PM says affordable land and housing plans are part of manifesto


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has insisted that recently announced plans to offer concessions to young, prospective homeowners was sparked by goals in his party’s manifesto and not because an election is approaching.

While in the Berry Islands on Friday, the Prime Minister reiterated that plots of land have been identified in western New Providence and that a new subdivision is in the works.

He argued the initiative for affordable land ownership and housing is “nothing new”.

“When we came in, just review our manifesto, we’ve always said that we must create wealth and we must have redistribution of land,” the Prime Minister said to reporters.

“I’ve always expressed my concern about individuals who have hoard(ed) land crown land, etc, and young people like yourself not given an opportunity and I’ve said from day one that I would take back a lot of these lands and create subdivisions for Bahamians, so that’s nothing new.”

The Free National Movement’s 2017 manifesto highlighted the party reaffirming its 2012 pledge, which included to “continue the development of new government housing subdivisions to address the unmet demand for affordable housing”.

Dr Minnis further explained the motivation for the move: “We have a lot of Bahamians who finish university, who come back professionals and they have great difficulty purchasing a home because land is too expensive within the Bahamas.”

The Prime Minister gave more detail about the subdivision.

“The multi-family would be 50,000 and the single family would be 40,000 and they would own these properties outright,” he said. “It’s a way of creating wealth and we start off with 150 and we’ve identified another plot of land also.

“Our intention is to do this throughout the entire Bahamas. Giving everybody an opportunity to own not only land but own their homes.”



Too little too late doctor.

Posted 5 March 2021, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

So what’s the plan? Put Brave and the PLP back in office?

Posted 6 March 2021, 1:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It really wont make a bit of difference. Neither party moves the country ahead in any meaningful way. Sure they paint a school, pave a road and give a few scholarships. But in the grand scheme of things, with the amount of money that's flowed through these islands in 50 years the Bahamian people have been robbed blind. Just like they put 100 dollars in the t-shirt on election day in exchange for an opportunity at a million dollar contract for themselves and crown land for family, that's what they're up to again. Taking the best of what the country has for themselves and leaving you with pittance.

Our hope is not in who wins the next election.

Leaving Dr Minnis there will do literally nothing. (Putting the PLP will also do nothing) Remember how weird everyone thought it was when Dr Minnis announced he wasn't taking a portfolio? Then you thought, well maybe it will be a good thing, he will be focused on one thing. You see what we get. Now he telling you he dont even intend to do that job. He want Bannister to be half-CEO. And he's calling it "innovative". Wells was right, you can only have one "*testicular*" head, anything else would be an abomination... right?

Posted 6 March 2021, 4:22 a.m. Suggest removal


Anything but Minnis

Posted 6 March 2021, 4:58 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Hell no. Not Davis.

Posted 6 March 2021, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Minnis has proven himself to be so bad that even the most detestable Yellow Belly Davis would be a significant improvement over Minnis. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, could be worse for us than the very incompetent, arrogant, nasty, corrupt and vindictive Minnis. Minnis is the very definition of a mentally unbalanced and abominably evil monster.

Posted 7 March 2021, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

and in 5 years you will say anything but Brave and vote for Minnis? How do we stop this cycle?

Posted 7 March 2021, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

BONEFISH says...

Migrate. I know someone who moved to Turks and Caicos. They got belonger status and eventually have gotten a british passport.

But seriously, this country needs economy, political and social reform. However bahamians like you are blinded by party colours. There needs to be complete overhaul of the political system here.

Posted 7 March 2021, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I despise the corrupt political elite of the PLP party and absolutely detest Yellow Belly Davis, but truthfully anyone and anything governing our country would be much better than the most incompetent, arrogant, nasty, corrupt and vindictice Minnis. Vote for the independent candidate who will be running in your constituency provided he or she has had no known close ties to the existing corrupt political parties, i.e. PLP, FNM and DNA.

Posted 7 March 2021, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

F.O.S. No credibility. Pure politically motivated Lies.
So typical. Predictable. Same old Bovine Scatology.

