PM urges residents to ignore misinformation on vaccines


Tribune Senior Reporter

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis pleaded with residents to ignore misinformation during a national address Wednesday night and to recognise that the COVID-19 vaccine is the only way out of a pandemic that continues to disrupt societies around the world.

He also announced measures to boost the country’s ability to bear the latest surge of COVID-19 cases.

Although many residents anticipated that he would announce new restrictions to curb the spread of the virus, Dr Minnis announced none. He instead made it clear that letting commerce and daily life continue is one of his priorities.

His address came as 130 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on Tuesday while 100 people remain hospitalised, including 10 in the Intensive Care unit.

The COVID-19 death toll also increased to 286 after a 58-year-old Bimini man died on July 26th.

For much of his speech, Dr Minnis appealed to Bahamians who have been hesitant to take the COVID-19 vaccine. He emphasised that fake news and disinformation have confused people about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

“These falsehoods are helping to lead to serious illness and death by those who base their decisions on this false information. They are making people afraid of medical science and vaccines. I want to be very clear to all Bahamians and residents: We are in a struggle between life and death. Taking the vaccines, will protect you from serious disease and death,” he said.

“Listening to fake news about the vaccines, and not getting your shots, could kill you, or cause you serious illness that could be with you, for the rest of your life, no matter how old you are. The vaccines have been tested. They are safe and effective. There is nothing to be afraid of. The virus that causes COVID-19 is easy to catch.

"As the head of a leading health organization stated: ‘Viruses have one goal: to multiply.’ Countries will only get out of this pandemic, by vaccinating a large percentage of their populations. As you can see from our current situation, when large numbers of people get sick at the same time, it is harder for the healthcare system to take care of them.

Dr Minnis noted that Infectious Disease Expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes has said that none of the hospitalised PMH cases or COVID-19 related deaths have been people who are fully vaccinated against the virus.

He announced that the Pan-American Health Organisation has advised that the third tranche of pre-paid vaccines – 33,600 AstraZeneca doses – will arrive next week. He said he is communicating with the Secretary General of CARICOM to ensure there is no delay in the arrival of Pfizer vaccines from the United States. He said those vaccines will be offered to 12-to-17 year olds with the consent of their parents or guardians.

“As a medical doctor of 40-plus years, I recommend that you take the vaccine,” he said. “Do not listen to fake news over the medical science. Increasingly, in recent weeks with the spread of the delta variant there have been stories in the international media of people who refused to take the vaccine getting critically ill. Some, while in intensive care, desperately asked to be vaccinated. Doctors have had to tell them that sadly it was not possible at that time.” Some of these people have died.

“Some who are very sick or who are dying are now realizing that they weren’t told the truth. There are those who said COVID-19 was a hoax, that the disease was not real. That was not true. Now there are those who are saying false things about the vaccines. COVIID-19 is not like a mild flu. Bush medicine will not cure COVID-19 or stop you from catching the virus.”

Dr Minnis said there is still no confirmation that the feared Delta variant of COVID-19 is present in the country though officials are acting with caution in view of the current surge.

He said forty-nine medical staff and 111 nurses and nursing support staff will soon be hired to augment the fight on the frontlines against the virus at a cost of $7.2 million.

“Our plan is to engage as many trained professionals as possible to provide healthcare to Bahamians and residents, and to get shots in arms, as quickly as possible, as our vaccine supply increases. We are also calling on all retired nurses, doctors and pharmacists to come forward and assist in this, our time of need,” he said.

He also announced that Samaritan’s Purse will erect 18 beds at the Princess Margaret Hospital starting tomorrow.

He urged residents to follow health protocols over the next few weeks, like wearing masks properly and limited contact with people outside of one’s household.

“When you don’t need to be out, stay at home,” he said.

He also said he has instructed the Secretary to the Cabinet to tell permanent secretaries to implement a schedule that lets public workers work from home where possible and he encouraged private companies to do the same thing.

“We are asking you to do the things that will allow us to continue to open-up and to press forward our economic revival and recovery,” he said.

He also revealed that a new geofencing application will be introduced to replace the Hubbcat system in order to monitor people who should be in quarantine.


John says...

Economics and Politics took precedence over national health and safety. And most people understand. Basically Minnis say your health and safety and lives are in your own hands beyond the measures that are already in place. And by now people should realize that if they go out ( or away) and be reckless and careless it may not be them ( or just them) who will end up in the hospital or even the morgue. As for untruths or false information about the vaccines, Minnis need to elaborate. Because every day more and more information is being revealed about the ineffectiveness of the vaccines or the side effects. The world may have been in a better place without the vaccines and with stricter enforcement of the original safety protocols. As a medical practitioner, Minnis knows the probability of more than a dozen labs coming up with a vaccine fir a corona virus is beyond ZERO. So what exactly is in those vaccines? Why are they being forced on the world’s population with such great force? Is the Bahamas in a better place because of its vaccine hesitancy and the non availability of vaccines? The US who claims to have a 46% vaccination rate has the greatest amount of new corona cases. And growing at an exponential rate. What will happen when they give people a third dose of the vaccine or eventually a fourth jab? Wear ya mask, keep ya distance stay home as much as possible, be safe !

Posted 29 July 2021, 3:14 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

inefectiveness? These are some of the most effective vaccines ever, billionfold tested... yes over one billion doses administered and you keep spreading outright falsehoods and lies. You are effectively helping people die of COVID. You have blood on your hands.

Posted 29 July 2021, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Fundamentally people don't understand the deception at play... It is not that vaccines are ineffective is that they do not operate as vaccines should...

