Mandatory vaccines ruled out


Tribune Staff Reporter

HEALTH Minister Renward Wells has said the government is currently not considering making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for healthcare workers even though recommendations have been put forward as vaccine hesitancy among the group remains a challenge.

Mr Wells made the assertion after Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan told reporters at a Ministry of Health press conference on Friday that mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers was under consideration due to vaccine hesitancy.

She said because of the significant role medical workers play in the fight against COVID-19, officials recognise the need for more personnel to get vaccinated to help contain the pandemic.

The suggestion, however, has received much pushback in the medical community – with Bahamas Nurses Union president Amancha Williams recently telling The Tribune the decision to take the jab should be a personal choice.

Yesterday, Mr Wells sought to alleviate worker’s concerns, insisting it was just a recommendation.

He said while no final decision has been made on the matter, making vaccines mandatory for healthcare workers is not the current position of the government.

“That is not the current position of the government of the Bahamas. Let me state that emphatically – it is not the current position of the government of the Bahamas,” Mr Wells said before going to a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

“This was a recommendation made by the health professionals in The Bahamas, in the Ministry of Health to the government as a way for us to be able to help arrest and deal with the spread of COVID.”

“But the government of the Bahamas has not made a decision as have others around the globe to move in the direction of a mandatory requirement for healthcare workers.”

Several countries have since implemented the mandatory vaccination policies for frontline workers in recent months. Among those include Italy France and Greece.

“Just yesterday (Monday), the entire state of California made it mandatory that all public workers in California be vaccinated or get tested every week to show that they do not have the virus and there’s talk about them charging their employees to do such,” Mr Wells added. “Not just California, the entire city of New York has made it mandatory that all of its public workers get vaccinated or take a test and for the first time in the United States, the entire federal department of the US of veterans affairs has now made it mandatory that all of the healthcare workers in its system be vaccinated.”

The push for vaccinations comes at a time when COVID-19 cases and virus-related hospital admissions are surging worldwide, even here in the Bahamas. More than 1,5000 new cases have already been confirmed in the country for this month alone.

The resurgence of virus infections has placed a great strain on the nation’s already burdened health care system, which is plagued by a lack of human resources among other things.

Mr Wells said officials are addressing staff shortages in public health and have already taken steps to increase worker capacity.

He said his ministry will be bringing on some 60 doctors in the days ahead – something health unions have long been calling for.

“In my public healthcare system, I have over 550 doctors – 422 at PMH alone and I’m going to be hiring another almost 60 doctors to add to the 550 I got,” Mr Wells told reporters yesterday.

When asked when the workers are expected to come on stream, the health minister continued: “As a matter of fact, that’s already happened. There is more than 24 senior house officers.

“We’re looking to hire, well not hire. We’re bringing on 30 and then we’re bringing on an additional 30 interns. As you know last year, we would’ve hired some 32 doctors.”

“If you remember back in October, (those) who were interns in the system and we hired them as senior house officers. We have 24 of the new senior house officers who are now onboard and I understand that about 30 interns took their exams last night and they’ve been working in the system trying to qualify themselves.”

“They took their exams and we’re looking to onboard as many of them that would’ve passed their exams. We’ll be bringing them into the public system. They’re already working in the system to a certain extent but we’re going to be bringing them on as senior house officers.”

As for the nursing community, Mr Wells said similar plans are also in the pipeline.

“We’re bringing on 64 nurses and as you know, the first of July is the new budget period and for that budget period, we’re bringing on who are currently working 64 registered nurses. We’re bringing on 20 trained clinical nurses,” the health minister told reporters.

“We’re bringing on 17 patient care assistants and 10 porters that are going to be deployed inside the public healthcare system. Some of them are already deployed and by the end of this week, the others will be deployed and this is not a new decision.”

“…This was a decision taken earlier in July. We had made allocations to bring on these individuals in the new budget period. I spoke to this inside the House of Assembly in June as to the additional personnel the government was going to be bringing on.“

“Certainly, we did not expect that we would’ve been here in this kind of surge, uptake of COVID taking place within the country but our preplanning to be able to address personnel shortages inside the healthcare system is going to auger well for what we intend to do going forward inside the Ministry of Health,” Mr Wells continued.


ohdrap4 says...

Yep not until election it is ruled out.

And then I hope the FNM will be ruled out.

Posted 28 July 2021, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

By incompetently declaring vaccinated need no mask and could party fool hardy this nation will face another year of forced emergency rule created alibi excuse. The UK, where lockdown began removed restrictions with emphasis on personal responsibility as the risk full vaccine failed the vaccinated.

Posted 28 July 2021, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Good decision FNM, making the vaccines mandatory for any group would have set a horrible precedent and may have been the final nail in your already mostly built coffin. "She said because of the significant role medical workers play in the fight against COVID-19, officials recognise the need for more personnel to get vaccinated to help contain the pandemic." This is a false statement, vaccines will not contain the pandemic, they will only help to prevent severe symptoms and hospitalization. This being said, I highly recommend that healthcare workers DO get vaccinated, since their exposure and risk is extremely high.

Posted 28 July 2021, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Notice how Wells was careful not to rule out the very real possibility of the most **In**competent Authority declaring later today a full lockdown of New Providence until August 13 for everyone except those he designates as essential workers and, of course, the very privileged tourists who are entitled to enjoy our country more than us Bahamian plebes. Power-juiced Minnis is no doubt once again quite anxious to show his Bahamian plebes just how big a boss (tyrant) he truly is. LOL

Posted 28 July 2021, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 28 July 2021, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

I'm not sure why the only response the government has to this problem is adjusting curfew hours and lockdowns. Realistically, the country can stay open and we just simply increase testing. As an example, if someone wants to go out on the weekends, they need to show evidence of a negative reading for a rapid antigen test on a weekly basis. This would allow the economy to be open and minimize the spread. Simply locking the country down and adjusting curfew destroys the economy and doesn't address the issue. Also, the new delta variant is a problem for the vaccinated as well. So, the guidance given for vaccinated people is totally incorrect given what is known now. We're also allowing tourist to come in and move about the hotel properties without restrictions, which in itself can increase the spread. So, like I said, test our way out of this situation. Citizens like us have to continually endure the idiocy of bad decisions by the government.

Posted 28 July 2021, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

It's because all they can do is parrot the rhetoric coming from other countries and media sources. You are correct, lockdowns are only a temporary measure and do more harm than good. We need to continue testing for ALL (vaccinated and unvaccinated), wear masks and social distance. Also, we should start looking at "unapproved" medications such as ivermectin to reduce our number of hospitalizations.

Posted 28 July 2021, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

It appears no one edit these articles. I see a lot of mistakes here. With regards to some healthcare workers not being vaccinated, shouldn't the journalist here mention what are some the reasons (this is separate from the before mentioned mistakes).

There is disconnect between the Minister and the Chief Medical Officer. They are clearly not on the same page.

Posted 28 July 2021, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Meanwhile Dumbo Minnis is obviously once again trying to figure out whether he's headed east or west....

Posted 28 July 2021, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I have to wonder, with all the incredible amounts of death from the virus (over 600,000 so far right?) Are there any Bahamians left to apply new rules to? I mean, the population is only 340,000 - so more have died than were even alive? Thats a true deadly virus.

Posted 28 July 2021, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The more the **authour signatory affixed infamous $650,000 Letter of Intent** insensibly talks healthcare **the scarier** is be learned about **precisely** what is there to how em's personality's gearbox, does **shifty** change it's **Oral Roberts greased gears,** yes?

Posted 28 July 2021, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Crash course to no where.

Posted 28 July 2021, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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