Atlantis and testing

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It’s time for society and the world generally to start putting their collective foot down with these anti-vaxxers. If the anti-vaxxers reasons for not taking the jab was based on scientific research and general intelligence all well and good. However, it’s not it’s based on nonsensical conspiracy theories, ignorance and lack of education. There are billions of inherently stupid people inhabiting our planet. That is not open to debate, it’s purely factual. Referring to our education grade of D is proof of this. D = DUNCE. Well guess what there are literally hundreds of now dead Bahamians who would still be walking the earth if they took the jab.

For the D graders this is again purely factual. If you want to grow to the list of the dead be my guest continue to not take the vaccine. I would point out you already have 18 vaccines circulating in your body from childhood. Yes, and you are still alive!! Go figure. Back then there was no internet, there were no fruitcakes flooding the internet with outrageous lies. Back then your parents believed in the experts - oh, for those days to come back! Anyway if you work at Atlantis and refuse the jab and hence put your guests and co workers at risk from contracting this plague of a disease understand Atlantis are 100% correct in making employees pay the cost for weekly testing.



September 30, 2021.


FrustratedBusinessman says...

"would point out you already have 18 vaccines circulating in your body from childhood"

How many of those are viral vector or mRNA?

You are still going to catch or transmit COVID no matter how many gorillian shots you take. There should be a uniform standard across the board : everyone gets tested alike.

Posted 1 October 2021, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"The Realist" like other politically misinformed individuals also fails to realize that this is all political in nature and not "based in science". While the vaccine reduces the risk of hospitalization, it does not stop persons from catching and spreading covid, so this is a stupid article, and the bullying tactic of forcing ONLY unvaccinated persons to take covid tests is ALL political in nature and not "based in science". I agree with FrustratedBusinessman, the only sensible approach is to test all or none. Realist, I hope your grade average wasn't "D"unce.

Posted 1 October 2021, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

What a jackass.
The vaccines have failed. All that is left to do is call others stupid.

But I have observed a few young people walk out of their jobs because they do not want to pay for testing.

Others who have loans or families to feed grin and bear it.

Yes, I had many vaccines, even yellow fever and tuberculosis. But none were mrna technology.

Posted 1 October 2021, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Yes, but even 'back then' the vaccine development methods were considered relatively new technology, but that didn't stop most people from getting vaccinated

Posted 4 October 2021, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> Back then your parents believed in the experts

I used to believe in experts. Until Fukushima.

Posted 1 October 2021, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The big laugh of it all is that Merck Pharmaceuticals seeing the obvious that Vaccines after only eight months of testing have failed created the oral anti Covid pill and is seeking FDA approval. The Big Pharma war has began.…

Posted 2 October 2021, 6:58 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

MERCK was the original creator of ivermectin. Then said the nearly 50 year old drug was unsafe so it could sell a newly patented one.

But, I am glad for it anyway. Might end the vaccine folly.

Posted 2 October 2021, 7:33 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Right on, Realist!

Posted 2 October 2021, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...…

Seems Finland Scientists are querying that natural Covid antibody lasts for at least a year therefore most people -<60 under 60 years of age inclusive of collage students don't need vaccinations. In my opinion,global politicians, mass social media MSM, major news organizations with pharma trillions with trillions to make are pushing one beyond plausible narrative an overbearing hypnotizing 10000%, that every living human 7.7 billion must be vaccinated. multiplied by $75.00. 18,000 scientists the world over oppose 80 year old flip-flopper Fauci, and none could be heard under threat to their medical license.

Posted 3 October 2021, 8:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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