Take the CDC definition of vaccines:

"A vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies, exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to get the disease first.
This is what makes vaccines such powerful medicine. Unlike most medicines, which treat or cure diseases, vaccines prevent them."…

The Covid vaccines don't operate like this;

Firstly they don't prevent the individual from getting the disease or transmitting it.

Secondly, it only treats the symptoms associated with disease and thus arguably more a 'treatment' than a vaccine.

Thirdly, Unlike measles and smallpox vaccines which provide immunity that lasts a lifetime it appears that as transmission goes you can reinfect and shed the virus as soon as 70 days (if not earlier) after vaccinations.

Forthly, the number of reinfections from COVID after natural infection are minimal but the breakthrough infections and immune escape in vaccinated are growing by the minute. If vaccines operate as they should - "exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease" as per the above definition - these breakthroughs should not be happening.

In sum Vaccines are meant to immunise the vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated stop the spread of the disease. Covid Vaccines don't do that - at all - so they can barely be called vaccines - they act as therapeutics. Furthermore because of the capacity of the Vaccinated transmit the virus but to enjoy more social freedoms than the unvaccinated they propagate clear and present to risk to increased transmission and the prolonging of the pandemic.

Posted 29 July 2021, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If the vaccines are so effective why are the numbers of breakthrough cases increasing, even amongst the most vaccinated populations and countries? In layman’s terms the vaccines, as posted above, do not prevent Covid-19, but suppresses it. So millions of people who have been vaccinated are walking around with the corona virus in their bodies ( true or false). And, according to the experts, when they come in contact with a non infected person they can transmit the virus to them, true or false? And when they come in contact with an infected person, the vaccines do not block the virus from entering their bodies, but it suppresses it (or at least the symptoms) true or false? And so what do you think happens as more and more of the Covid-19 virus enters a vaccinated person’s body and is continued to be suppressed? Based on what the experts are saying, yes Fauci dem, the virus will eventually overwhelm the vaccine and the person will develop the virus. And the solution they are pondering, ( some countries, like Israel, are already doing it), is to give the patient another shot of the vaccine. So they get another shot and the vaccines continue to suppress the symptoms in a person’s body BUT the virus is still present. In fact the person has the possibility of being re-infected if he comes into contact with an infected person So what do you think will happen to this person in the long run? A patient with a body full of virus and suppressed symptoms?

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Oh Boy.
Based on the definition of a vaccine that you provided in your post, I think you should research how the covid vaccines work - they do stimulate the production of antibodies.

First point - Ever had chicken pox or measles etc? If you have, then you are probably still carrying the virus. Have a look at why older people are susceptible to Shingles. The majority of the world's population are vaccinated against measles, Chicken & Small Pox, so viruses struggle to get a foothold, but there are still occasional outbreaks.

Second Point - Wrong, wrong wrong!! Remsedivir, Ivermectin, Chlorquinone etc. treat the symptoms. It's a vaccine for crying out loud.

Third Point - Most of the world's population have been vaccinated against Measles & Chicken Pox. There are occasional outbreaks of Measles (there was a large outbreak in southern california as recent as 2019), including in those already vaccinated. If you want to eliminate uncontrolled outbreaks (like we are seeing with Covid), a very high proportion of people have to be immunized.

Fourth point. - That data is only minimally available at the moment, so I would like to know where you got this info (besides Facebook and Youtube).

All in all, you really need to spend a bunch of time learning how vaccines are developed, how they work, and their scientific pro's & cons. The info is readily available out there without having to turn to CNN, MSNBC, FOX, OAN, NewsMax, Facebook, Youtube etc. Journals such as Nature, Scientific American or even National Geographic will give you a bunch of information in relatively easy to understand formats, and most importantly without a political spin.

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Oh boy bobby, again always a pleasure...but really as usual you're quick to type without digesting what I'm posting.

1. You've made the point for me - "the marjority of the world's population are vaccinated against measles, chicken..etc so viruses struggle to get a foothold". That is precisely the issue with Covid Vaccines - we see it again again - in highly vaccinated populations where COVID infects, replicates and spreads in spite of high vaccinations rates.

2. It's called a vaccine, a loosely fits the definition of vaccine but mechanistically it operates very differently and is failing to deliver (a) the lengthy immunisation that vaccines traditionally deliver as demonstrated by the growth breakthrough infections and transmission among highly vaccinated populations and/or (b) effectively "the end of the pandemic". At best they reduce disease severity which is exactly what therapeutics/"treatments" do. Arguably in a way mRNA and carrier vaccines are closer to immunotherapy or therapeutic cancer "vaccines" than traditional immunisation.

3. Again you keep tripping over the facts - this (high vaccination rates) has not worked in many nations - Iceland, Israel, UK, Seychelles, Chile etc and now the USA is now seeing it (but I believe prior natural immunisation may lessening overall efficacy collapse of the vaccines). I think that the overall effectiveness/collapse of induced t-cell memory is being obscured by 1) seasonality 2) a less susceptible population given 2020 excess death and corresponding lack of excess death in 2021 3) viral evolution...

4. I have shared several studies/reports with you previously but Here we go:………

This papers supports the longevity of natural infection. Which as demonstrated as lacking in vaccines by the above reports and papers.…

The point is that Covid Vaccines are not delivering what they (Government and Media) promised - an end to the pandemic. Why is the question/deception?

