Lockdown did help reduce crime stats


Tribune Senior Reporter


NATIONAL Security Minister Marvin Dames said fewer COVID-19 restrictions are likely a factor – but not a significant one – in the uptick in murders this year.

There have been multiple killings in just the past week, including two on Thursday and another on Friday night. Compared with last year, murders and armed robberies have increased by more than 50 and 40 percent.

In January, Police Commissioner Paul Rolle credited last year’s 16 percent reduction in murder to the efforts of law enforcement, not the significant lockdowns and restrictions on movement implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Our most notable highlight for 2020 was the overall reduction in crime,” Commissioner Rolle said.

“The men and women of the force performed at an exceptional level and were able to accomplish this feat in a number of ways. They are to be commended.”

Responding to critics who attributed the major crime reduction to COVID-19 restrictions, he said: “I could answer that with one word: nonsense.”

Yesterday, Mr Dames said studies will have to be done to determine how big an impact COVID-19 restrictions had on crime.

“Around the world you’ve had points where you had tightening of the restrictions, but with shootings, global trends were up significantly last year,” he said.

“We witnessed a decrease when many countries were doing the same things.

“Curfew or not, whether the curfew had an impact, yeah I would say it did, but I don’t think the impact was such that you know it would have significantly impacted (murder rates). Studies will come to point that out but we were kind of looking at trends around the world, especially the United States and you know, last year the trends were up, shootings were up, homicides were up in other countries while we saw an increase.

“Obviously the lockdown would’ve had some impact on it, I won’t dispute that, but I think too it was certainly as a result of the work of law enforcement. That contributed to some of it too.”

Mr Dames declined to connect the current uptick in violent crime to a greater return to normalcy.

“I think it has to do with us as a people,” he said.

“Restrictions have an impact to some degree, but at the end of the day it’s all about our ability to communicate with one another and our ability to avoid conflicts and restrictions or not, you know they will have an impact, but how much we’ll have to see.”


SP says...


Posted 30 June 2021, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The increasing violent crime is being fueled by increasing wide spread poverty, loss of hope and desperation.

And for Minnis and Dames, the only solution is for all of us plebes to be locked up in our expanded prison system, i.e. our homes, with limited essential leave time every other day or so to buy groceries and medicines.

Posted 30 June 2021, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

Seriously? The stats were down last year because of the lockdowns. To throw in that other countries were up is nonsense. First of all, were the areas in those countries (states, provinces, etc.) with an increase under a lockdown. Secondly, most of our crime happens on New Providence which is extremely small. so, when you do a lockdown it is easy to spot people moving about. The Minister of National Security and the Commissioner are lying. Last year the Minister commended the police force for a job well done. Really? Covid-19 lockdowns and curfews brought our numbers down. So, if you take their logic for 2020 then they should be telling the police force that they are now doing a horrible job. But, they are trying to say the crime is up despite the hard work of the police. Just total garbage!

Posted 30 June 2021, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal


Wasnt this the same idiot who said the decrease in the crime rate was due do his super cops.

Posted 30 June 2021, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Beyond stupid....

Posted 30 June 2021, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

The solution to crime and all other problems like diseases is clearly 24x7 lockdowns. Defense force delivers food and medicines to homes, especially birth control.
Eventually the problematic human race will he wiped out slowly but surely, unless Iran completes their enrichment program and gives us a shortcut.

Posted 1 July 2021, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

You just earned the Jackass of the Year’ award … smile stupid!

Posted 14 July 2021, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

When you locking people up for going to the water pump, for selling coconuts, for going to visit a sick relatives or going to the beach dude . Thas big crime right there. Crime against Bahamians and crime against humanity. Marvin Dames say crime is a result of bad parenting. When our house got too noisy or the ‘ole man’ see everyone getting restless or on each other’s nerves (mostly his), he would say ‘go rake up the yard’ or ‘go clean the car’ or ‘go wash the windows.’ And your response would be ‘go do it again!’ And you would say, ‘why?’ And he would say ‘Because I say so!’ And you had to obey. Then when he think we was gone outside he would tell my Ma’ you have to keep them busy to keep them outta trouble.’ Put th male negroes back to work!

Posted 14 July 2021, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

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