Politicization of sports is against the spirit of the Olympic charter

EDITOR, The Tribune

China as the host country has been steadily advancing preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Paralympic Winter Games, which will open in Beijing and adjacent Zhangjiakou on February 4, 2022 as scheduled. So far the construction of all competition venues has been completed. The organization and operation of venues, provision of services and publicity and cultural activities have all been proceeding in an orderly manner. Test runs have been conducted for snow and ice events to make sure that all the elements involved in the competition will properly fall in place.

Providing a stage for fair competition among athletes all over the world, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics are great events for all countries and are eagerly-awaited by winter sports fans of all countries. The solid progress of preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics has been recognized by the international community in general, and the International Olympic Committee in particular. With their support and the support of sports teams all over the world, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics will surely be a splendid event celebrating the Olympic spirit and our common humanity.

The Olympic Charter clearly provides for the independence and political neutrality of the Olympic Movement. The politicization of sports is against the spirit of the Olympic Charter and against the interests of athletes from all countries and the international Olympic cause. Many governments, the International Olympic Committee, and National Olympic Committees including the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee have expressed clear opposition to this wrong approach. The attempt to interfere, hinder, and disrupt the preparations and the holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics by a few politicians in a small handful of countries out of ideological prejudices will not get any support and will never succeed.



Counsellor and Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy regarding 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics


tribanon says...

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Posted 20 May 2021, 6:25 p.m.

GodSpeed says...

The CCP is criminal and arrogant. After the virus leaked from the Wuhan Lab they tried to cover it up instead of dealing with the problem openly. They then used the virus as biological warfare, telling other countries it was "racist" to ban travel from China, then once they cleared the first wave they banned travel from infected nations to China. Hypocrites.

All countries should boycott China after their biological attack on every country on the planet. The Olympic Committee shouldn't get involved, every country should just not show up.

Posted 21 May 2021, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Only an athlete who is most disrespecful of the 12+ million people who have so far perished around the world as a result of the CCP's weaponization and unleashing of the Wuhan virus would even consider participating in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. This one is a no brainer for every athlete who values humanity.

Posted 25 May 2021, 5:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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