Posted 29 July 2021, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The waning efficacy of the mRNA vaccines is now supported by both an ever increasing number of 'break throughs' as well as scientific studies showing that anti-body levels in the vaccinated exponentially diminish over a relatively short period of time resulting in minimal if any protection after about 8 months.

This waning efficacy is the reason why the mRNA vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna have already publicly announced that one or more boosters in addition to the first two jabs will be necessary. The big pharma manufacturers are trying to persuade the FDA that additional experimental booster(s) are needed to help the body's immune system (T-cells) develop a more lasting memory effect to defend against future infections.

Meanwhile persons who were infected and have recovered from the Wuhan virus and its variants are exhibiting a much more lasting duration of immunity, possibly for many years.

But so far the science is not supporting the booster requirement claims made by the big pharma mRNA vaccine manufacturers. And the FDA, having over the years been accused many times of being 'in bed' with the very greedy giants of big pharma, is now under intense scrutiny and has so far refused to approve the additional experimental booster(s).

The two biggest and most greedy mRNA vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, and the despicable US congressmen they bank roll, are now wrongfully exerting intense pressure on the FDA to act without the necessary scientic evidence because the cost of manufacturing the booster(s) cannot be underwritten (paid for) by the US government (US taxpayers) without being approved for experimental use on a voluntary basis by the FDA.

Just like the Wuhan virus and its variants cannot survive and thrive without human hosts, the enormous windfall profits of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers and testers cannot continue and grow without the creation of a Vaccine Dependent Global Society. And this is the 'evil intent' that must be guarded against no matter what.

Posted 30 July 2021, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Point 1. Until the majority of the populations are vaccinated (and by majority I mean greater than 90%) the virus will always be able to find suitable hosts to replicate & mutate. It's a supply and demand situation

Point 2. I never said anything about the mechanics (or method of action as it's correctly called) of the vaccine. I'm not denying the mRNA vaccines work differently, but they still stimulate the production of antibodies, so therefore they are vaccines.

Also not all vaccines last forever, in fact most don't. That's why it's recommended that you have periodic boosters for TDaP (Tetanus, Diptheria & Pertussis), Varicella (Shingles/Chicken Pox), Typhoid (every 2-5 yrs if you visit certain countries), Yellow Fever, to name a few.

Point 3. And you keep ignoring the facts. High vaccination rates have not been achieved, yet. What is critical is that you look at the data for deaths & hospitalizations of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. The purpose of the vaccine is to reduce the severity of the symptoms, but you just keep conveniently ignoring that, and start cherry picking information - case in point you cherry picked and misrepresented the data that was in that WP link you provided in another thread.

As far as listening to what the government and media said and promised, well you get reinforcement of what you want to hear depending on which side of the fence you sit. Personally, I would rather get my information from clinical data instead.

Posted 30 July 2021, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Let me cherry pick something from the Lancet article link you provided.

*Our data suggest waning of S-antibody levels in infection-naive individuals over a 3–10-week period after a second dose of either ChAdOx1 or BNT162b2. These data are consistent with the decline in Spike-antibody and neutralising antibody levels observed after infection.*

I assume you understand what this is saying?

Posted 31 July 2021, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise. You are continuing with precisely the fake news our esteemed leader spoke to in his reassuring address to us. I am just wondering why is it individuals of your hue continue to pander to the fake news individuals?
Clearly your intentions are not noble, honest and positive. Please stop this now for the sake of our nation’s health, wealth and wellbeing. And, most importantly, please listen to our Prime Minister who is a medical practitioner and a leader who cares about us. Thanks.

Posted 29 July 2021, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

No one in the history of The Bahamas has been a bigger and more evil fake news maker than Minnis himself. I cringed listening to his waffling 'get vaccinated sermon' last night and all of his rambling and self-touting about what he's done to save many lives and our economy. And I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when he said our country's foreign currency reserves are at record level of $2.6 billion without disclosing that nearly all of that amount is attributable to a massive amount of foreign currency borrowing.

The foreign currency denominated component of our national debt is now at very costly and unsustainable staggering level. Our nation is now literally borrowing from abroad to maintain the one-for-one peg with the US dollar and we all know that can't last for long.

And to hear him brag about borrowing from abroad to keep 'his' grossly over-bloated civil workforce employed and fully paid while so many Bahamians in the private sector have lost their jobs and can't find decent paying work because of his failed economic and disastrous covid policies that have all but destroyed our nation is indeed most sickening.

Minnis knows no shame in lying through his teeth and painting only the picture he wants you to see. That's just very much the definition of a most untrustworthy politician. And Davis would be no different in that respect. But it's Minnis's very evil bent mind that disturbs me the most.

Posted 29 July 2021, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

you only need to read the EUDRA reports, e.g. for pfizer:…

in total over half a million of serious INJURIES from the covid vaccines and over 12.000 immediate deaths from covid vaccines. Official source

Posted 29 July 2021, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Totally debunked misinformation (posted as usual by you)…

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

your debunking page is rather debunked! Just browse yourself the official database! On the contrary your link is just some private page claiming the opposite. What is trusted? Official EU database or that obscure private "debunking" page?!

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Sorry not a private page. At least my link can be reached, unlike yours. I assume you took your info from that Facebook blogger referred to in this article.…

Again debunked as misrepresentation of data.

Here's another one:…

I really find it frustrating that people are so gullible, and don't understand that they are being taken for a ride. Why not go to the EMA EUDRA site yourself and look at the information. Critical thinking skills and the ability to disseminate between agenda driven information and real information, are as scarce as rocking horse $hit these days.

