Minister ‘disappointed’ on false COVID tests


Tribune Business Reporter

TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar said yesterday the proliferation of fake COVID-19 PCR tests are “disappointing” and warned the public –  “it is not worth the risk”.

Mr D’Aguilar, speaking to reporters outside of cabinet, spoke after nine people appeared in court on Monday accused of trying to travel on fake COVID documents.

Mr D’Aguilar said the penalties for this offence are quite substantial.

“I think it’s two years in jail and a $4,000 fine,” he said. “To me, it is not worth the risk, and not only that it’s irresponsible, and, as I said before, disappointing that you take those measures.”

Warning that COVID-19 prevention measures are in “place for a reason”, he said the government is trying its best to prevent community spread and urged people to “please abide by the rules and not try to deviate from them. That is why we are, probably to a certain degree, having some uptick in our COVID numbers.”

A rapid-antigen test at the Sir Lynden Pindling International Airport upon departure costs $40, while at other airports they cost $50 and the RT-PCR test costs $150. A COVID-19 test is needed in addition to a $60 health visa that travellers must obtain from the government before travelling through The Bahamas or for those trying to gain entry into the country.

Agreeing this has made travel more expensive, Mr D’Aguilar said it is “very important,” that these protocols are followed. He added: “Neither you nor I are in a position to know or to opine on what is the best test or not, and they have decided that travel from New Providence and Grand Bahama, we need a PCR test.

“It is absolutely critical that we prevent as best as we can any growth in COVID cases in the family islands because the health facilities just do not exist to provide adequate care, and so the government is taking the advice that they’re provided in order to prevent it.

“I know it’s costly. I know it’s annoying, I know that everybody is fatigued, but we cannot allow for an uptick to happen.”

Mr D’Aguilar also spoke about a perceived lack of information being presented to incoming travellers about the PCR testing requirements and said that up to 50,000 people apply for a health visa every month. “Yes, there are going to be some people who show up, but we have a very robust approval system in place,” he said.

“We sort our applications by date of travel, so if you get up and go to the airport this morning and say you’re travelling this afternoon or late morning that will pop up at the front of the queue and you can be approved very quickly in order to facilitate your travel.”


FreeUs242 says...

When will the corrupt politicians be put in jail for crimes far worst than a fake PCR test. The court system doesn't seem to be doing their job fairly. Years of abuse from the politicians under the protection of the courts and police. Leaders & ministers were found guilty of fruad but never step foot in a jail cell and still given the privilege to stay packed up in Government just to commit more crimes under their reign.

Posted 31 March 2021, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Falsifying important information as a leader to the public is just as bad as a fake PCR test and should have penalties for those leaders. If people don't speak up, they are allowing the Government to take control. No one should be above the Law and that includes everyone.

Posted 31 March 2021, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

Those perpetrators who presented false COVID test need to prosected to the fullest extent of law for putting other lives at risk.

Posted 1 April 2021, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

They tried, they got caught. I see this as a positive, if this were Ping's days errybody was ga travel on fake tests, you'd be able to buy fake tests all over town dead cheap....

Posted 31 March 2021, 8:12 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

The person who sat at a table next to a man who forged, who signed someone else's signature on a 5 BILLION DOLLAR contract, and after being caught red-handed nothing never happened to either perpetrator of this crime against Bahamians. The Law should be for everyone not just for a selective set of persons. 5 persons in a group allowed on the beach, but over 100 persons allowed to be in a group campaigning.

Posted 31 March 2021, 8:31 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

A big-time FNM in Freeport told Mr: Turnquest quite some time ago. they were disappointed
in the FNM Government.

Many of them sat around the table during the signing of the fake OBAN deal.
now they are saints.

opening up places of prayer they say.

Posted 1 April 2021, 8:22 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It's disappointing to know that Bahamians need money for food and dont have extra to donate to the test people. Very sad. Test people need to eat too ya know?

Posted 1 April 2021, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says... - Texas COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to see a downward trend more than two weeks after the state scrapped its mask mandate and allowed business' to reopen. In addition to this story, it is becoming an undeniable fact that Florida faired far better than states like New York and California and their economy is booming because they did not implement draconian lockdown laws and deny peoples basic human rights. So whilst our government continues to gesticulate about masks, vaccine passports and internal travel visas, the people in this country are suffering for a bunch of hoo ha science. The only thing these politicians know how to do is make a complete and utter mess of things and punish you for not playing their silly games....... and we are all the bigger fools for giving them the authority to deny our basic rights to move around freely....PCR tests from Briland to Nassau the day before Easter....really !? WHERE IS THE SCIENCE IN THAT ONE !?

Posted 1 April 2021, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

happyfly actually one of these the reasons why Texas got rid of its mask mandate is because a fair number of people in the state have already been vaccinated so they could afford to drop the mask mandate where unlike in the bahamas only a few thousand people have been vaccinated so far.

Posted 1 April 2021, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

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