Facts first

EDITOR, The Tribune,

It seems the narcissistic talk show hosts and their oddball groupies have become experts on COVID vaccines.

The asinine statements flowing from the lips of some are mind boggling. What land do these people live in? They have done a terrible disservice to the country by allowing their personal agendas and lust for attention to create doubt and confusion among the more gullible and unprotected in society.

Or is this all about driving up ratings and revenue?

I wonder how many of them have seen images of COVID victims all alone and gasping for their last breath?

Do they have any idea how many people are in acute pain and suffering from other medical issues, unable to get corrective surgery because the hospitals are overwhelmed by the unvaccinated?

The health workers are overwhelmed by the unvaccinated and ironically, many of them also are unvaccinated.

Do people who spout nonsense realise our economic survival depends on controlling the virus and the only way to do that is through vaccination?

It’s time to call out any media house that allows its platform to be used to spread misinformation and disinformation.

With so much fake news driven by social media, the mainstream media must do everything within their power to promote truth and facts in a fair and balanced manner.

Thank you to those who put facts and country before hysteria and hyperbole. It’s a shame there aren’t more like you.



July 29, 2921.


carltonr61 says...


Facts first. Vaccinated spread virus according to CDC after the most holy Competent one orders vaccinated to party without face masks.

Posted 30 July 2021, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

99% of all covid related deaths and hospitalizations are unvaccinated. According to officials here its 100%. If there is little to no danger of being hospitalized or dying there is no pandemic, just another yearly thing like cold and flu.

Our hospitals would not have to suspend elective surgeries.

Our morgue would not need a refrigerated shipping container to store dead bodies.

We would not need covid tests.

We would not need lockdowns.

Get it yet?

Posted 30 July 2021, 9:36 p.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

Wellhehehell Carly-robot is worked up today! :) why does the russian robot feel so strongly about what is happening in the little ol' Bahamas?

Posted 3 August 2021, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Facts first we know according to what we read. After all, the internet was givin to the the public that the masses could be controlled. Four other components are as yet unfulfilled. Total digitalization through dedollerization, but it is happening. Forced child vaccination above five years of age to enter preschool. Forced vaccination for all workers. Digital QRcoding to show who was not vaccinated and the destruction of all freedoms including banking. To carry these evils if control will require more deaths, fear restrictions panic and chaos with salvation, freedom and order only coming in the form of dictator compitant vaccine. Listen clearly as he has been promising new normal and freedom only after the vaccine but enslavement must come first to bring about this gated conclusion. Speech writers gave their scripts of horror shock and awe lockdown already prepared. There is no other way to freedom.

Posted 30 July 2021, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Many of us here do listen to The Revolution with Juan McCartney. But he only shoots at targets in his sight. He has to see it first and many do not like him. Especially when uses that 'speculative' information phrase. We do not like that. So we come to the club and just join the line. Many wish he would just fire from the hips at times like we do. We bait him even if he is asleep. But we don't know. He would not just - rule. We are in the same club. He is tired of being ganged. I thought only Rodney Moncur was your writing fantasy to get you a story and up the ladder. Surprised Juan made you something.

Posted 30 July 2021, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Just as a matter of interest, Athena Damianos was a journalist of the first water when Juan McCartney was still wetting his diapers.
Since she, Nikki Kelly, Gladstone Thurston and a few others like them retired, we have had little in the way of real journalism in this country.
We no longer have reporters only repeaters.

Posted 31 July 2021, 6:36 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Small wonder The Tribune is where it is today. None of them left it any better off than where they found it, including Athena Mabon. lol

Posted 31 July 2021, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...


Yea Damiianos wrong for defending the Dictator's wrong when there is so much info on the internet. She should stop repeating and be truthful at the least have credibility which Mr McCartney holds as his personal and professional grail. Sometimes he gets us mad because of it.

Posted 31 July 2021, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

While she may be a top journalist, it does not stop her from being misguided.

AFAIK, Minnis still allowing the vaccinated to dine indoors, and now the CDC reluctantly put this little perk to rest.

If going maskless or dining indoors was the only motivation to get jabbed, you have been had.

They only invented this Samaritan crap because they are out of vaccines.

Brent Symonette is acting as a bouncer at Loyola telling people to go away.

So far, I save myself. I do not go anywhere and wear N95 at the foodstore. Bought it in the black market for $5. So what if the mask does not prevent transmission or infection. Neither does the vaccine!!!👿

Posted 31 July 2021, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

If you are using an N-95 Mask, a new study from the National Institutes of Health said you can reuse it up to three times. While the masks are intended for single-use, the four cleaning methods they tested for effectively decontaminated the masks twice before damaging the seal and fit.

Those cleaning methods were a hydrogen peroxide vapor spray, heat treatment at 70 degrees Celsius, ultraviolet light, and a 70 percent ethanol spray.

No matter what method you use, after two cleanings and three wears, its time to switch out the mask.

Posted 1 August 2021, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I have my same $1 blue mask from last year April. I refuse spend money supporting this nonsense. I dont wash it either. If i die from germs at least i wont die from covid.

Posted 1 August 2021, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I hope you don't treat your underwear the same way. lol

Posted 2 August 2021, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

I use a double clothe mask that I wash every night. Alcohol then lysol. No new fibers in my lungs. Some strange things we are hypnotized and global bamboozled into. As I watch a band of alcoholics rent dirty masks, drink like oxygen and laugh, none got sick nor died.

Posted 1 August 2021, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

There is something wrong with historical logic. Mhumans are dieing after Mas mass vaccination than last year without vaccination. Sounds like a space black hole.

Posted 1 August 2021, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The Hollywood images of person gasping for vaccine while dieing was made in Australia to force vaccination and has been bebunked in Australia. Hollywood propergander.

Posted 1 August 2021, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The image of a young healthy sesy young aduld full of tears wearing blue sexy gowns begging for life with vaccine is a hype production governments use to psych the young and healthy to vaccinate. Warning it is only a movie.

Posted 1 August 2021, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Bullshit ting people to vaccinate. Just a movie. Minnis using this propaganda heralded it also to force young people into making a bad choice. Pure bull.

Posted 1 August 2021, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Compitant one so shady. To use fake false information on the Bahamian people. What a lousy leader to not seek the truth before nationalizing a big fat lie. Disgraceful contemptible dishonest jive shit.

Posted 1 August 2021, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Lady, wake up please. People are dying alone in hospitals because the admins wont allow visitors - that has nothing to do with anything except their desire to hurt people, make families suffer in order to try convince them to get injected.

Nurses etc you say "ironically "??? What planet u come from? The nurses know medical stuff and see what is REALLY going on hour by hour, not just hearing licensed news rubbish like you. You make it sound like nurses are idiots.

Try catch yaseff before you freak out over nothing, eh? If u wanna get some kinda injection so you can eat in restaurant das ya business. Wonder what else they can get you to do? You can't cook eh? Try make tuna sandwich at least doe.

Posted 1 August 2021, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

Wow, Carelty-robot is getting a total hard on over this! Mis-information or Dis-information is just a lie and untruth. shall we call it what it is?

Posted 3 August 2021, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

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