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Fauci them trying to turn the world into vaccination jonesers. ‘If you don’t take it, you die dude.’ Study the facts. If America can bring its Covid-19 rates of infections and deaths from being the highest in the world to close to zero infections and deaths WITHOUT VACCINES what does the science tells you? And in a matter of months if, after the vaccines, America can go back to being the most infectious and infected country on the planet, what does the science tells you? Ok leave the science alone for a Minnis … err minnit and do the Mats. People in the hospital sleeping on mats in the hallway ( so they say). After months of vaccines and mass vaccinations, MORE PEOPLE ARE BEING INFECTED with Covid-19 in countries that did mass vaccinations than ever before. PROVE THIS STATEMENT WRONG! Or, as Darryl Miller would say, ‘let us (all) pray!

Posted 29 July 2021, 3:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

America brought its deaths close to 0 with the vaccine and the protocols in place. now they have relaxed the protocols the numbers have gone up. In the last wave when the infections were the same number as now they were averaging over 800 deaths a day, now it is nearer to 300. So thats 500 a day alive now.

Posted 29 July 2021, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Bahamians if you want to improve your health, you must go back to a plant based diet. You should eat something uncooked with every meal. Fruits for ( or with ) breakfast. Fruits or lettuce snd tomatoes with lunch and uncooked veggies . Cabbage carrots seeet peppers celery tomatoes etc with dinner. Let your kitchen be the only pharmacy you need. Not unlike it was in the days of slavery and before. And then there’s water.

Posted 29 July 2021, 3:46 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> Economics and Politics took precedence over national health and safety.

This has always been so.

However, the message that we ought to help ourselves should have been delivered from day 1. Perhaps if such message had been delivered it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy.

I do not hesitate because of conspiracy theories or because of social media. I hesitate because of an imbecilic government.

The news at ZNS hinted that vaccines would be sourced from other places. Then mentioned sinovac , the chinese vaccine on the side. Sinovac is the worst of all vaccines. Just as one should hesitate to consume the canned fish from the food assistance package, they should hesitate to take this vaccine.

Covax will deliver "a final tranche" and the MOH said it is allowed to mix vaccines.

No, it was not facebook that caused me not trust these imbeciles.

And don't tell me I mistrust science. When it is the messenger whom I mistrust.

Posted 29 July 2021, 4:45 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Repost: You would think from reading some of these posts that Dr. Fauci is the only ID Specialist on the entire planet, that his word is the gospel and people the world over are incapable of making informed decisions for themselves. Certainly in the Bahamas that appears to be the case as we continue to be led by the nose, held captive by social media hysteria and home grown armchair infectious disease specialists. Bahamians have always liked to point the finger at someone else for their shortcomings and, as a people, never have and still don't take responsibility for ANY of their multitude of self inflicted stupidities.

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:46 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Many of the other infectious disease experts disagree with Dr Fauci on many accounts. They don’t get the media coverage he does. With his mask on, mask off, indoor dining, no indoor dining, social gatherings amongst vaccinated, no social gatherings amongst the vaccinated. He single-handedly is doing more to fuel the flames of this pandemic than anyone else. And from the beginning when he had the world believing the virus originated from bats. When doctors give medicine, they tell patients’ take the entire amount. Don’t worry if you feel better or if the symptoms disappear, take the entire prescription. So why is Fauci telling people to take off their masks and abandon other safety protocols when the pandemic is still raging?

Posted 30 July 2021, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

What is fascinating is that globally there is now the practice that any other perspective other than the narrative of what the ruling party supports has become a conspiracy theory or misinformation even if it is supported with fact. Politics and science have confused opinion with evidence and used the absence of evidence to politicise their opinion. Fascism and Communism are the primary political ideologies that support this practice.

The presence of a novel virus presented a vacuum of data. The vacuum was filled with political rhetoric and fear. Masks, Lockdowns, School Closures none of it supported by evidence and the same can be said for the vaccine exceptualism. All of it, without the support of evidence, reeks of the desperation of Leaders to appear effective against something they could not control; that panic was a mistake and likely cost lives, educations, life opportunities of the young, jobs and dozens of small businesses... The vaccine push ultimately tries to cover up those mistakes, because if society is able to beat COVID19 without vaccine and without the restrictions imposed on citizens...the credibility of medical/political community will be decimated...

Take the vaccine for 3-6 months protection, but ultimately you're taking it so the politicians can have an excuse to say they did something and give you back your life and freedoms in the hope and prayer that you'll vote for them one more time...

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:05 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Minnis did not commit political suicide and neither did he throw the Bahamian people under the bus. But he should have expanded his narrative about false information about vaccines. Right now the US has over 84,000 new corona cases. Almost double any of the other leading countries like India, Brazil and Russia. The US new cases will probably exceed 100,000 by this week’s end. Simply because vaccinated people are asymptotic and in effect super spreaders. More tourists are visiting and most are from the US and everyone understands the economics of this. But compare the corona numbers of The Bahamas to any or all other countries in the Caribbean. Reality is the tourism sector is too active for current conditions and/or it is not being effectively monitored and controlled. And conversely too many Bahamians are traveling abroad to the most infected country and the most infected parts of it Florida, California, New York and Texas and not being properly screened and isolated on their return. The breakthrough numbers of vaccinated people continue to increase. And yes, whilst many may not get ill and have to be hospitalized, what does that tell you? That these people are asymptotic and super spreaders who continue to infect the rest of the population. And what else does that tell you? That vaccinated people need to be tested more often and more frequently than unvaccinated persons. But haven’t you been doing the opposite? Haven’t you, world leaders, been offering more perks and privileges to the vaccinated? Allowing them to wander endlessly without mask and even marijuana to get the jab?

