Nightclub noise

Re: Nightspot left facing insurmountable task

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Club Waterloo’s principal should not be permitted to operate a nightclub at its current venue, even if COVID restrictions are lifted.

While I have nothing but sympathy for the fate of his employees, why does this man think he has the right to blast neighbourhoods in St. James Road, London Terrace, Lake View Road and Village Road with headache splitting noise, so loud their windows vibrate?

And what bonehead issued the licence in the first place?

He complains the hotels have an advantage, but hotel music is either limited to a soundproof building or the decibel level is managed and acceptable.

There is no indication whatsoever that Waterloo’s “music” is confined inside as part of licence conditions, unless, of course, the speakers are positioned at the windows pointing outside.

The police either ignore the complaints or the operator ignores the police.

Errybody having fun partying round the greasy pole with no regard for the traumatised people who can’t sleep in their own homes and have to take extra dose Tylenol to deal with their aching heads.



June 15, 2021.


bhilton says...

Absolutely agree. Tired of calling the police on these people.

Posted 17 June 2021, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

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