Which U.S. vaccines will we be sent?



HEALTH Minister Renward Wells said he is unsure which brand of COVID-19 vaccine the country will receive from the United States.

Currently, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is the only one being offered locally.

“We are not completely sure as to which vaccines we are going to receive,” he said yesterday.

“We are going to receive them on two tracks – one, there is the bi-level track with the United States which means directly country to country. We know that the United States is offering AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, but we are not exactly sure which one of those that they are offering to The Bahamas.

“We are in discussions on that and we should have some word for the Bahamian people very, very soon. We will be receiving those vaccines by the end of the month. The other track is that the United States, as you know, would have donated to the World Health Organization through COVAX Facility and countries around the globe will be getting vaccines via that route.

“I think the US has donated some seven million, I believe, to Latin America and the Caribbean through the COVAX Facility and they are going to be doing it on a per capita population basis. We are expecting that we are going to receive vaccines that route, but we also have in train as well this week, I believe will be getting vaccines from PAHO which is the last of the 100,000 we were supposed to receive of AstraZeneca from PAHO through the COVAX facility which is about some 32,800 doses if I remember correctly.”

Asked about the possibility of health officials moving the curfew in the capital from 10pm to at least midnight, Mr Wells said he is more concerned about hospitalisations than overall numbers. And, he said, there are a number of things weighing on a decision to relax restrictions but acknowledged a recent downward trend in cases.

“The Bahamian people are coming forward again and are seeking to be vaccinated,” he said. “We are always as an administration looking to ease both the economic circumstance and just the overall sense of wellbeing for the Bahamian people. Looking at the numbers, obviously a lot of this is contingent on the level of vaccinations experienced in the country and the downward trend.

“As you see and as you would know that as cases are reduced in country, the measures are always relaxed. So it’s really contingent on the amount of the downward trend that we see and the amount of vaccinations taking place in The Bahamas, then the government will make further decisions on the amount of relaxation of measures that are in place in Cat Island, Andros and the Berry Islands as well as here in New Providence and throughout The Bahamas.

“I won’t talk about the positivity rate. I am more concerned about the hospitalisation. We had a high of overall cases in The Bahamas, I think May 16 through the 22. We had about 370 cases during that week in The Bahamas. Since that, time this last week, I think we had about 120 cases so there is a downward trend.”

He pointed out that the US Centers for Disease Control has reduced the travel advisor to The Bahamas and said this is a good sign of progress for dealing with the pandemic.

Shifting gears a bit, Mr Wells said he did not want to get into a back and forth about the number of vaccinated citizens that would satisfy herd immunity. Recently, former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands said he felt 200,000 more people needed to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity while Mr Wells, who is not a doctor, had previously estimated 120,000.

“I won’t get in a back and forth over the issue of herd immunity because even the (former) minister himself said the number is extremely illusive,” Mr Wells said. “At the end of the day, we all are scientists … we deal with scientific methods. The scientific method is based on what you find as initial conditions and the assumption you make on those initial conditions and then you arrive at solutions.

“So it will depend on what assumptions he has made and what assumptions I have made. I am not going to get into the back and forth with my colleague on the issue. The reality is we agree on one thing and that is that the more Bahamians are vaccinated, the better it is for this nation because it brings us that much closer to herd immunity.”

Meanwhile the Ministry of Health reported three new COVID cases yesterday which were recorded on Monday, pushing the nation’s total to 12,027.


bahamianson says...

The united states , as you know , would have donated? I think , they donated, so it is the united donated not would have donated. Everyone is just trying to sound soò edumacated.

Posted 9 June 2021, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Herd immunity is like seeing and catching that UFO. You will always see it but never in your grasp. By constantly switching gears we may hear them cry out children are dieing vaccination to reenter school. The reset Davos script must be completed. Fear without end. Like a python snake in the grass, relax then restrict harder until we cannot breath. Hitler jail mind control Stockholm syndrome. We have been so proffessionally and systematically dehumanized in order to beg for the untested vaccine just for freedom after 447 days of dictatorship. UK is not easing promised restrictions grip and that is our cue.

Posted 9 June 2021, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Do you not have anything better to do? You must spend hours on here. Are you paid to post your garbage, or do you actually come up with that on your own? This site has like 20 people that comment, and you waste so much time here just spouting off. I really hope you're just a paid Russian troll (hence your love of the Sputnik V and your constant postings of Russian tabloids), because if you are not, then this is just pretty sad.

Posted 9 June 2021, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Persons I know that got vaccinated did so for freedom and an end to restrictions. They are not convinced of the health benefits. Afterall, science says you can still get infected and spread Covid, so best to remain mask up around any indoor crowd. Hitler home prison after 10pm is more destructive for our economy, and deadlier than the fear of Covid. The science keeps evolving toward vaccination for children that could only be for profit, but they trying to add children into their herd immunity bank book.

Posted 9 June 2021, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Theyve already vaccinated over 50% of all children over 12 in the usa (cnn this morning). You know, the children that didnt get sick from Covid all last year and havent gottwn sick this year either, but they claim there are "cases". Ive got 2 cases of Kalik in my garage, can i get a needle for each of them? Or should i wait and hope tye number of cases increase?

Posted 9 June 2021, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Minnis, Sands and Wells must think most Bahamians will always remain just plain stupid.

Posted 9 June 2021, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

One of the goals is to cull the useless eaters - which is the category 99%+ of Bahamians fall into. The ultimate goal of the unseen supernatural parasitic colonizers is to spiritually ruin all melanated peoples. By copying and using the methods of the perverted evil non-melanated, we spiritually doom ourselves. Non-melantes are also targeted for the cull, as their usefulness is at an end. Soon the veil will be lifted, and we will be able to see the presently cloaked unseen evil beings who control the evil non-melanated. We will then be able to easily discern the spiritual wickedness of the non-melanated.

Posted 9 June 2021, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Coming down to the wire **theories explored** whilst the bell announcing the general election, still awaits its **official** rungin'?
**Why is it** that Comrade "Brave's leadership, **hasn't favourably risen** in the Pollsters canvassing responses to questions **of and about** the red party's vaccines handling health minister, Comrade Renward, yes?

Posted 9 June 2021, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

The more options the better.

Posted 9 June 2021, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

The answer is easy: the ones they don't want to use...

Posted 9 June 2021, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Easy, Astra-Zeneca, which they won't approve.
Only one we can get.

Posted 9 June 2021, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

@TRuss. PLP blk elite leader probably on the vaccine gravy train. Really is amazing over 350,000 Bahamians refuse are not brainless sheep slaves but many are lost in search of any political leadership. PLPs being anti gamblers voted FNM not knowing the snakes were quietly sitting in cash pockets. So PLP and FNM will go DNA with strong workers Union. Like Shakespeare write, "There is a time in the affairs of men if when taken at its ebb leads to victory, ommited all the dats of his life will be full of misery." We cannot be fooled by elites again who want to lock up 46,000 Marijuana users and Rastas while big five millionaires grow tonnage.

Posted 9 June 2021, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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