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Latest CDC release advises the vaccinated to wear masks, as they may be the super spreaders.
And no, I do not as a rule trust Governments. Trusting Government would be like Walking around blindfolded in a cow pasture, holding faith you won't step in something.
Besides, Do you have any vaccines as yet? Seems he is offering unobtainium.

Posted 29 July 2021, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

It is too late to ignore misinformation. Nothing to do with politics, just facts. Last year Biden and Harris said that they did not trust the vaccine under Trump and his FDA. now, they are telling people to take the same vaccine that they did not trust last year because it was under Trump. Bahamians listened to that all last year on CNN , what else do you expect. Have of the Bahamians believe that it was made to kill black people. Again, the facts are the facts, not political.

Posted 29 July 2021, 8:19 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Lol......This clown also told us NOT to wear N95 mask and band them, while he and his people ran around wearing them!. Now the American "experts" are begging people to wear them INDOORS.

Trusting politicians and the media has ALWAYS proven to be a bad idea. Why the hell would anyone think they should trust them now?

Posted 29 July 2021, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You are so right!!! Its become very clear that the PM just repeats the prevailing talking point of the day. Two days ago he was telling us there are 2 pandemics. Last night miraculously the pandemics merged. A month ago he was telling vaccinated people to "party on!". Before that he gave the junkanoo community the expectstion that theyd have rushouts soon. You know whst they tske tgst to mean... Its the most glaring display of irresponsible behaviour in public health. Then men like Wells and Lloyd and Henfield, bow down and say nobody could do this better

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I think the vaccines do work. What I dont like is the subtle selling point that theyre perfect. They may be. We dont know. We dont have enough data. The only claim they can make at this point is it provides a good level of protection against COVID 19 and "so far" people broadly have not experienced extended negative effects from taking it. Based on that we think its more prudent to take than not to.

I also wish they would stop encouraging people to take vaccines if there are no vaccines to take. Mainly because of Dr Minnis' STRATEGIC decision to block private clinics from offering the vaccine

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Finally, someone who writes a logical & fair post.

No vaccine is 100% effective. Probably the most effective of all modern vaccines is the Measles vaccine. Two doses are predicted to protect 99.99% of people, for life. However, there are still occasional outbreaks but they can be controlled because of the high percentage of vaccinated population.
The Mumps vaccine is probably only 80% effective, but again because of the high percentage of vaccinated people, it can be controlled.

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Really again this sidesteps the point - vaccines have proven to to be effective in 'the short term' - 70 days there abouts but further out the evidence is mounting that efficacy collapses, breakthrough infections increase, and the older vaccinated or not unfortunately succumb. In the UK data is clear basically if you're under 50 the chances of death from the Delta strain are statically zero. If you over 50 the CFI is greater in those that are vaccinated. If you're young and healthy really seems by the limited data available to give a lasting and longer immunity.

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:19 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Fake news and misinformation? It is Minnis dem who have this whole thing about vaccinations and the battle between vaccinated and unvaccinated backwards and upside down. They are admitting that persons who are vaccinated can still have the virus and can still transmit the virus to others. Yet in their wisdom and loyalty to the vaccines and the vaccinated, they allowed fully vaccinated persons to enter the country and have other perks and privileges not afforded to the unvaccinated. But since the vaccinated show few signs and symptoms of having the virus, shouldn’t they be the ones that are more frequently tested and on whom the mask wearing and other protocols should be more strictly enforced? Do you know if you removed the new cases data of the four most vaccinated countries in the world from the rest of the world’s new cases, there’s actually no surge currently, but an actual sharp decline in new cases and deaths?

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

PM Minnis did the right thing.....encourage, but not force people to take the vaccine...their lawful choice.....implemented no harmful lockdowns.....hired more doctors and nurses.....arranged for more covid beds.....and now it's every person's responsibility to keep themselves out of harm's way.

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

How many chances does he get to do the right thing months later?

Do you realize that completely out of the *dont do anything without the minister* instructions the PHA publicly stated on **JULY 6TH** that they were at capacity? That's a full month ago. Dr Minnis sat silently for an entire month until the entire health care system got to the breaking point. He literally said not one word. Then the health minister tried to brainwash us into believing the problem started after July 10th. Remember BEC when they kept saying what crisis? Theres no crisis. How many times does he get to do this before he causes long term permanent and irreversible damage?

Posted 29 July 2021, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Maybe there's that lone wolf reporter who will dig deep uncover if there's more to be revealed about the **Reds new July 28, 2021's latest revised version news,** that needs fresh talking, once PopoulacesOrdinaries, are reminded about the **Reds old, latest new geofencing application** was introduced to **replace the Hubbcat system** in order to monitor people who should be in quarantine?
**Time some old news refresher flashback to July 27, 2020,** didn't security minister Marvin Dames, **not also step up the podium to reveal** that a **new geofencing application will be introduced to replace the Hubbcat system** in order to monitor people who should be in quarantine?
Reds can't just make shi# up, kike did they just **slide** yet another **no-bid**into the draft of a national address to Commonwealth of 1200 Out islands, Cays, Inlets, another and rocks, yet another **no bid** yes?

Posted 29 July 2021, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Guys, Minnis should do the right thing? What exactly is the right thing? I am not a supporter of politics, but whom knows what is right to do? Does anyone in the Bahamas know what the right thing to do is? Does anyone in the world kncludimg the WHO , FDA , and Fauci know what the right thing to do is? These scientific facts change weekly ,and we still say follow the science when the science does not know what the hell it is talking about.

