upon us?
People who give up freedom for Security end up with neither.

Posted 27 July 2021, 8:40 p.m. Suggest removal

JackieO says...

Doctors spend years studying human physiology, medicine, etc. So it is your doctor and not social media that should be your first source for deciding on the vaccine. How many people
said “no” to polio vaccines, tetanus, small pox, chicken pox?…the list goes on. When the crazy train rolls up and you’re not vaccinated because “I don’t know what’s in it…” please get on the train and stop risking the lives of the rest of us.

Posted 28 July 2021, 12:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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