Where’s my CNN?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

At one time at the end of a hard work week, I looked forward to going home of a Friday evening, crashing into my most comfortable armchair, switching on to the US TV Station CNN and enjoying their weekend feature programme. Not so anymore.

On Friday evenings now when I switch to CNN I get the news that they are sorry that “this content is currently restricted” in the Bahamas – I gather the restrictions are caused by something called REV. It then goes on to inform its viewers that the specific item that I had just tuned in to and was looking forward to enjoying for the evening could not be shown in the Bahamas at this time. Although CNN apologized and promised further details those details never come – and, as Smokey Joe used to say in the old days, “Well, bulla, my vexation is getting yucked up!”

Please tell, who and what is REV. Since REV seems to be the culprit behind the scenes, maybe it’s time for REV to ‘fess up and explain what it is up to.

I suppose it really doesn’t matter, but if REV doesn’t hurry up and get out of the way so that I can watch my favourite station, I shall have to start turning my dial to find another US station that will make Friday night again the night to look forward to as an evening of relaxation before the TV.

If REV is tongue-tied and doesn’t quite know how to explain itself, maybe CNN will let us into its top secret!



Friday night,

June 25, 2021.


GodSpeed says...

CNN is fake news and complete propaganda for the DNC, you should be glad someone cut it off you 🐑...instead of bleating to be told more lies.

Posted 29 June 2021, 1:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

When I saw the title of this letter earlier today, and that it already had one comment, I said to myself "I bet that comment is from GodSpeed and has something to do with fake news" - I was right.

I really don't understand why people are so consumed with hate for CNN, Fox & MSNBC and feel the need to always project such hatred. We all know (at least those of us with an open mind do) that each of them has a political slant, and that it is aimed at reinforcing what their 'believers' already think because they know their viewers lack the critical thinking skills necessary to weed out what is opinion versus what is real.

Sadly, I remember when CNN actually reported real news, but then caved in when they realized they were losing viewing numbers to MSNBC & Fox News. Unfortunately the latter two have never been real news channels, although I do also remember when Fox Business actually provided useful & salient business news, rather than the $hite right wing propaganda thinly disguised as business news, that it airs now. MSNBC on the other hand has always been a joke.

Nothing but good can come from removing CNN & Fox News from the cable channel line up.
Just my $0.02

Posted 30 June 2021, 2:06 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

The corporate mainstream media is garbage, it doesn't matter the political slant. It's designed not to report the news and give factual information but to feed out literal propaganda. You're better off listening to Christian news, "alternative news" and taking everything with a grain of salt. I will always remember the lies the mainstream western news spouted 24/7 to get the Iraq War up and going. A war that killed so many people and enriched the political elite. For me once that illusion is broken and you see them for what they are they are revolting. Meanwhile real journalists such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden they demonize on behalf of the political elite and powerful that they threatened.

Really none of this is a problem if people are aware of what they are, but people actually TRUST these talking heads on TV, that's the big problem. How many times have we heard in 2020 "this was debunked by _______ news". Then the social media companies would shutdown people expressing free speech and discussion based on what the fake news media said. They would shut down discussion about the origins of the coronavirus just for political purposes when Trump was in office, calling it a "conspiracy theory" because they wanted all the blame it on who THEY chose. Now that he's out of office and out of their way, suddenly Covid Lab Leak is not a conspiracy theory anymore, because they say so. When much of the information linking Covid19 to the lab many of us "alternative news" folks were aware of long ago. It's not about the truth with these people.

They acted as the arbiters of the US election with social media companies saying nobody can call the election until these fake news media companies do. They don't deserve that kind of power because they're totally corrupt and immoral. When you're aware of what they're doing so much of their moves are painfully obvious. The biggest problem though is that people believe and trust the news media when almost everything they present to you in a way to deceive, and to control what and how you think, not report facts. In my eyes they have zero credibility, and they really don't. They have no journalistic standards or integrity. ESPECIALLY CNN.

Posted 2 July 2021, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

CNN out, this is a blessing....

Posted 29 June 2021, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

juju says...

I’d say watch FOX NEWS but it is no longer available either 🤭😞

Posted 29 June 2021, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

BBC or Al Jazeera are both better. Sad to be losing the Latin American sources as they are good for practicing Spanish and widening horizons.

Posted 30 June 2021, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

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