Posted 29 July 2021, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Minnis has demonstrated over and over again that he's incapable of doing the right thing about anything, let alone the Wuhan virus. He has an evil soul and his legacy as the most corrupt, arrogant, nasty, vindictive and incompetent PM our country has ever had is already etched in stone.

Posted 29 July 2021, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Well, that's a useless contribution to answering his valid questions

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You're better qualified to answer his poignant questions.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

“There are lots **short-term selfish** reasoning why the 35 House-elected and politically appointed Reds, stands to protect/gain from/off by their not saying what the right thing is/was to do.
It ain't like the Reds hast lost any sleep hours despite knowing the extent the pain, hurtin' and bad** inflicted, upon and into the daily lives many thousands of others, yes?

Posted 29 July 2021, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

You are right, this is a very difficult situation to deal with. Basically the vaccine camps fall into 3 divisions - pro mRNA vs. those who think mRNA will allow for new variants to be bred internally and hence, we should instead use traditional live attenuated vaccines vs. the 3rd group that think Vaccines are too risky, which due to the inherent gain of function in the COVID 19 may also have some truth to it.

Nutritional based host immunity will always be # 1 as are supportive Zinc Ionophores, such as the combination of Green tea extract and Quercetin, with a decent Zinc lozenge supplement (especially within first 24 hours of symptoms), together with ongoing Vitamin D3 (to create a +/- 38% reduction in risk) and high levels of Vitamin C daily and more as and when needed. Berberine will also protect in an extreme situation as it is a very powerful alkaloid anti-viral that particularly protects the lungs.

Some background on the vaccines for folks to better understand your options: -…

Posted 29 July 2021, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Interesting. Thanks.

Posted 29 July 2021, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

You do know that the body can only cope with small doses of Vitamin C at one time, right. Anything over 200 mg in a single dose is just too much for your kidneys to cope with (renal reabsorption), so the excess is removed in your urine. All these people taking high dose vitamin c supplements, are literally flushing their money down the toilet. If you want to increase your Vitamin C intake, you are far better off taking a low dose tablet (200mg) every couple of hours, but not exceeding a total of 2000mg in any 24 hr period.. Even better, eat foods with a high vitamin c content.

Also, don't forget the known side effects of Vitamin C, that start to creep in once you exceed the 2000 mg/day threshold

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

I would respectfully disagree. There are lots of ways to stimulate the uptake mechanism, and also your body will retain without loose stools, massive doses if you need it (cytokine storms et al).

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

With the exception of intravenous administration, I'm not aware of any scientifically proven methods of stimulating additional Ascorbic acid uptake, in a single dose. Intravenous administration can bypass uptake control in the intestine, but then within a couple of hours renall excretion brings the level back down to normal.

Also, when your body breaks down (metabolizes), Vitamin C, one of the byproducts is Oxalic acid, which is a known culprit in the formation of kidney stones. There have been some inconclusive (I stress the word inconclusive) studies, that have linked the occurrence of kidney stones to high daily intake of Vitamin C.

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

The only reliable science in all this is how to keep this virus out of your body cells.....that's the only essential science to follow. The barrier you erect between you and the virus. And....that won't change from week to week

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Not quite, viral load and stopping replication is also key.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Stop searching for heroes to save you from this are your only hope and your only know by now exactly what to do

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

We need to be saved by a hero from both Minnis and Davis, with Minnis being by far the more evil of the two.

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Don't understand the medical doctor's logic behind introducing non FDA approved vaccine to Bahamian children as part of this experiment. That just is not right and ethical to suggest

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If you want to better understand what the vaccines do, first you must understand the difference between a cough suppressant and a cough expectorant. A suppressant ‘hides’ the symptoms of a cough or cold like coughing, sneezing, runny eyes etc., So it you want to go to work with a cough or cold , you would take a suppressant. An expectorant actually attacks the virus that is causing the cough or cold and helps your body get rid of it. The Covid-19 vaccines have been labeled, ( by the experts) as suppressants. They don’t help the body get rid of the virus or even stop the virus from entering your body . They suppress it and/or the symptoms.

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Oh dear John you really think what you wrote is correct ?
Expectorants don't "attack the virus". What they do is increase the amount of water secretion, thus thinning out the thick phlegm in your airway, so that it comes up when you cough.

While I guess you're not totally incorrect on the cough suppressants, your statement is incorrect. Cough's don't have symptoms themselves, so a cough suppressant can't hide the symptoms of a cough. A cough is a symptom of an upper respiratory infection.
Cough suppressants like Dextromethorphan (DM), Diphenhydramine etc. (which incidentally are cousins of Codeine), work by blocking the cough reflex, that comes about when the nerve endings that line your throat become irritated or inflamed. They work the same way as antihistamines (such as Benadryl) do for skin rashes or bug bites.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

So when the expectorant causes the body to produce more fluid and expel the ‘colc’ and mucus, what exactly is it doing to the flu? Now also explain what is a vaccine and what it is supposed to do.

Posted 30 July 2021, 7:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

As far as I'm aware the expectorant is doing nothing to the flu virus itself. It's just a way to help speed up the removal of that thick clingy mucus in the airways, which can lead to pneumonia and other breathing problems if left unchecked.

