59-year-old man dies from COVID-19

ANOTHER COVID-19 death has been recorded, according to the Ministry of Health yesterday.

Virus-related deaths, officials said, now stand at 210. According to information released yesterday, a 59-year-old man from New Providence died on April 22, 2021 of COVID-19.

This comes after ten new COVID-19 deaths were reported over the weekend. Those COVID-19 classified deaths happened between February 22, 2021, and April 1, the Ministry of Health said in its press statement earlier this week.

They had been previously classified as under investigation and were all Grand Bahama residents.

These include a 64-year-old Grand Bahama woman who died on February 22; a woman, 68, on March 25; an 80-year-old man on March 28; a 61-year-old woman and a man, 56; a woman, 69, who died on April 1.

The ministry said four deaths that were previously reported as non-COVID-19 deaths were reclassified, taking the death toll to 209. Further, three deaths were removed from the deaths under investigation category.

Originally these three people were suspected to be COVID-19 positive, but upon investigation they were found to be negative.

Previously, the death toll stood at 199 after an 80-year-old New Providence man died on April 27.

Currently, there are 30 new COVID-19 cases in the country for a total of 10,549.

That is 23 new cases in New Providence, four in Grand Bahama, one in Eleuthera and two in Exuma.


carltonr61 says...

But they promised us an immediate 10,000 dead Bahamians in 2020, to frighten us into control. Now they are using every death as a boogeyman to frighten us into vaccination. 200 deaths going on two years is less than diabetes.

Posted 4 May 2021, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

we get more murders in 2 years than that, is there a vaccine for murder?

Posted 5 May 2021, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

We trusted them with saving our lives and we burnt our finances, health, children education, no beach, no jobs, no friends no funerals, no church, no kids education, no ten thousand dead Bahamians as bad as it is in 2021 good in 2020. Before they knew what Covid was they were screaming we will get our freedom once the vaccination arrives. We survived but now it seems the script must end with us being slaves to vaccine companies or we starve to death. The EU, Fauci our poodles are screaming from the same script at the same time and the work force of all these nations are under vaccine gangsters gunpoint worst than any evil in Biblical history. What tyrannical monsters are these. Vaccinate or die they are more dangerous than Covid. At least 99.8% of persons who caught it including myself survived. But these murderers threaten all who refuse vaccination. Something is not right here, the solution is deadlyer than the problem.

Posted 4 May 2021, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

TWO POINTS: if you remove India’s numbers from the statistics for the number of new corona cases worldwide, both the numbers of new cases and deaths are down fifty percent, compared to this time last year. And while no one can deny the world is going through a third wave of Covid-19, whilst this wave may be more infectious, it is fast moving and less deadly. And if it is the final wave, the world can have a Corona free summer or fall, at least. TWO: The efforts to vaccinate the majority of the world’s population against Covid-19 are hitting brick walls around the world. Apparently most people who wanted to be vaccinated have already done so or the vaccines are not available in areas where others may want it. But vaccinations have stalled in most developed countries including the United States. Maybe people don’t see the benefits of the vaccines or they are still skeptical. The PFIZER company has moved to get its vaccine fully improved by the FDA. The company believes by moving the drug from ‘emergency use’ to ‘fully approved’. Will remove some of the skepticism clouding the vaccine and encourage more people to get vaccinated. So will there now be a trade war of sorts between the vaccine manufacturers to get more of their vaccines used? These drugs have s short shelf life and one is very expensive to store and transport. They may need your Armageddon..err that should read ‘arm again’

Posted 5 May 2021, 5:32 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

NEW JERSEY is now offering FREE BEERS to persons who take the JAB! How DESPERATE!

Posted 5 May 2021, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Now Pzifer wants to vaccinate persons as young as 12 years. Will you consent? Orr!

Posted 5 May 2021, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

There should be an investigation of reports that fully vaccinated tourists are coming down with full blown corona and having to be taken away be ambulance. That’s after they have been roaming the hotel property for days without masks.

Posted 5 May 2021, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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