Davis: We’re on brink of catastrophe


Tribune Staff Reporter


PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Leader Phillip “Brave” Davis says the country is on the brink of a public health catastrophe.

Hospital admissions due to the COVID virus have soared with 100 people now receiving treatment in hospital.

Mr David said there needed to be unity among Bahamians and not divisions based on vaccination status or political affiliation. He also said people needed to receive information they could trust in order to make the best decisions for themselves.

Suggesting ways to tackle vaccine hesitancy, Mr Davis said medical professionals should be made available to answer questions.

In addition he suggested there were other ways to address the spread of COVID-19 like a private-public partnership to improve indoor air ventilation.

The PLP held a press conference yesterday several hours ahead of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ much anticipated televised address.

Mr Davis said: “We have seen more than 1,600 new COVID cases recorded within the last three weeks. Our public health system is strained beyond capacity – described by one doctor as ‘ beyond breaking point’.

“Over the last week, our country’s case count per 100,000 in population has been one of the highest in the world. We are a nation in serious peril.”

However, Mr Davis insisted there is a way out of the pandemic and listed several measures recommended by his party to help chart the country forward to recovery.

The measures proposed are increased testing, expanded testing centres and additional contact tracers — something the PLP has repeatedly called for since the onset of the pandemic.

The PLP leader also called on the government to revisit its current testing policy for fully vaccinated people and partner with private medical facilities to assist with its vaccination campaign among other things.

Mr Davis said the Minnis administration has been more reactive than proactive in its response to COVID-19 and insisted there needed to be a feasible action plan to safeguard the country against more infectious COVID-19 variants.

“If they don’t take the time to plan or understand what are the issues relating to this virus and have a fuller understanding of the tools necessary to arm ourselves and the Bahamian public to fight the virus, you’ll be continuing having these what I call off the cuff responses, not thorough (and) not connected to any logical science and we’ll continue to have the flip-flopping,” the opposition leader said at yesterday’s press conference.

“I mean it’s troubling to me and it must be troubling to our people to see that this flip-flopping is such a dangerous virus that’s spreading amongst us.”

The Bahamas has recorded 14,457 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic. Of this count, 1,574 infections are still active, with 100 people said to be in hospital sick with the virus as of July 27.

Mr Davis further echoes his previous assertions of an early general election, insisting the vote could still be held safely in the country despite the current situation.

Speculation of an early election was reignited after Mr Davis voiced an expectation last week that a snap election would be called soon.

Although Dr Minnis has since several times dismissed the claim – insisting only that he one knows the dates – Mr Davis told reporters yesterday he still holds true to his prediction.

This comes as COVID-19 cases are once again spiking in the country, with concerns now arising that an early election – if called this year – could lead to further virus spread.

However, yesterday, the PLP leader insisted that elections could be held safely once all the health protocols are followed and strictly enforced.


Topdude says...

What is it this man saying? These comments are dated and previously addressed by our current Government. The impending catastrophe is the thought of the PLP going back into office to pillage and pilfer from the National Treasury.

Posted 29 July 2021, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Minnis and Davis are indeed cut from the same cloth. The only real difference between the two is Minnis's very evil and vindictive nature and his obvious aspirations of tranforming our small nation into an authoritarian police state controlled by himself and his Communist Chinese friends who have been whispering in his ear that they have his back.

Posted 29 July 2021, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is impossible to be worse than this FNM Government. Why are sick people on a porch during
the rain? Why is there no vaccine available.?

The FNM Government started out dead wrong. they taxed the poor by increasing VAT 60%
then they made the post office deal the cruise port deal the knoo deal and God alone know what other deals they made.

Watch the poor people with their groceries in their hands walking the street, the merchants
gained the poor lost.

This FNM Government has killed the middle class and put their boots on the backs off the poor. d

Posted 29 July 2021, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Maybe because no government has invested in the healthcare facilities, PLP in particular. Unless you include clearing land in Eleuthera as doing so?

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"If they don’t take the time to plan or understand what are the issues relating to this virus and have a fuller understanding of the tools necessary to arm ourselves and ..."

What tools Mr Davis????? Will you stand there and keep these tools a secret until you are appointed PM? Why should you become PM when you have failed since day one in opposition to exercise the most powerful tool you have - which is your authority as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee to uncover what is happening with our finances. Instead you allow Lincoln Bain to go around saying our sand is being practically given away at cheap prices. You wont prove him wrong, or do you know that he's right?

As he gains ground with voters, he threatens to split the opposition vote thus assuring a win for the FNM. Is that your true objective?

It's comfortable in the opposition seat, easy to criticize without having to do anything. Call the PAC Committee to order - or are you afraid of what may be unearthed?

Posted 29 July 2021, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

really? Woo is me. Or maybe you will shout this from the mountain top just because you want to be Prime Minister ............you politicians are something else. you use us to get in power , that's all you do. you just want power.

Posted 29 July 2021, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I really am ashame to listen/read this joke of a statement! Mr. Davis really do not have a clue what is going around him. . .intellectually that is!! He can do way better for himself by JUST KEEPING HIS DANG MOUTH SHUT!!! I really think that he is hopeless. . .even though I hear that he is a master at raising money. . .otherwise of no good governmental value!!

Why the PLP do not rid themselves of this "millstone" of a politician is way beyond me!! With all the possible "foot-in-mouth" problems that Doc makes can't help Mr. Davis. . .or should I say, help Mr. Davis until he open his mouth and engages his "breen". . .BOOM! All down hill from there. . .chicken scratches thinking for days!!

Posted 29 July 2021, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Entrepreneur says...

Very unhelpful statement and headline.

Every one needs to be more responsible.

Zinc Ionophores still work. I told the PM about them. It is up to each individual: - go the vaccine route with known but relatively very small risks, or protect your self in other ways.

Posted 29 July 2021, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

QUOTE "The wise will understand the fool has no need to know"

Posted 29 July 2021, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

I assume if the guy wins COVID will disappear.. its sad it comes down to these political games. in the USA they are surging as well, but it's not about the Democrats or Republicans, it's just COVID-19 period.

Posted 29 July 2021, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

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