Most people can get the mucus up, and off their chests just by being active, but when you're sick you don't really feel like being 'active' and you tend to stay in bed being inactive instead. The same applies to the elderly who are more susceptible to pneumonia because they are less active as well as having weaker immune systems. Also hospital patients who are immobile and stuck in bed (say with their broken leg in traction) can be susceptible to pneumonia even if they don't have a cold/flu/cough etc. This is because they can build up fluid on their lungs due to being bed ridden. Healthcare workers will often go around and make the patients blow hard into a spirometer type device to prevent the build up of fluid.

Posted 30 July 2021, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Just so i get this straight, the powers that be want to control the population. So to do this they have created a vaccine which will kill people. And the only people who are taking it are those who agree with the powers that be, whilst those too smart and who know what they are up to are not taking it. Seems to me that the powers that be have this idea the wrong way around and they are trying to take out the wrong people

Posted 29 July 2021, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Tribune is now deleting comments they don't like I see.

Posted 29 July 2021, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Yup.....they've been doing so for quite a while now without even the courtesy of leaving a short note to disclose when they've done so.

Posted 29 July 2021, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

I remember the very first two posts I ever made on this site were deleted

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

It just would seem the Reds governance ways *hasn't in the 37:40 minutes** of National Address, highlighted factual ways where to go look justify **when** the 35 House-elected Red MPs of **having earned the right to **talk the walked talk** of Good Samaritans' works, yes?

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Israeli Data Suggests Possible Waning in Effectiveness of Pfizer Vaccine

The new numbers still show overwhelmingly strong protection against severe disease but diminished effectiveness against infection.

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Correct, and that will also change over time....

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Many people are thankful that the PM did not decide to lock the country down. The mental toll would’ve been devastating. Many homes do not have the resources to stockpile food and water and to interrupt employment and person’s income would’ve certainly taken it’s toll. There are some indications (data) that this wave may be waning worldwide, but what plans are in place if it continues to surge.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

As wayne munroe said on the radio today,
If a husband beats the wife everyday, then he announces that he will not beat her on Sundays, she will be grateful.

Grateful for being beaten 6 days of the week.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Well as their numbers increase, Even states in the US are isolating themselves from others. They are requiring full vaccinations and negative Covid tests from visitors from highly infected states and not allowing positive people to enter, vaccinated on not vaccinated.

Posted 30 July 2021, 7:38 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

I will say one thing, Ivermectin seemed to stop me from catching and developing a full blown case, and I was totally and repeatedly exposed for 5 days. She got it, and has antibodies, I thought I got it, (mild symptoms) but have no antibodies.
Explain that one.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

We dont know. Thats the answer to all of it. There have been tons of stories of persons living in the same house with an infected individual and only that person experiences "severe" illness. Did you not get sick because you naturally had a stronger immune system? We don't know. Now whether you have a stronger immune system or not if ivermectin has been shown to cut short adverse reactions it might be wise to take it anyway. Same argument for the vaccine.

You know what I do know, there is a huge opportunity to conduct a study. But these guys only do what theyve seen others do. Since they steal from this comment section he might mention the idea at some point

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Btw how do you know she has antibodies? Aside from the fact that thats the natural assumption. Did she do a test to see the amount of antibodies she has? Interested

Posted 29 July 2021, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Vaccinated people seems to have done plenty damage.…

Posted 30 July 2021, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

So the US - FDA has now publicly admitted that by enlarge - the PCR tests can NOT accurately discern between Covid-19 and your average flu. For the covid fanatics, please go to">">"> for evidence of all of the companies that are having their tests removed from the emergency use authorization program. They are being removed because they are giving positive results for typical flu which is probably why so many of you wonder why you have tested positive and only ever got a runny nose. So the big question here in the Bahamas is - are the PCR tests being used by our labs any better or worse than the tests being dismissed by the US_FDA? Is our government basing its lock-down decisions on a testing regime that can not differentiate between Covid 19 and the flu? Seriously folks. I am sure you have all heard by now that the flu season last winter was non-existent. Now we know it is because everyone tested positive for CV19 even if they just had the flu. All I hear is "follow the science" and the science now says the PCR tests are showing positive for the flu. So do we continue to destroy our economy and human rights because of inaccurate PCR tests? Is that science?

Posted 30 July 2021, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

@Happyfly your links does not hyperlink, further more it takes you to the general FDA Gov site, but I don't see where it is that you are quoting or getting your information as fact or fallacy.
I'm sure you have the link to prove what you are summarizing but unfortunately it is not showing up.
the point you raised has some degree of merit. But I would rather read the article which says what you are saying for myself.

Posted 2 August 2021, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

🙏 😂

Posted 30 July 2021, 8:29 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Our Covid provax money camp will never admit to certain things CDC says if it strips them of emergency powers and fear mongering.

Posted 30 July 2021, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

*Re-post from a few moments ago:*

The waning efficacy of the mRNA vaccines is now supported by both an ever increasing number of 'break throughs' as well as scientific studies showing that anti-body levels in the vaccinated exponentially diminish over a relatively short period of time resulting in minimal if any protection after about 8 months.

This waning efficacy is the reason why the mRNA vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna have already publicly announced that one or more boosters in addition to the first two jabs will be necessary. The big pharma manufacturers are trying to persuade the FDA that additional experimental booster(s) are needed to help the body's immune system (T-cells) develop a more lasting memory effect to defend against future infections.

Meanwhile persons who were infected and have recovered from the Wuhan virus and its variants are exhibiting a much more lasting duration of immunity, possibly for many years.