Posted 5 March 2021, 11:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Again I ask..... What is the alternative plan? Place Brave and the PLP back in power? Does that really make sense to you? Do you think things will get better or worst?

Posted 6 March 2021, 1:53 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

worse with both options. If Dr Minnis gets back you will see victimization like never before. If the PLP gets back in power you will see victimization like never before. I have no answer for you.

Posted 6 March 2021, 4:25 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Cobalt will be one of the very few foolish enough to vote for Minnis.

Posted 7 March 2021, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yeah, the redshirts 2017 General Election's Manifesto, had so many** lies** that they comprised ninety-percent of what was printed on the pages. **Yes?**

Posted 5 March 2021, 11:23 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

So is a FIXED election date and terms limits for the Prime Minister!

1992 was the first and last time a manifesto meant something in this country

Posted 5 March 2021, 11:51 p.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...

Exactly. Despite whatever BS excuse that Carl Bethel may have promulgated about there not being enough time, the FNM has had since May of 2017 to draft changes and propose a referendum to the people regarding term limits. This is not even mentioning all of the other bullcrap that they talked about in that document ie. FOIA, no Spy Bill, not raising VAT, etc. They then wonder why people think they are the same as the PLP.

This FNM government has been a huge disappointment to say the least.

Posted 6 March 2021, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**My pre-general election dowsing rod,** points up at the office Mr. Minnis OMM aka the Office of Prime Minister OPM, as it gravitates like a kickin' mule, Northward that Abaco's redshirt MP Comrade, Mr. Darren Allen's nomination **being rescinded** as **unwinnable** by the sittin' House-elected MP. **Yes?**

Posted 6 March 2021, noon Suggest removal

bogart says...

Given the Covid crisis and the sacrifices of brave warriors, particularly our Nurses and others in this huge crisis, that these affordable discounted Crown Lands be first offered to our front line Nurses and other warriors.

Our front line warriors have complained of protective equipment going into battle, have worked and recently not been fully compensated for work done and traumitized by having to protest in streets in front of govt offices, deserves first chance of acquiring discounted Crown land.

Our brave Nurses after being at the frontline of battle from before no vaccine on the battleground, caring for suffering, dying people, known massive shortages of nurses, known dedication to caring for people, knowningly working 16 hour shifts SHOULD be at the forefront of having first opportunity of having discounted Crown Land in gratitude of the entire nation.

Posted 6 March 2021, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@Comrade Bogart, I was just thinking **exactly** same thing.
Imagine what hundreds of our frontline workers, could've done with the **$100,000** that has been dished out to **(200) separate contactors** to build sidewalks. **Yes, (200)?**

Posted 6 March 2021, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

@TalRussel, indeed. And our Nurses and front line warriors the length and breadth of the Bahamas will be administering to majority of the nations people, of every Constituency, with or without sidewalks or needing sidewalks, the Vaccine. And yes, Nurses and warriors meeting most people and closer up to touch peoples' lives with a better chance of vaccinated lives in Pandemic crisis. Indeed I am so grateful for the heroic deeds of these Nurses and warriors that they can have both the land and sidewalk money to spend more equally and democratic manner throughout the Bahamas like Abaco and Grand Bahama. May our Good Lord grant a 100% success of Vaccines administered and for nation to have no more lives passinng away from terrible Covid and safety of our Nurses and front line warriors.

Posted 6 March 2021, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Is Minnis now backing away from decrimilizing small amounts of marijuana and expunging criminal records of persons who have such for small amounts of weed?Even a half a joint, which is less harmless than alcohol or cigarettes? America has toppled over 100 governments around the world and has been involved in the support or overthrow of many more. What guarantees do Bahamians have that they will have free and fair elections that will not be manipulated or influenced by external forces?

Posted 7 March 2021, 6:07 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You're one of the few who still believes anything at all that comes out of Minnis's mouth. The man has proven time and time again that he meets the very definition of a pathological liar.

Posted 7 March 2021, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

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