Businesses face fire amid COVID vaccine ‘games’


Tribune Business Editor

The director of labour yesterday accused the Opposition of “playing political games” over COVID-19 vaccinations as businesses come under increasing fire for encouraging staff to become inoculated.

John Pinder, who is said be be the FNM’s likely Fox Hill candidate, told Tribune Business he had “not heard any of the hierarchy of the opposition” encourage their supporters and the wider Bahamian public to tax the AstraZeneca vaccine even though it was “the only thing we’ve got” to end the pandemic and restore the Bahamian economy.

“It’s kind of sad some persons are resistant. I believe politics is being played in this,” Mr Pinder asserted. “Politics is being played. Even though some Opposition leaders have taken it, they’re not encouraging their supporters to take it.

“I have not heard of any of the hierarchy of the Opposition make a plea to Bahamians to take it. They’re using it as a political game. It’s sad but it would be good if we were all of the same accord with this. I feel like we’re not of the same accord. I encourage Bahamians to continue to do research on it.

“Nobody has come up with any other idea or suggestion. It’s the only thing we’ve got, and we have to go with it.” Mr Pinder spoke out after Bahamian businesses came under attack for following the lead established by Atlantis in informing staff that after a certain date it will no longer pay for workers who remain unvaccinated to take a weekly COVID-19 rapid antigen test so that they can report to work.

Tribune Business has seen social media messages posted over the weekend threatening to boycott CBS Bahamas (Commonwealth Building Supplies) after it told staff it will cover the rapid antigen test costs for non-vaccinated staff until August 16, after which they will have to cover the $22.40 weekly cost themselves.

Brent Burrows, CBS Bahamas president, could not be reached for comment yesterday despite this newspaper leaving several messages. However, in its staff letter, dated June 18, the company said: “As The Bahamas continues to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, we at CBS Bahamas must take the steps necessary to protect both our team members and our customers....

“Effective July 1, any employee that has not received the COVID-19 vaccination will be required to submit to a weekly COVID-19 rapid antigen test. These tests will be administered by Doctor’s Hospital at the Town Centre Mall drive through location and will be paid for by CBS Bahamas.”

The company added that employees who receive their first vaccine jab will no longer be required to take the rapid antigen test some two weeks after that date, but it then said: “Effective August 16, 2021, the above weekly testing will still apply but CBS Bahamas will no longer bear the costs of these tests and employees will be responsible for this cost which at present is $22.40 per week.”

This sparked a negative social media reaction, with one post warning: “Please take notice that effective August 16 we, the Bahamian, will boycott your business if you decide to put in place any policy that will adversely affect our families which is our brothers and sisters..... Hopefully you would rethink this latest policy before you try to implement it.”

The response further illustrates the hesitancy and resistance among many Bahamians to taking the COVID-19 vaccine. However, Mr Pinder and Peter Goudie, the Chamber of Commerce’s labour relations specialist, both said businesses were trying to incentivise staff to become inoculated will also complying with the Occupational Health and Safety at Work Act’s requirements to provide a healthy and safe environment for workers and customers.

Mr Goudie added that the annual cost of taking a rapid antigen test would exceed over $1,000.


M0J0 says...

In his position he should be taking an unbias outlook on the whole process, he does not just represent the FNM but all workers in the Bahamas

Posted 21 June 2021, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Mr; Pinder is campaging for the FNM and doc. plain and simple

It is my hope he was able to stop Atlantis from paying severance pay in stages.

Posted 21 June 2021, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...…

Another Covid vaccine death of a child.

Posted 21 June 2021, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Such a sad story. Persons are convinced that despite the risk of death, that these Covid vaccinations are still our best option. I understand that Covid can kill us also, but there has to be a better way..... this is not the answer.

Posted 21 June 2021, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

How can they be convinced that the injection is the best option, when nobody is even allowed to discuss the other options? What do they know about the other 3 non-injection options?

Posted 21 June 2021, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Saw this..Average age of mortality from covid in the high 70s and low 80s (in line with life expectancy)... If death from young healthy people keeps happening Minnis and those who coerce vaccination will have to answer the uncomfortable question of how many is too many...? How many young people (limited risk of death from covid) with lifetime ahead of them will Health officials sacrifice to give those who die primarily because something is already killing them a few more months...

Posted 21 June 2021, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Unfortunately, the politicians are too smart for this. Although they are Coercing (bullying) persons to take the vaccine by making their lives harder, at the end of the day, they can always claim that they didn't "force" anyone.

Posted 21 June 2021, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Almost 3 billion people vaccinated. Not even 50

100 died, most are older people, some had allergic reactions. 97.5% of all people hospitalized due to covid are not vaccinated.

The vaccines work. Period. Stop being a sissy. Big grown ass child scared of a needle. Tsk tsk tsk...

Posted 21 June 2021, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Fully vaccinated here but I wouldn't play Russian roulette with my kids on untested drugs...even the WHO is stepping formally advising that people under 18 shouldn't get COVID 19 vaccine..…

.oops sorry we rushed it's mostly younger people that have severe heart inflammation to the point were CDC is having an emergency meeting to discuss...18 countries have banned AZ...oops maybe we should have had a more thorough trial process before dangling personal freedoms in return for the needle..Proud and loud and willing to sacrifice the young...nice

Posted 21 June 2021, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

"Mr Goudie added that the annual cost of taking a rapid antigen test would exceed over $1,000."

Guess everyone will have to get a lower salaery increase (at the end of the year) for the business to cover the cost of the test for those who won't get vaccinated.

The cost of the test is an extra cost and the money comes off the profitability of the business.

Posted 21 June 2021, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

If he comes in selling betraying Bahamian workers like Christ was sold he should remember his grand parents and their biblical principals maybe then he will have a change of heart from being tempted and the consequences of evil.

Posted 21 June 2021, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ForeverDreamer says...

LOL, care to speak in reality and not sky daddy code?

Posted 22 June 2021, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

He seems to have endorsed manditory vaccination of all workers. Common sense begs, why? You can still get sick. 99.99% recovered from Covid. The enemy seems to be obesity, and other comorbidities. He should be insisting workers become healthy. He should stick to the medical science and not G7 European global passport vaccination politics that is crumbling.

Posted 22 June 2021, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Will no longer shop at CBS. Guess they can stay in business from 6.3% of The Bahamas' vaccinated. Lucky them. Wish them the best.

Posted 22 June 2021, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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