But so far the science is not supporting the booster requirement claims made by the big pharma mRNA vaccine manufacturers. And the FDA, having over the years been accused many times of being 'in bed' with the very greedy giants of big pharma, is now under intense scrutiny and has so far refused to approve the additional experimental booster(s).

The two biggest and most greedy mRNA vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, and the despicable US congressmen they bank roll, are now wrongfully exerting intense pressure on the FDA to act without the necessary scientic evidence because the cost of manufacturing the booster(s) cannot be underwritten (paid for) by the US government (US taxpayers) without being approved for experimental use on a voluntary basis by the FDA.

Just like the Wuhan virus and its variants cannot survive and thrive without human hosts, the enormous windfall profits of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers and testers cannot continue and grow without the creation of a highly controlled Vaccine Dependent Global Society. And this is possibly the 'very evil intent' that all of mankind must guard against happening no matter what.

Posted 30 July 2021, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

Usually when you are going to copy off a large section like this, it would be more beneficial if you added a reference source to look it up and know the authority on the quoted information.
Basic virology, Immunology and medicine, I spoke of in my first response in comparison to that of why no vaccine for HIV virus which belongs to a different family but have similar protein spikes.
In Immunology basically:
IgM antibody appears first, followed by IgA on mucosal surfaces or IgG in the serum. The IgG antibody is the major antibody of the response and is very stable, which interrelates to what was already referred to.

Posted 2 August 2021, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

After 37 years there is no vaccine for HIV/AIDS.
There over 38 million people that are affected by the virus.
Like the Virus that causes COVID-19, HIV has spike proteins on its surface that it uses to gain entry to the host cells, but the genes that make up the HIV spike proteins are very effective at rapid mutation thus resulting in millions of different HIV Strains and it is because of this it is more difficult to find antibodies that can neutralize all different strains. Whereas with COVID-19 there are plausibly 17 strains but 3 to 4 major ones has been identified and we have heard of the alpha and delta. The predominant strain in the Bahamas has been the alpha and official health reports that the delta variant has been detected in the Bahamas.
One time ago, an astute politician told me that the leader of this country would not ever be a doctor; you need to study law if you ant to lead this country and become involved in politics. Then Minnis rode in decades later on his horse, and now I understand why he said. No doubt Hubert Ingraham was so indulge in trying to prove his "Politic-Fu" master wrong; that he talk his Padawan into succeeding him. he basically gave him a constituency.

Posted 2 August 2021, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...


Minnis is a doctor: OB/GYN by profession, and how he is handling and dealing with the country shows his bedside manners and patient-doctor relationship he exercised when he was a practicing physician: OB/GYN. Let's be straight forward and clear, Minnis has studied is craft of medicine for a long time and if in almost 2 years dealing with this virus he has not been able to effectively and efficiently manage it without causing more harm and stress for his patient (the nation), then if he is voted out of office his license to practice should immediately be revoked!
Now, since we calling a spade a spade for Dr. Minnis then we have to be fair and square for everyone and to everyone.
THE NEXT ONE: Philip "Brave" Davis: All talking about how wrong and bad the MINNIS administration is handling the pandemic, but he ain't talking what how they would do anything different with numbers and an even budget or surplus. He is lacking the credible factor and he has no real science behind his logics nor accounting to justify the expenditure. This is truly a sad state, no wonder why the people
THE OTHER ONE: Just being very observant, just think, if the leader of one of those **MINOR POLITICAL PARTIES** has problems with handling her perm for her own hair,
then please tell me how she could intent to handle the country's healthcare. (Didn't mean to rhyme but it happens!)
Now to believe that from them, that would be bigger than a Nigerian Scam to believe all the nice hearsays of fantasy world and wonderland but are not practical nor fiscal to our national budget!
64 people out of 80 people voted for this female to lead them and that should mean that everyone without a Y Chromosome should vote for her. Who are these 80 people out of 340 thousand Bahamians. Wait, is this just another form of a deviant banished never to return again FNM type of Oligarchy, disguised as if it is something new? The former leader thought he was bigger than the hand that feed him, and found out that he was wrong.
The list of accomplished Bahamian women whom have made an impact and contributed a difference in the Bahamas, I can readily name 6. The fact of the matter is that I and many hundred of thousands other Bahamian only interested in the best person to do the job, whiles you campaigning on being the first female. Bahamians do not have a problem of whether their leader is male or female and you must be confused if you think so, the people you hanging out with aren't the majority. That is a want to be story line built by your "friends" in the media and those who have an invested interest. **DIS HERE IS REAL BAHAMIAN TALK** !
{ **Now from here on end, I'll be very brief**! }

Posted 2 August 2021, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

Contd. 2
2ndly the ball has already ben seriously dropped in the mismanagement of the pandemic in the Bahamas.
The First lesson in combating ignorance is education. Invite open televised debates in favor of and against covid-19 vaccination and understanding the virus. That is what C4M believes in top down and bottom-up. Bahamians have the biggest stage to show our ingenuity, innovation and patriotism and lead the Caribbean.
We know one reason why Minnis is less likely to do this because some of his very friends are in the same profession.
Prevention is better than cure! So far it seems that the government takes 1 step forward and 8 steps backward. Lets control our past by controlling & writing our future as we want it not how others are dictating that we have it. Be like a Lynden Pindling or a Randol Fawkes and try and take the Bahamas to a new era or get out of the way and let someone else does it.
#So clear the way, We Coming!

Posted 2 August 2021, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

lol say ignore and him and his gov. cant even produce any facts or even real info on the vaccines. only get da jab.

Posted 13 August 2021, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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